PSAENVIR ;BIR/JMB-Environment Check ;9/6/97 ;;3.0; DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY/INVENTORY INTERFACE;; 10/24/97 ; 1 ;CS not installed or not V. 3.0 or greater S Y=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("PSD") I Y<3 D .W !!,"Controlled Substances V. 2.0 or greater must be installed before installing",!,"Drug Accountability. After you install the correct version and setup a",!,"master vault, you can install Drug Accountability." S XPDABORT=1 I '$$PATCH^XPDUTL("PSD*3.0*6") W !,"Patch PSD*3.0*6 must be installed before installing Drug Accountability.",! S XPDABORT=1 ; 2 ;PDM not installed or not V. 1.0 S Y=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("PSS") I Y="" W !!,"Pharmacy Data Management V. 1.0 or greater must be installed before",!,"installing Drug Accountability." S XPDABORT=1 ; 3 ;Kernel not V. 8.0 S Y=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("XU") I Y<8 W !!,"Kernel V. 8.0 or greater must be installed before installing Drug",!,"Accountability." S XPDABORT=1 ; 4 ;Toolkit not installed or not V. 7.2 S Y=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("XT") I Y<7.2 W !!,"Toolkit V. 7.2 or greater must be installed before installing Drug",!,"Accountability." S XPDABORT=1 ; 5 ;PSN not installed or not V. 3.16 S Y=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("PSN") I Y<3.16 W !!,"National Drug File V. 3.16 or greater must be installed before installing",!,"Drug Accountability." S XPDABORT=1 ; 6 ;No master vault. I '$O(^PSD(58.8,"ADISP","M",0)) D .W !!,"A master vault must be set up in the Controlled Substances package before",!,"installing Drug Accountability. After you have set up a master vault, you",!,"can install Drug Accountability." .S XPDABORT=1 K Y Q