EASGTLKP ;ALB/CKN - GMT THRESHOLD LOOKUP ; 10/11/02 1:23pm ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**13**;MAR 15,2001 Q EP ; N STR,ZIP,COUNTY,STATE,DONE,TXT1,THRSHLD S DONE=0,$P(STR,"=",79)="=" S TXT1="GMT Threshold Lookup by Zip Code or City" W !,TXT1,!,$E(STR,1,$L(TXT1)) F D Q:DONE . D ASKZIP Q:DONE . D PROC Q ASKZIP ;Prompt user for valid Postal code N Y,TXT S DIR(0)="P^5.12:QEM",DIR("A")="ZIP Code" S TXT="Zip Code is invalid; there is no GMT Threshold associated with this value." S DIR("PRE")="I $$CHK^EASGTLKP(X) W !!,TXT,!" S DIR("?")="Enter the ZIP code [5 - 12 characters] that you wish to select." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S DONE=1 Q I $D(DUOUT) S DONE=1 Q S ZIP=$P(Y,"^",2) Q ; CHK(X) ; I +X=0 Q 0 I X'="",X'="^",'$D(^XIP(5.12,"B",X)),'$D(^XIP(5.12,"C",X)) Q 1 Q 0 ; PROC ;Lookup in GMT threshold file 712.5 for appropriate GMT Thresholds N FIPS,DATA,YR,XIP,REC513,REC7125 S DATA=$$FIPS^EASAILK(ZIP) ;get FIPS code for entered ZIP code I '+DATA W !,"GMT Thresholds not found for entered ZIP code." Q S YR=($E($$NOW^XLFDT(),1,3)-1)_"0000" S REC7125=$P($G(DATA),"^",3),FIPS=$P($G(DATA),"^") I '+REC7125 W !,"GMT Threshold is not available for entered ZIP code." Q S STATE=$P($G(^EAS(712.5,REC7125,0)),"^",3) I STATE'="" S STATE=$P($G(^DIC(5,STATE,0)),"^") S COUNTY=$P($G(^EAS(712.5,REC7125,0)),"^",4) D PRINT Q PRINT ;Display GMT thresholds N J,K,TEXT W !!,"County Name: ",COUNTY I STATE'="" W !,"State: ",STATE,!,STR W !,"Year",?10,"ZIP Code",?27,"FIPS Code",?40,"# in Household",?60,"GMT Threshold" W !,STR F J=1:1:8 D . S THRSHLD=$P($G(^EAS(712.5,REC7125,1)),"^",J) W ! . I J=1 W $$FMTE^XLFDT(YR),?12,ZIP,?29,FIPS . W ?46,(J),?63,"$"_$FN(THRSHLD,",") W !,STR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W @IOF F K=1:1 S TEXT=$P($T(NOTE+K),";;",2) Q:TEXT="EXIT" W !,TEXT Q NOTE ;; ;; ;;**NOTE** ;; ;;Family Size Adjustments ;;The statutory guidance governing income limits requires that income limits are ;;to be higher for larger families and lower for smaller families. The same family ;;size adjustments are used for all income limits. They are as follows: ;; ;;Number of Persons in Family and Percentage Adjustments ;; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ;;70% 80% 90% Base 108% 116% 124% 132% ;; ;;Income limits for families with more than eight persons are not included in the ;;printed lists because of space limitations. For each person in excess of eight, ;;8% of the four-person base should be added to the eight-person income limit. ;;(For example, the nine-person limit equals 140 percent[132+8] of the relevant ;;base income limit.) Income limits are rounded to the nearest $50. ;;(Source of information - HUD) ;; ;;EXIT