EASECED1 ;ALB/LBD - CALLS TO ADD NEW PATIENT RELATIONS AND INCOME PERSONS ;18 AUG 2001 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5**;Mar 15, 2001 ;NOTE: This routine was modified from DGRPEIS1 for LTC Co-pay ;Adds entries to FILES #408.12 & 408.13 ; NEW ;check if data in FILE #408.12 ;out - DGPRI=IFN of #408.12 ; DGFL [-1='^'/-2=time-out] N DGRPDOB,DGRP0ND I '$D(DGTSTDT) N DGTSTDT S DGTSTDT=$S($D(DGMTDT):DGMTDT,1:DT) S DGPRI=$O(^DGPR(408.12,"C",DFN_";DPT(",0)),DGFL=$G(DGFL) I '$D(^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI,0)) S DGRP0ND=DFN_"^"_1_"^"_DFN_";DPT(",DGRPDOB=$P($G(^DPT(+DFN,0)),"^",3) D NEWPR S DGIRI=$O(^DGMT(408.22,"B",DFN,0)) I '$D(^DGMT(408.22,+DGIRI,0)) D GETIENS^EASECU2(DFN,+DGPRI,DGTSTDT) Q NEWIP ;Add relation to #408.13 file ; In - DFN=IEN of File #2 ; DGRP0ND=0 node of 408.13 ;Out - DGIPI=408.13 IEN K DINUM N DGRPDOB,DGSEX,I,X S DGRPDOB=$P(DGRP0ND,"^",3),DGSEX=$P(DGRP0ND,"^",2) S (DIK,DIC)="^DGPR(408.13,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=408.13,X=$P(DGRP0ND,"^",1) K DD,DO D FILE^DICN S (DGIPI,DA)=+Y K DLAYGO L +^DGPR(408.13,+DGIPI) S ^DGPR(408.13,+DGIPI,0)=DGRP0ND D IX1^DIK L -^DGPR(408.13,+DGIPI) S Y=DGIPI,DGRP0ND=DFN_"^"_$S(SPOUSE:2,1:"")_"^"_+Y_";DGPR(408.13," ;FALLS THRU! NEWPR ;Add entry to file #408.12 ;In - DGRP0ND=0 node of 408.12 ; DGRPDOB=DOB of relation ;Out - DGPRI=IFN of new 408.12 entry K DINUM N DOB,X I '$D(DGTSTDT) N DGTSTDT S DGTSTDT=$S($D(DGMTDT):DGMTDT,1:DT) S DOB=$G(DGRPDOB) I 'DOB S DOB=$E(DGTSTDT,1,3)-1_"0101" ; use dob for effective date...default = Jan 1 of prior year DIC I $P(DGRP0ND,"^",2)']"" S DIC="^DG(408.11,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ",DIC("A")="RELATIONSHIP: ",DIC("S")="I Y>2,""E""_DGSEX[$P(^(0),""^"",3),$S(DGTYPE=""D"":1,Y<7:1,1:0)" D ^DIC I '$D(DTOUT),(Y'>0) W $C(7)," Required!!" G DIC I $D(DTOUT) K DTOUT S DGFL=-2 G NEWPRQ I $P(DGRP0ND,"^",2)']"" S $P(DGRP0ND,"^",2)=+Y D ACT^EASECED2 I DGFL<0 D G NEWPRQ .W !?3,$C(7),"Entry incomplete...deleted",! .Q:'$G(DA)!($G(DIK)'="^DGPR(408.13,") ;defined for deps in newip .D ^DIK S (DIK,DIC)="^DGPR(408.12,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=408.12,X=+DGRP0ND K DD,DO D FILE^DICN S DGPRI=+Y K DLAYGO S DA=+DGPRI L +^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI) S ^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI,0)=DGRP0ND,^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI,"E",0)="^408.1275D^1^1",^(1,0)=DGACT_"^"_1 D IX1^DIK L -^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI) D RESET^DGMTU11(DFN,DGTSTDT,$G(DGMTI)) S Y=DGPRI NEWPRQ K DGACT,DGSEX,DGRPDOB,DA,DIC,DIK,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q SETUP ; called from SPINACT / sets vars for ASOF tag N FNAME S FNAME=$P($$NAME^DGMTU1(+X),",",2) S ACT=$O(^DGPR(408.12,+X,"E","AID","")),ACT=$O(^(+ACT,0)),ACT=$G(^DGPR(408.12,+X,"E",+ACT,0)) I $P(ACT,"^",2)']"" Q ; never active I '$P(ACT,U,2) D Q .W !,"Dependent has been inactivated as of " .S Y=+ACT .D DD^%DT W Y H 3 S IEN=+X ASOF ;ask as of date N LYR,SPOUSE,DGXDT I '$D(DGTSTDT) N DGTSTDT S DGTSTDT=$S($D(DGMTDT):DGMTDT,1:DT) S SPOUSE=$S($P($G(^DGPR(408.12,+IEN,0)),"^",2)=2:1,1:0) S LYR=$E($$LYR^DGMTSCU1(DGTSTDT),1,3)_1231 ;I 'SPOUSE S LYR=$E($$LYR^DGMTSCU1(LYR),1,3)_1231 K DIR S DIR(0)="D^"_+ACT_":"_LYR_":AEP",DIR("A")="Date "_FNAME_" no longer a dependent" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the date this person was no longer a dependent of the veteran.",DIR("?",2)="This could include a date of death or the date a child turned 18 for" S DIR("?",3)="children. For a spouse, this would be the date of divorce or date ",DIR("?",4)="of death of the spouse. Date must be after the person became a" S DIR("?",5)="dependent, but prior to 12/31/"_($E(LYR,1,3)+1700)_"." I 'SPOUSE S DIR("?",6)=" ",DIR("?",7)="A person should only be inactivated if the individual was not a",DIR("?",8)="dependent at any time during the prior calendar year." S DIR("?")=" " I SPOUSE S DIR("?",6)=" ",DIR("?",7)="A spouse should be inactivated if the spouse and veteran were not",DIR("?",8)="married as of 12/31/"_($E(LYR,1,3)+1700)_"." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S DGFL=$S($D(DTOUT):-2,1:-1) Q S DGXDT=Y I $E(Y,1,3)=$E(LYR,1,3) D Q:'$G(Y) .N DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT .W !!,"Warning: Data will be used if dependent was active at least one day in a" .W !,"year. Data will not be used if inactivation is prior to 1/1/"_($E(LYR,1,3)+1700)_" or it" .W !,"is equal to the activation date." .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Do you wish to inactivate this dependent on the selected date?" .D ^DIR S DA(1)=IEN,DIC="^DGPR(408.12,"_DA(1)_",""E"",",X=DGXDT,DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=408.1275 D ^DIC S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,DR=".02////0" D ^DIE D RESET^DGMTU11(DFN) ASOFQ K DA,DIC,DIE,DIR,DIRUT,DLAYGO,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q