ECXPCT ;BIR/CML-Print List of Primary Care Teams ; [ 02/28/97 12:16 PM ] ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;;Dec 22, 1997 EN ;entry point from option W !!,"This option prints a list of all Primary Care Teams. The list is sorted",!,"alphabetically by TEAM name and displays the pointer to the TEAM file (#404.51)." I '$O(^SCTM(404.51,0)) W !!,"The TEAM file (#404.51) does not exist on your system!" G QUIT W !!,"The right margin for this report is 80.",!! W ! K DIC S DIC="^SCTM(404.51,",FLDS=".01;""TEAM NAME"",NUMBER;""TEAM FILE POINTER"";C45;R9",BY=".01",(FR,TO)="",DHD="Primary Care Teams",L=0 D EN1^DIP QUIT Q