EASECED3 ;ALB/LBD - INCOME SCREENING DATA (CON'T) ;21 AUG 2001 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5**;Mar 15, 2001 ;NOTE: This routine has been modified from DGRPEIS3 for LTC Co-pay ; HELP ; Display information when veteran's DOB is past the income year ; W !!,"Please return to screen 8 and check the veteran's effective date." W !,"The effective date was created based on the veteran's date of birth." W !,"You might also want to check the date of birth for this veteran." W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W ! Q ; WRT ; Write age statement Q:'$G(DGMTI) W !!,"This dependent is 18 years or older. To list this person as a dependent" W !,"they have to be:" W !," 1. An UNMARRIED child who is under the age of 18." W !," 2. Between the ages of 18 and 23 and attending school." W !," 3. An unmarried child over the age of 17 who became permanently" W !," incapable of self support before the age of 18." Q ; EDIT ;CALLED FROM ROUTINE DGRPEIS S DGEDDEP=1 S DGFL=$G(DGFL) S DATE=$S($G(DATE):DATE,1:DT) S X=$P(DGPREF,"^",2) S DGTYPE=$G(DGTYPE),DGTYPE=$S(DGTYPE']"":"S",DGTYPE="C":"C",DGTYPE="D":"D",1:"S") S DIE="^"_$P(X,";",2),DA=+X,DR=".01;.02;.03;.09;S UPARROW=1" K DG,DQ D ^DIE I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!'$D(UPARROW) S DGFL=$S($D(DTOUT):-2,1:-1) G EDITQ S DOB=$P($G(@(DIE_DA_",0)")),"^",3) I DGTYPE'="S" K UPARROW S DIE="^DGPR(408.12,",DA=+DGPREF,DR=".02;S UPARROW=1" K DG,DQ D ^DIE I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!'$D(UPARROW) S DGFL=$S($D(DTOUT):-2,1:-1) S RELATION=$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,+DGPREF,0)),"^",2) S DGX=$O(^DGPR(408.12,+DGPREF,"E","AID","")),DGMIEN=$O(^(+DGX,0)) EDACTDT I $G(^DGPR(408.12,+DGPREF,"E",+DGMIEN,0)) D G:$G(DGFL)<0 EDITQ .S (DGACT,Y)=+^DGPR(408.12,+DGPREF,"E",+DGMIEN,0) X ^DD("DD") .S DIR("B")=Y .D READ^EASECED2 .I -DGACT'=DGX W !,"Use 'Expand Dependent' option to change effective date." H 2 S DGFL=-1 Q .Q:$G(DGFL)<0 .S DIE="^DGPR(408.12,"_+DGPREF_",""E"",",DA(1)=+DGPREF,DA=DGMIEN,DR=".01///"_DGACT .D ^DIE I DGTYPE="S" S X=+DGPREF D SETUP^EASECED1 K DGACT,DGMIEN,RELATION,DA,DIE,DR,UPARROW,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT EDITQ K DA,DIE,DIRUT,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT Q ; HELP1(DGISDT) ; Displays the help for the active/inactive prompt ; D CLEAR^VALM1 W !,"Enter the date this person first became a dependent of the veteran." W !,"In the case of a spouse, this would be the date of marriage. For" W !,"a parent or other dependent, this would be the date the dependent" W !,"moved in. For a child, this would be the date of birth or date of" W !,"adoption." W !," " W !,"Date must be before DEC 31, "_DGISDT_" as dependents are collected for the" W !,"prior calendar year only." S VALMBCK="R" Q