ENFAEIL ;(WIRMFO)/SAB-EDIT CMR AND NATIONAL EIL FILES ;12/17/1998 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**39,60**;AUG 17, 1993 ; EIL ; Enter/Edit National EIL file - called by option ENFA EIL W !!,"The National EIL file should only be changed at the direction of" W !,"VACO. If the cost center associated with an EIL code is changed" W !,"then FR Documents will automatically be generated in order to" W !,"update the cost center value in Fixed Assets. A FR Document will" W !,"be sent for each equipment item that belongs to a CMR that starts" W !,"with the EIL code and is currently established in Fixed Assets." EILASK ; W ! S DLAYGO=6914.9 S DIC="^ENG(6914.9,",DIC(0)="AQELMZ" D ^DIC K DLAYGO G:Y'>0 EILX S ENEIL("DA")=+Y,ENEIL=$P(Y,U,2),ENEIL("CC",0)=$P(Y(0),U,3) ; L +^ENG(6914.9,ENEIL("DA")):5 I '$T W $C(7),!,"Another user is editing this EIL. Please try again later." G EILASK ; S DIE=DIC,DR="1;2",DA=ENEIL("DA") D ^DIE ; S ENEIL("CC")=$P($G(^ENG(6914.9,ENEIL("DA"),0)),U,3) I ENEIL("CC")]"",ENEIL("CC")'=ENEIL("CC",0) D . W !,"Since the COST CENTER was changed, FR Documents will be sent" . W !,"for appropriate equipment associated with the EIL." . ; confirm cost center change . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Did you really want to change the cost center" . D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y D Q . . W !,"Restoring the EIL's cost center to it's previous value..." . . S DIE="^ENG(6914.9,",DA=ENEIL("DA") . . S DR=$S(ENEIL("CC",0)]"":"2///^S X=ENEIL(""CC"",0)",1:"2///@") . . D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA . W !,"Generating FR Documents..." . K ^TMP($J) . S X=$$FREIL(ENEIL) . W X," sent." . I $D(^TMP($J)) D FRERR K ^TMP($J) L -^ENG(6914.9,ENEIL("DA")) ; G EILASK ; EILX ; K DA,DIC,DIE,DR,DTOUT,X,Y K ENEIL Q ; CMR ; Enter/Edit CMR file - called by option ENCMR CMRASK ; W ! S DLAYGO=6914.1 S DIC="^ENG(6914.1,",DIC(0)="AQELMZ" D ^DIC K DLAYGO G:Y'>0 CMRX S ENCMR("DA")=+Y,ENCMR=$P(Y,U,2) S ENCMR("SN",0)=$P($G(^ENG(6914.1,ENCMR("DA"),0)),U,7) ; L +^ENG(6914.1,ENCMR("DA")):5 I '$T W $C(7),!,"Another user is editing this CMR. Please try again later." G CMRASK ; S DIE=DIC,DR=".01:99",DA=ENCMR("DA") D ^DIE ; I $D(^ENG(6914.1,ENCMR("DA"),0)),$E($P(^(0),U),1,5)'=$E(ENCMR,1,5) D . W !!,"The first five digits of the CMR name were changed. This change" . W !,"affects all equipment records which point to this CMR." . W !,"The computer will automatically generate FR Documents for" . W !,"appropriate capitalized equipment on this CMR to update Fixed" . W !,"Assets (FAP) with the new department and cost center.",! . I '$D(^XUSEC("ENFACS",DUZ)) D Q . . W !,"Since you do not hold the security key for sending documents" . . W !,"to FAP ('ENFACS'), the system can't send FR Documents." . . W !,"Therefore, the CMR name can only be changed if none of the" . . W !,"equipment on the CMR is reported to FAP." . . W !!,"Checking equipment..." . . S ENCMR("FAP")=0,ENEQ("DA")=0 . . F S ENEQ("DA")=$O(^ENG(6914,"AD",ENCMR("DA"),ENEQ("DA"))) Q:'ENEQ("DA") I +$$CHKFA^ENFAUTL(ENEQ("DA")) S ENCMR("FAP")=1 Q . . I ENCMR("FAP") D . . . W "one or more items are reported to FAP.",$C(7) . . . W !,"Sorry, I must restore this CMR to it's previous name." . . . S DIE="^ENG(6914.1,",DA=ENCMR("DA"),DR=".01///^S X=ENCMR" D ^DIE . . I 'ENCMR("FAP") W "none reported to FAP. Name change accepted." . ; confirm name change . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Did you really want to change the CMR name" . D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y D Q . . W !,"Restoring CMR to previous name..." . . S DIE="^ENG(6914.1,",DA=ENCMR("DA"),DR=".01///^S X=ENCMR" D ^DIE . W !,"Generating FR Documents..." . K ^TMP($J) . S X=$$FRCMR(ENCMR("DA")) . W X," sent." . I $D(^TMP($J)) D FRERR K ^TMP($J) ; S ENCMR("SN")=$P($G(^ENG(6914.1,ENCMR("DA"),0)),U,7) I ENCMR("SN")]"",ENCMR("SN")'=ENCMR("SN",0) D . W !!,"Since a new station number was entered, the computer will" . W !,"attempt to update the station numbers of equipment on this CMR." . S DA=ENCMR("DA") D CMRSTA^ENFAUTL ; L -^ENG(6914.1,ENCMR("DA")) ; G CMRASK CMRX ; K DA,DIC,DIE,DR,DTOUT,X,Y K ENCMR,ENEQ Q ; FREIL(ENEIL) ; Batch Send FR Documents for equipment on EIL ; Input ; ENEIL - EIL code ; Returns number of FR Documents sent ; Output ; (optional) ^TMP($J,"BAD",equipment ien,line#)=validation problem N ENC,ENCMR S ENC=0 ; check format of EIL Q:ENEIL'?2E ENC ; loop thru CMRs that begin with the EIL S ENCMR=ENEIL_$C(9) ; force non-numeric F S ENCMR=$O(^ENG(6914.1,"B1",ENCMR)) Q:$E(ENCMR,1,2)'=ENEIL D . S ENCMR("DA")=0 . F S ENCMR("DA")=$O(^ENG(6914.1,"B1",ENCMR,ENCMR("DA"))) Q:'ENCMR("DA") S ENC=ENC+$$FRCMR(ENCMR("DA")) Q ENC ; FRCMR(ENCMRI) ; Batch Send FR Documents for equipment on CMR ; This code is used to generate FR Documents without user interaction. ; It is called when a batch of FR Documents are being sent due to ; a change of CMR name or EIL cost center. ; Input ; ENCMRI - ien of CMR ; Returns number of FR Documents sent ; Output ; (optional) ^TMP($J,"BAD",equipment ien,line#)=validation problem ; N ENBAT,ENC,ENDO,ENEQ,ENFA,ENFAP,ENFR,ENX ;W !,?5,"CMR: ",$P($G(^ENG(6914.1,ENCMRI,0)),U) S ENC=0,ENBAT("SILENT")=1 ; loop thru equipment on cmr S ENEQ("DA")=0 F S ENEQ("DA")=$O(^ENG(6914,"AD",ENCMRI,ENEQ("DA"))) Q:'ENEQ("DA") D . S ENX=$$CHKFA^ENFAUTL(ENEQ("DA")) . Q:+ENX=0 ; don't send FR when equipment not reported to FAP . ;W !,?10,"ENTRY #: ",ENEQ("DA") . S ENFA("DA")=$P(ENX,U,4) . F I=1,2,3,8,9 S ENEQ(I)=$G(^ENG(6914,ENEQ("DA"),I)) . ; create and send a FR document . S ENDO=1,ENFR("DA")="" . D ADDFR^ENFAXFR . D:ENDO . . ; populate FR Document . . S ENFAP(100)=$G(^ENG(6915.6,ENFR("DA"),100)) . . S $P(ENFAP(100),U,2)=$P(ENEQ(9),U,7) ; fund (required) . . S $P(ENFAP(100),U,3)=$P(ENEQ(9),U,8) ; a/o (required) . . S $P(ENFAP(100),U,5)=$P(ENEQ(9),U,6) ; boc (deleted when blank sent) . . S $P(ENFAP(100),U,6)=$P(ENEQ(2),U,9) ; cmr (determines cost ctr) . . S ^ENG(6915.6,ENFR("DA"),100)=ENFAP(100) . D:ENDO CVTDATA^ENFAXFR . D:ENDO . . S ENFAP("DOC")="FR" D ^ENFAVAL . . I $D(^TMP($J,"BAD",ENEQ("DA"))) S ENDO=0 . I 'ENDO,$G(ENFR("DA"))]"" D . . S DA=ENFR("DA"),DIK="^ENG(6915.6," D ^DIK K DIK . I ENDO D ^ENFAXMT S ENC=ENC+1 . I $G(ENFR("DA"))]"" L -^ENG(6915.6,ENFR("DA")) Q ENC ; FRERR ; List equipment whose FR failed validation ; Input ; ^TMP($J,"BAD",equipment ien,line#)=validation problem Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"BAD")) N ENDA,ENI W !!,"FR Documents could not be created for some equipment items." S ENDA=0 F S ENDA=$O(^TMP($J,"BAD",ENDA)) Q:'ENDA D . W !!,?2,"Equipment Entry #",ENDA,"'s FR Document invalid because" . F ENI=1:1 Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"BAD",ENDA,ENI)) W !,?4,^(ENI) Q ; ;ENFAEIL