EASECSC2 ;ALB/PHH,LBD - LTC Copay Test Screen Insurance Information ;18 AUG 2001 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,40,45**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGMTACT LTC Co-Pay Test Action ; DGVINI Veteran Individual Annual Income IEN ; DGVIRI Veteran Income Relation IEN ; DGVPRI Veteran Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- None ; ; ** For LTC Phase IV (EAS*1*40) this routine has been modified to ; display the patient's insurance information instead of ; eligibility ; EN ;Entry point D ^DGRPV D EASECRP5 S X="^3" S:$$PAUSE(0) X="^" K DGRP,DGRPCM,DGRPLAST,DGRPNA,DGRPS,DGRPSCE1,DGRPTYPE,DGRPU,DGRPV,DGRPVV,DGRPW,DGRPX,Z1 G EN1^EASECSCR Q PAUSE(RESP) ; Prompt user for next page or quit N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,I,X,Y F I=$Y:1:20 W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I 'Y S RESP=1 Q RESP ; EASECRP5 ; Display the screen ; Note: This section was copied from ^DGRP5 and modified specifically ; to work with LTC. ; S DGRPW=1,(DGRPS,DGMTSCI)=2 D HD^EASECSCU S Z=1 D WW W " Covered by Health Insurance: " S Z=$S($D(^DPT(DFN,.31)):$P(^(.31),"^",11),1:""),Z=$S(Z="Y":"YES",Z="N":"NO",Z="U":"UNKNOWN",1:"NOT ANSWERED"),Z1=15 D WW1^DGRPV W ! D DISP^DGIBDSP W ! S DGRPX=$G(^DPT(DFN,.38)),Z=2 D WW W " Eligible for MEDICAID: ",$S(+DGRPX:"YES",$P(DGRPX,"^",1)=0:"NO",1:DGRPU) S Y=$P(DGRPX,"^",2) I Y X ^DD("DD") W " [last updated ",Y,"]" ;; *** Added for Medicaid information W ! S Z=3 D WW W " Medicaid Number: ",$P(DGRPX,U,3) ;previous $S($P(DGRPX,U,3)>0:$P(DGRPX,U,3),1:"") Q IN Q ; ; WW ;Write number on screens for display and/or edit (Z=number) ; NOTE: This section was copied from WW^DGRPV and modified specifically ; for LTC. The code calling ^DGRPV has been redirected here. W:DGRPW ! Q