BPS01P5A ;BHAM ISC/BEE - Post-Install for BPS*1*5 (cont) ;13-DEC-06 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; ; Called by the BPS*1.0*5 Post-Install routine BPS01P5. ; ; This routine will convert or delete the invalid usage of globals ; ^BPSECX and ^BPSECP ; It will also delete several ECME files that are now obsolete ; ; ^BPSECX cleanup - Here are the nodes and what should be done ; "BPSOSRX" is the processing queue - Convert to XTMP and delete ; "R" is the BPS Report Master database (obsolete) and will be ; deleted by BPSO1P5 ; "S" is the BPS Statistics database and should not be deleted ; "POS", "BPSOSQ3", and $J were for HL7 packet creation. They ; do not need to be converted and can just be killed. ; ; ; ^BPSECP cleanup - Here are the nodes and what should be done ; "CHECKTIM" - Used for queuing BPSOSQ1. This is no longer ; needed and can just be killed. ; "LOG" - Convert to BPS Log file and then delete. ; EN ; ; Remove XTMP global used for logging errors K ^XTMP("BPS01P5A") ; ; First convert ^BPSECP("BPSOSRX") into XTMP and delete it M ^XTMP("BPS-PROC")=^BPSECP("BPSOSRX") K ^BPSECP("BPSOSRX") ; If the global has been created but the zero node is missing, set it I $D(^XTMP("BPS-PROC")),'$D(^XTMP("BPS-PROC",0)) D . N X,X1,X2 . S X1=DT,X2=30 D C^%DTC . S ^XTMP("BPS-PROC",0)=X_U_DT_U_"ECME PROCESSING QUEUE" ; ; Second, kill off unneeded ^BPSECX nodes ; Note that we need to loop because of the $J nodes. N SUB S SUB="" F S SUB=$O(^BPSECX(SUB)) Q:SUB="" I SUB'="S",SUB'="RPT" K ^BPSECX(SUB) ; ; Third, kill ^BPSECP("CHECKTIM") K ^BPSECP("CHECKTIM") ; ; Fourth, convert ^BPSECP("LOG") ; Note that we are only converting the transaction log (pattern match .N1"."5N) ; and purge logs (type=5). Other communication logs are being deleted. N SLOT,TXTIEN,PURGE,LOGIEN,PDT N TXTIEN,TM,TMP,TXT,TXT1,TXT2,PDTM S SLOT="" F S SLOT=$O(^BPSECP("LOG",SLOT)) Q:SLOT="" D . ; Set PURGE equal to whether the SLOT if a Purge Log . S PURGE=$P(SLOT,".",2)=5 . ; If not transaction log or purge log, delete it and go on . I SLOT'?.N1"."5N,'PURGE K ^BPSECP("LOG",SLOT) Q . ; Create/find LOG IEN . S LOGIEN=$$LOG(SLOT) . I LOGIEN=-1 Q . S PDT="",PDTM="" . I PURGE S PDT=$P(SLOT,".",1) . S TXTIEN=0 F S TXTIEN=$O(^BPSECP("LOG",SLOT,TXTIEN)) Q:TXTIEN="" D .. ; Get data .. S X=$G(^BPSECP("LOG",SLOT,TXTIEN)) .. S TM=$P($$HTFM^XLFDT(+$H_","_$P(X,U,1)),".",2),TXT=$P(X,U,2),TXT1=$$UP(TXT) .. ; If it is a transaction log, get the purge date .. I 'PURGE D ... I TXT1["BEFORE SUBMIT OF CLAIM" S TMP=$P($P(TXT1," - ",2)," BEFORE",1) I TMP?1"30"5N S PDT=TMP ... I TXT1["BEFORE SUBMIT OF REVERSAL" S TMP=$P($P(TXT1," - ",2)," BEFORE",1) I TMP?1"30"5N S PDT=TMP ... I TXT1["START OF CLAIM" S X=$P($P(TXT1,"START OF CLAIM - ",2),"@"),PDT=$$CDT(X,PDT) ... I TXT1["LOG TIME STAMP" D .... S X=$P(TXT1,"LOG TIME STAMP",2) .... I $E(X,1)=" " S X=$E(X,2,999) .... S X=$P($P(X," ",1,2),"@",1),PDT=$$CDT(X,PDT) ... S TXT2=","_$E(TXT1,1,3)_"," ... I ",JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC,"[TXT2 S X=$P($P(TXT1," ",1,2),"@",1),PDT=$$CDT(X,PDT) .. I PDT="" S ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",1,SLOT,TXTIEN)=TXT Q .. S PDTM=PDT_"."_TM .. D FILE1(LOGIEN,TXTIEN,PDTM,TXT) . I PDTM="" S PDTM=$$NOW^XLFDT(),^XTMP("BPS01P5A",2,SLOT)=PDTM . D FILE2(LOGIEN,PDTM) . K ^BPSECP("LOG",SLOT) ; ; If XTMP("BPS01P5A") global created, add top node with purge date I $D(^XTMP("BPS01P5A")) D . N X,X1,X2 . S X1=DT,X2=60 D C^%DTC . S ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",0)=X_U_DT_U_"BPS Log Conversion" ; ; Kill the top node of ^BPSECP if that is all there is left I $D(^BPSECP("LOG"))=1 K ^BPSECP("LOG") Q ; LOG(X) ; Create or find slot in BPS LOG N DIC,DLAYGO,Y S DIC=9002313.12,DIC(0)="LBO",DLAYGO=DIC D ^DIC I Y=-1 S ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",3,X)=Y Q +Y ; FILE1(LOGIEN,TXTIEN,PDTM,TXT) ; Create multiple entry N FN,FDA,MSG S FN=9002313.1201 S FDA(FN,"+1,"_LOGIEN_",",.01)=PDTM S FDA(FN,"+1,"_LOGIEN_",",1)=$TR($E(TXT,1,200),"^","~") D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","","MSG") I $D(MSG) S ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",4,LOGIEN,TXTIEN)=PDTM_U_TXT M ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",4,LOGIEN,"MSG")=MSG Q ; FILE2(LOGIEN,PDTM) ; Update LAST UPDATE field with the last date N FDA,MSG,FN S FN=9002313.12 S FDA(FN,LOGIEN_",",.02)=PDTM D FILE^DIE("","FDA","MSG") I $D(MSG) S ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",5,LOGIEN)=PDTM M ^XTMP("BPS01P5A",5,LOGIEN,"MSG")=MSG Q ; CDT(X,PDT) ; Convert external date to internal ; If date evaluates to -Y, use default date (PDT) N %DT,Y S %DT="" D ^%DT I Y=-1 S Y=PDT Q Y ; UP(X) ; Convert text to uppercase Q $TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") ; ;DELETE OBSOLETE FILES ; For BPSCOMB and BPSEI, we need to delete each node manually ; to prevent global protection errors. ; DEL N DIU,X ; ;Turn global protection off (SACC Exemption has been granted to use $ZU) S X=$ZU(68,28,0) ; ;Remove BPS COMBINED INSURANCE (#9002313.1), which uses an unsubscripted global ;reference to store the data S DIU="^BPSCOMB(",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;Remove BPS INSURER (#9002313.4), which uses an unsubscripted global reference to store ;the data S DIU="^BPSEI(",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;Turn global protection back on S X=$ZU(68,28,1) ; ;BPS DATA INPUT (#9002313.51) S DIU="^BPS(9002313.51,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS ORIGIN OF INPUT (#9002313.516) S DIU="^BPS(9002313.516,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS DIALOUT (#9002313.55) S DIU="^BPS(9002313.55,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS INPUT USER PREF (#9002313.515) S DIU="^BPS(9002313.515,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS INSURANCE RULES (#9002313.94) S DIU="^BPSF(9002313.94,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS PRICING TABLES (#9002313.53) S DIU="^BPS(9002313.53,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS REPORT MASTER (#9002313.61) S DIU="^BPSECX(""RPT"",",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; ;BPS TRANSLATE (#9002313.81) S DIU="^BPSF(9002313.81,",DIU(0)="DS" D EN^DIU2 ; K DIU,X ; Q ; ;BPS SETUP (#9002313.99) 99 N IEN ; S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^BPS(9002313.99,IEN)) Q:'IEN D .; .;'2' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,2) .; .;'BPSOS6*' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BPSOS6*") .; .;'BPSOSM1' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BPSOSM1") .; .;'BPSOSR1' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BPSOSR1") .; .;'BPSOSX' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BPSOSX") .; .;'A/R INTERFACE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"A/R INTERFACE") .; .;'BILLING' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BILLING") .; .;'BILLING - NEW' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BILLING - NEW") .; .;'BILLING LOG FILE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"BILLING LOG FILE") .; .;'CREATING A/R' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"CREATING A/R") .; .;'DIAL-OUT DEFAULT' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"DIAL-OUT DEFAULT") .; .;'EOB-SCREEN' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"EOB-SCREEN") .; .;'FORMS - NCPDP' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"FORMS - NCPDP") .; .;'FORMS - PREBILL' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"FORMS - PREBILL") .; .;'INPUT' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"INPUT") .; .;'INS' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"INS") .; .;'INS BASE SCORES' .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"INS BASE SCORES") .; .;'INS RULES' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"INS RULES") .; .;'NULL FILE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"NULL FILE") .; .;'OUTSIDE LINE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"OUTSIDE LINE") .; .;'POSTAGE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"POSTAGE") .; .;'RX A/R TYPE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"RX A/R TYPE") .; .;'RECEIPT' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"RECEIPT") .; .;'SPECIAL' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"SPECIAL") .; .;'STARTUP' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"STARTUP") .; .;'UNBILLABLE NDC #' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"UNBILLABLE NDC #") .; .;'UNBILLABLE DRUG NAME' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"UNBILLABLE DRUG NAME") .; .;'UNBILLABLE OTC' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"UNBILLABLE OTC") .; .;'WRITEOFF-SCREEN' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITEOFF-SCREEN") .; .;'WRITEOFF-SCREEN ARTYPE' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITEOFF-SCREEN ARTYPE") .; .;'WRITEOFF-SCREEN BATCH' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITEOFF-SCREEN BATCH") .; .;'WRITEOFF-SCREEN CLINIC' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITEOFF-SCREEN CLINIC") .; .;'WRITEOFF-SCREEN DIAG' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITEOFF-SCREEN DIAG") .; .;'WRITEOFF-SCREEN INSURER' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITEOFF-SCREEN INSURER") .; .;'WINNOW' Node .N X .S X=$P($G(^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WINNOW")),U) .I X'=0,X'=1 S X=$P($G(^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WINNOW TESTING")),U),X=$S(X=1:1,1:0) .S ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WINNOW")=X_"^^365" .K X .; .;'WINNOW TESTING' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WINNOW TESTING") .; .;'WINNOW LOG' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WINNOW LOG") .; .;'WORKERS COMP' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WORKERS COMP") .; .;'WRITE OFF INSURER' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITE OFF INSURER") .; .;'WRITE OFF SELF PAY' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WRITE OFF SELF PAY") .; .;'NCPDP51' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"NCPDP51") .; .;'WINNOW LOGS' Node .K ^BPS(9002313.99,IEN,"WINNOW LOGS") ; K IEN ; Q