GMRCIACT ;SLC/JFR - PROCESS ACTIONS ON IFC ;02/10/02 22:13 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**22,47**;DEC 27, 1997 Q ;don't start here! NW(ARRAY) ;process and file new order ;Input: ; ARRAY = name of array containing message parts ; N GMRCFDA,GMRCORC,GMRCDA,GMRCITM,GMRCITER,GMRCROUT,GMRCFCN,GMRCLAC K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) M ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J)=@ARRAY S GMRCORC=^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"ORC") D I $D(GMRCITER) Q ;Check for order already being on file . S GMRCFCN=+$P(GMRCORC,"|",2) . S GMRCROUT=$$IEN^XUAF4($P($P(GMRCORC,"|",2),U,2)) . I '$O(^GMR(123,"AIFC",GMRCROUT,GMRCFCN,0)) Q ;no dup . S GMRCITER=802 . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(0,"AR",GMRCITER) ;send app. ack w/ error . K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q I '$D(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"PID")) Q ;prepare reject message (no PID) D ;get patient DFN from ICN in message . N PAT . S PAT=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(+$P(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"PID"),"|",2)) . I +PAT'>1 S GMRCFDA(.02)="" Q . S GMRCFDA(.02)=+PAT I '$G(GMRCFDA(.02)) D Q ;reject message, patient is unknown . N STA S STA=$P($P(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"ORC"),"|",2),U,2) . D PTERRMSG^GMRCIERR(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"PID"),STA) . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(0,"AR",201) ; send app. ack w/error . K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q D ;get ordered item and service . S GMRCITM=$P(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBR"),"|",4) . I GMRCITM["VA1233" D ; proc .. N PROC .. S PROC=$$GETPROC^GMRCIUTL(GMRCITM) .. I +PROC'>0!('$P(PROC,U,2)) S GMRCITER=$P(PROC,U,3) Q .. S GMRCFDA(4)=$P(PROC,U)_";GMR(123.3," .. S GMRCFDA(1)=$P(PROC,U,2) . I GMRCITM["VA1235" D .. N SERV .. S SERV=$$GETSERV^GMRCIUTL(GMRCITM) ;consult .. I +SERV'>0 S GMRCITER=$P(SERV,U,3) .. S GMRCFDA(1)=SERV I $D(GMRCITER) D Q ;error in procedure or service, reject new order . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(0,"AR",GMRCITER) ; send app. ACK . K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q ; S GMRCFDA(.01)=$$NOW^XLFDT S GMRCFDA(3)=$$HL7TFM^XLFDT($P(GMRCORC,"|",15)) S GMRCFDA(6)=$$FIND1^DIC(101,"","X","GMRCPLACE - ON CALL") D ;get urgency to file . N URG . S URG=$$URG^GMRCHL7A($P($P(GMRCORC,"|",7),U,6)) . S GMRCFDA(5)=$$FIND1^DIC(101,"","X","GMRCURGENCY - "_URG) S GMRCFDA(8)=5 S GMRCFDA(9)=$S($P(GMRCORC,"|",16)["FI":24,1:23),GMRCLAC=GMRCFDA(9) S GMRCFDA(14)=$P(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBR"),"|",18) S GMRCFDA(.05)=$$IEN^XUAF4(+$P(GMRCORC,"|",17)) S GMRCFDA(.06)=GMRCFCN S GMRCFDA(.07)=GMRCROUT D ;get and set ordering prov info & entering person info . N GMRCOP . S GMRCOP=$$FMNAME^XLFNAME($P(GMRCORC,"|",12)) . Q:'$L(GMRCOP) . S GMRCFDA(.126)=GMRCOP . Q S GMRCFDA(.125)="F" I $L($P(GMRCORC,"|",14)) D . N GMRCP14 S GMRCP14=$P(GMRCORC,"|",14) . S GMRCFDA(.132)=$P(GMRCP14,"B") ; requestor's phone number . S GMRCFDA(.133)=$P(GMRCP14,"B",2) ; requestor's dig pager S GMRCFDA(13)=$S($D(GMRCFDA(4)):"P",1:"C") I $D(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBX",2)) D . S GMRCFDA(30)=$P($P(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBX",2,1),"|",5),U,2) . S GMRCFDA(30.1)=$P($P(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBX",2,1),"|",5),U) M FDA(1,123,"+1,")=GMRCFDA D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)","GMRCDA","GMRCERR") I '$D(GMRCDA) D Q ;couldn't get new consult # . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(0,"AR",901) ; send app. ACK . K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q K GMRCFDA,FDA D ; file reason for request . D TRIMWP^GMRCIUTL($NA(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBX",1)),5) . D WP^DIE(123,GMRCDA(1)_",",20,"K",$NA(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBX",1))) . Q D ;file activity tracking . N GMRCSEG . S GMRCSEG("ORC")=GMRCORC . S GMRCSEG("OBX",5,1)=^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"OBX",5,1) . D FILEACT^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA(1),GMRCLAC,,"GMRCSEG") D ;print SF-513 . I GMRCLAC=24 Q ;don't print if part of a FWD to IFC . D PRNT^GMRCUTL1("",GMRCDA(1)) D ;send notifications . I GMRCLAC=24 Q ;no alerts yet if part of FWD to IFC . N GMRCORTX . S GMRCORTX="New remotely ordered consult "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCDA(1)) . D MSG^GMRCP($P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA(1),0),U,2),GMRCORTX,GMRCDA(1),27,,1) D ;send appl ack :-( . N GMRCRSLT . D RESP^GMRCIUTL("AA",HL("MID"),$P(GMRCORC,"|"),GMRCDA(1)) . D GENACK^HLMA1(HL("EID"),HLMTIENS,HL("EIDS"),"LM",1,.GMRCRSLT) K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q ; DIS(GMRCAR) ;dis-associate a result from a remote request ;Input: ; GMRCAR = array name containing message ; e.g. ^TMP("GMRCIF",$J) N GMRCDA,GMRCFDA,FDA,GMRCERR,GMRCORC M ^TMP("GMRCID",$J)=@GMRCAR S GMRCORC=^TMP("GMRCID",$J,"ORC") S GMRCDA=$$GETDA^GMRCIAC2(GMRCORC) I '$$LOCKREC^GMRCUTL1(GMRCDA) D Q ;couldn't lock record . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,"AR",901) ;send app. ACK . K ^TMP("GMRCID",$J) Q ; v--check to see if a dup transmission I $$DUPACT^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,12,GMRCORC,^TMP("GMRCID",$J,"OBX",4,1)) Q ; D FILEACT^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,12,,$NA(^TMP("GMRCID",$J))) ; act. tracking D FILRES^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,^TMP("GMRCID",$J,"OBX",4,1)) ;file results K GMRCERR,FDA,GMRCFDA I $$STSCHG^GMRCDIS(GMRCDA) S FDA(1,123,GMRCDA_",",8)=6 S FDA(1,123,GMRCDA_",",9)=12 D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)",,"GMRCERR") ;file last action and status D ;send notifications . I $P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,12),U,5)="F" Q ;DIS from placer before IFC . N GMRCORTX . S GMRCORTX="Remote result removed from "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCDA) . D MSG^GMRCP($P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,0),U,2),GMRCORTX,GMRCDA,63,,1) D ;send appl ACK . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,"AA") ; send app. ACK and unlock record K ^TMP("GMRCID",$J) Q ; OTHER(GMRCAR) ;process most IFC actions ;will process the receive, schedule, DC, cancel and added comment action ; ;Input: ; GMRCAR = array name containing message ; e.g. ^TMP("GMRCIF",$J) ; N GMRCDA,GMRCFDA,GMRCORC,GMRCLAT,GMRCACT,GMRCROL,FDA K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) M ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J)=@GMRCAR ; S GMRCORC=^TMP("GMRCIN",$J,"ORC") S GMRCDA=$$GETDA^GMRCIAC2(GMRCORC) ;get ien to work on S GMRCROL=$P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,12),U,5) I '$$LOCKREC^GMRCUTL1(GMRCDA) D Q ;couldn't lock record . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,"AR",901) ; send app. ACK . K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q ; I $P(GMRCORC,"|")'="IP" D ; status update . N GMRCOS S GMRCOS=$P(GMRCORC,"|",5) . S GMRCFDA(8)=$S(GMRCOS="IP":6,GMRCOS="SC":8,GMRCOS="CA":13,1:1) . ; IP=receive, SC=schedule, CA=cancel, DC=discontinue D ; get last action taken . I '$G(GMRCFDA(8)) S (GMRCFDA(9),GMRCLAT)=20 Q . I GMRCFDA(8)=6 S (GMRCFDA(9),GMRCLAT)=21 Q . I GMRCFDA(8)=8 S (GMRCFDA(9),GMRCLAT)=8 Q . I GMRCFDA(8)=1 S (GMRCFDA(9),GMRCLAT)=6 Q . I GMRCFDA(8)=13 S (GMRCFDA(9),GMRCLAT)=19 Q ; ^--last action taken ; v-- check to see if a dup transmission I $$DUPACT^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,GMRCLAT,GMRCORC) Q ; M FDA(1,123,GMRCDA_",")=GMRCFDA D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)",,"GMRCERR") ;file last action and update status K GMRCFDA D FILEACT^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,GMRCLAT,,$NA(^TMP("GMRCIN",$J))) D ;send notifications . N GMRCTX,GMRCNOT,GMRCFL . S GMRCFL=1 . I GMRCLAT=20!(GMRCLAT=8)!(GMRCLAT=21) D .. I GMRCLAT=20 D I '$D(GMRCTX) Q ... I $P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,40,1,0),U,2)'=24 D Q .... S GMRCTX="Comment Added to remote" ... N ACT S ACT=1 ... F S ACT=$O(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,40,ACT)) Q:'ACT!($D(GMRCTX)) D .... I $P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,40,ACT,0),U,2)=25,$O(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,40,ACT)) D ..... S GMRCTX="Comment Added to remote" .. I '$D(GMRCTX),GMRCROL="F" Q ;sch & rec on filler part of FWD 2 IFC .. I GMRCLAT=8 S GMRCTX="Scheduled remote" .. I GMRCLAT=21 S GMRCTX="Received remote" .. S GMRCTX=GMRCTX_" Consult: "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCDA) .. S GMRCNOT=63 . I GMRCLAT=6 D .. S GMRCFL=$$DCNOTE^GMRCADC(GMRCDA,.5) .. S GMRCTX="Discontinued remote Consult: "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCDA) .. S GMRCNOT=23 . I GMRCLAT=19 D .. I GMRCROL="F" Q ;canc on a filler is part of FWD 2 IFC .. S GMRCTX="Cancelled remote Consult: "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCDA) .. S GMRCNOT=30 . I '$D(GMRCNOT) Q ;don't send any alerts . D MSG^GMRCP($P(^GMR(123,GMRCDA,0),U,2),GMRCTX,GMRCDA,GMRCNOT,,GMRCFL) ; D ;send appl ACK . D APPACK^GMRCIAC2(GMRCDA,"AA") ;send app. ACK and unlock record K ^TMP("GMRCIN",$J) Q ;