BPS01P2 ;BHAM ISC/DMB - NPI Drop Dead Date Checking ;04/19/2006 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**2**;JUN 2004;Build 12 ; ; Pre-Install routine for BPS*1.0*2 ; Fileman calls to SCHEDULE OPTION file (#19.2) are allowed ; by IA3732 ; ; Must call this routine at the EN entry point Q ; ; EN ; Remove Automated Registration as a scheduled job as ; this is now called by the ECME Nightly Background Job ; (BPSBCKJ), which is also an ECME scheduled job. N DIC,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIK,DA ; ; Get BPS APP REG TASKMAN option S DIC=19.2,DIC(0)="BX",X="BPS APP REG TASKMAN" D ^DIC ; ; Quit if it is not found I Y=-1 Q ; ; Cleanup DIC variables and delete the option K DIC,X,DTOUT,DUOUT S DA=+Y,DIK="^DIC(19.2," D ^DIK Q