EASEZP6M ;ALB/AMA - Print 1010EZ, Version 6 or greater, Cont., Other Dependent Financial Pages ; 10/19/2000 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**51,60,57**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ;New page, to print multiple dependent financial information EN(EALNE,EAINFO,EASDG) ;Entry point, called from EN^EASEZP6F ; Input ; EALNE - Array of line formats for output ; EAINFO - Application Data array, see SETUP^EASEZP6F ; EASDG - Flag variable to signify request to print from DG options ; N FNP,GNP ;MAX NO. ENTRIES PER PAGE FOR EACH SECTION N EASF,EASG ;VARS FOR INDIRECT ^TMP GLOBAL REFERENCE N DEPF,DEPG ;VARS TO LOOP THROUGH ^TMP GLOBALS N DFCNT,DGCNT ;COUNTERS OF NO. DEPENDENTS N NEWPG,SECOND ;VARS TO DETERMINE WHEN NEW PAGE SHOULD OCCUR ; ;Assuming 55 print lines per page, 5 lines per IIF entry, 6 lines ;per IIG entry, plus lines for titles and blank dividing lines: S FNP=9 ;can fit 9 dependents on one page for Section IIF S GNP=7 ;can fit 7 dependents on one page for Section IIG ; ;Find additional dependents from Section IIF S EASF=$NA(^TMP("EASEZ",$J,"DFF")) I $O(@EASF@(1)) D BEGINF ; ;Start printing with 2nd dependent S DEPF=1,DFCNT=0 F S DEPF=$O(@EASF@(DEPF)) Q:'DEPF D . S DFCNT=DFCNT+1 . ;Check to see if a new page is needed . I (DFCNT>1),'((DFCNT-1)#FNP) D . . D FT^EASEZP6F(.EALNE,.EAINFO) . . D BEGINF . I (DFCNT#FNP)'=1 W !?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") . D ADFF ; ;Find additional dependents from Section IIG S EASG=$NA(^TMP("EASEZ",$J,"DFG")) I $O(@EASG@(1)) D . I $O(@EASF@(1)) D I 1 . . I ((DFCNT#FNP)'=0),((DFCNT#FNP)'=GNP) W !!,?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") . . ;At the end of IIF, to find when to jump to the next page, . . ;55 print lines, minus 3 lines for Section IIG title header, . . ;minus the number of lines already used on current page, . . ;divided by the number of lines for a Section IIG entry . . S NEWPG=(51-((DFCNT#FNP)*6))\7 . . I '(DFCNT#FNP)!'NEWPG!(NEWPG=GNP) S NEWPG=GNP D FT^EASEZP6F(.EALNE,.EAINFO) . E S NEWPG=GNP . D BEGING ; ;Start printing with 2nd dependent S DEPG=1,DGCNT=0 F S DEPG=$O(@EASG@(DEPG)) Q:'DEPG D . S DGCNT=DGCNT+1 . ;Check to see if a new page is needed . I (DGCNT>1),'((DGCNT-$G(SECOND)-1)#NEWPG) D . . D FT^EASEZP6F(.EALNE,.EAINFO) . . I NEWPG'=GNP S SECOND=NEWPG,NEWPG=GNP . . D BEGING . I (DGCNT-$G(SECOND))#GNP'=1 W !?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") . D ADFG ; D FT^EASEZP6F(.EALNE,.EAINFO) Q ; BEGINF ; Print page header info ; D HDR^EASEZP6F(.EALNE,.EAINFO) I $G(EASDG) D I 1 . N EZINYR . S EZINYR=^TMP("EASEZ",$J,2,999) . W !!?9,"SECTION VIII - PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR GROSS ANNUAL INCOME OF ADDITIONAL DEPENDENT CHILD(REN) (INCOME YEAR: ",EZINYR,")" E W !!?20,"SECTION VIII - PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR GROSS ANNUAL INCOME OF ADDITIONAL DEPENDENT CHILD(REN)" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") Q ; BEGING ; Print page header info ; I NEWPG=GNP D HDR^EASEZP6F(.EALNE,.EAINFO) I $G(EASDG) D I 1 . N EZINYR . S EZINYR=^TMP("EASEZ",$J,2,999) . W !!?14,"SECTION X - PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR NET WORTH FOR ADDITIONAL DEPENDENT CHILD(REN) (INCOME YEAR: ",EZINYR,")" E W !!?25,"SECTION X - PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR NET WORTH FOR ADDITIONAL DEPENDENT CHILD(REN)" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") Q ; ADFF ; Print out VA 10-10EZ Section VIII, Gross Annual Income information - Additional Dependents ; W !,"1. GROSS ANNUAL INCOME FROM EMPLOYMENT (wages, bonuses, tips, etc.)",?90,"| $ ",$P(@EASF@(DEPF,7),U,2) W !,"EXCLUDING INCOME FROM YOUR FARM, RANCH, PROPERTY OR BUSINESS -- ",$P(@EASF@(DEPF,7),U),?90,"|" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") ; W !,"2. NET INCOME FROM YOUR FARM, RANCH, PROPERTY OR BUSINESS -- ",$P(@EASF@(DEPF,7),U),?90,"| $ ",$P(@EASF@(DEPF,7),U,3) W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") ; W !,"3. LIST OTHER INCOME AMOUNTS (Social Security, compensation,",?90,"| $ ",$P(@EASF@(DEPF,7),U,4) W !,"pension, interest, dividends.) EXCLUDE WELFARE. -- ",$P(@EASF@(DEPF,7),U),?90,"|" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") Q ; ADFG ; Print SECTION X - PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR NET WORTH - ADDITIONAL DEPENDENTS ; W !,"1. CASH, AMOUNT IN BANK ACCOUNTS (e.g., checking and savings accounts,",?116,"| $ ",$P(@EASG@(DEPG,9),U,2) W !,"certificates of deposit, individual retirement accounts, stocks and bonds) -- ",$P(@EASG@(DEPG,9),U),?116,"|" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") ; W !,"2. MARKET VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS MINUS MORTGAGES AND LIENS (e.g., second",?116,"| $ ",$P(@EASG@(DEPG,9),U,3) W !,"homes and non-income-producing property. Do not count your primary home.) -- ",$P(@EASG@(DEPG,9),U),?116,"|" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") ; W !,"3. VALUE OF OTHER PROPERTY OR ASSETS (e.g., art, rare coins, collectibles) MINUS THE AMOUNT YOU OWE ON THESE ITEMS.",?116,"| $ ",$P(@EASG@(DEPG,9),U,4) W !,"INCLUDE VALUE OF FARM, RANCH, OR BUSINESS ASSETS. Exclude household effects and family vehicles. -- ",$P(@EASG@(DEPG,9),U),?116,"|" W ?131,$C(13) W:EALNE("ULC")="-" ! W EALNE("UL") Q