1 | BPSECX1 ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS/VA/DLF - Create new Claim ID for Claim Submission file ;05/17/2004
2 | ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,2,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45
3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
4 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
5 | ;Create new Claim ID for Claim Submission file (9002313.02)
6 | ;
7 | ;Function Returns: VA<YYYY>=<Pharmacy ID>=<Plan ID>=<Sequence Number>
8 | ; Where: <YYYY> is the year
9 | ; <Pharmacy ID> NPI or NCPDPP of the BPS Pharmacy
10 | ; <Plan ID> is the VA National Plan ID w/o leading alphas
11 | ; <Sequence #> is a unique counter stored in BPS SETUP
12 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
13 | ;
14 | CLAIMID(IEN59) ;EP - Called from BPSOSCE (billing requests) and BPSECA8 (reversals)
15 | ; Check parameters
16 | I '$G(IEN59) Q ""
17 | ;
18 | ; Initialization
20 | ;
21 | ; Get and format the Facility ID (second piece of the transmission ID)
22 | ; 1. Try to get NPI first.
23 | ; 2. If we do not get the NPI, get the NCPDP and left-pad it with zeros
24 | ; up to seven characters.
25 | ; 3. Right-pad the final ID with spaces up to 10 characters
26 | S PHARMACY=+$P($G(^BPST(IEN59,1)),U,7)
27 | S FACID=$P($G(^BPS(9002313.56,PHARMACY,"NPI")),U,1)
28 | I FACID="" D
29 | . S FACID=$P($G(^BPS(9002313.56,PHARMACY,0)),U,2)
30 | . S FACID=$TR($J("",7-$L(FACID))," ","0")_FACID
31 | S FACID=$RE($J($RE(FACID),10))
32 | ;
33 | ; Get the third piece of the transmission ID
34 | ; If the National Plan ID is available, use it with '=' delimiter (new format)
35 | ; If not, it will need to be the BIN with the '-' delimiter (old format)
36 | S THIRD="",PLAN=$$GET1^DIQ(9002313.59902,"1,"_IEN59_",","902.27")
37 | I PLAN]"" D
38 | . F I=1:1:$L(PLAN) I $E(PLAN,I)?1N Q
39 | . S PLAN=$E(PLAN,I,$L(PLAN))
40 | . S THIRD=PLAN,DEL="="
41 | ;
42 | ; If no plan, get BIN and use '-' delimiter (old format)
43 | I THIRD="" S DEL="-",THIRD=$$GET1^DIQ(9002313.59902,"1,"_IEN59_",","902.03")
44 | ;
45 | ; Pad third piece with zeros
46 | S THIRD=$TR($J("",6-$L(THIRD))," ","0")_THIRD
47 | ;
48 | ; Get and format the sequence number (fourth piece)
49 | L +^BPS(9002313.99,1,3):15
50 | I '$T D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("DB,P","TI","",,"Can't lock BPS(9002313.99,1,3)",$T(+0))
51 | S SEQNUM=+$G(^BPS(9002313.99,1,3)),^BPS(9002313.99,1,3)=SEQNUM+1
52 | I $L(SEQNUM<7) S SEQNUM=$E($TR($J("",7-$L(SEQNUM))," ","0")_SEQNUM,1,7)
53 | L -^BPS(9002313.99,1,3)
54 | ;
55 | ; Create the Transmission ID