ENNEWPKG ;(WASH ISC)/DH-PreInitialization Routine ;8-20-93 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;;Aug 17, 1993 EN ;Entry point I $D(^ENG) L +^ENG:1 I '$T W !!,"Engineering users are active. Cannot proceed.",*7 G ABORT S U="^",ENSTA=$S($D(^DIC(6910,1,0)):$P(^(0),U,2),1:"") S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=600 I $D(^ENG("VERSION"))#10,ENSTA="" W *7,!!,"DON'T SEE YOUR STATION NUMBER. Please check Eng Init Parameters File." G ABORT I $D(^ENG("VERSION")),^ENG("VERSION")<6.5 W !,"Must upgrade to Version 6.5 before proceeding.",*7 G ABORT S ENABORT=0 I $D(^ENG("VERSION"))#10,$E(^ENG("VERSION"))'=7 F DA=0:0 S DA=$O(^ENG("ACT",DA)) Q:ENABORT!(DA'>0) I $P(^ENG("ACT",DA,0),U,2)'>0 S ENABORT=1 W !!,*7,"One or more WORK ACTIONS don't have pointers to NEW WORK ACTIONS." W:ENABORT !!,"Patch EN*6.5*5 must be fully installed prior to installation",!,"of Engineering 7.0.",*7 G:'ENABORT EXIT ABORT ;Abort install (no op) K DIFQ W !!,*7,"Installation aborted. Database unchanged." R X:DTIME EXIT K DA,ENSTA,ENABORT Q ;ENNEWPKG