BPSOSCB ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS/DLF - Prep for building BPS array ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Called from BPSOSCA from BPSOSQG from BPSOSQ2 ; Setup BPS() array which contains all pertinent data to create ; claim Submission Records for the current Billing Item Record: ; ; Input: ; RXILIST needs to be defined - List of Transactions ; Returns ; BPS Formatted array containing data required to create claim ; submission records. This array is shared by all BPSOSC* ; routines and some of the BPSOSH routines as well. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Q BPS() ; N IEN59,IEN5902,INDEX,ENTRY,VAINFO ; ; Set up some basic variables from first transaction S IEN59=$O(RXILIST("")) I IEN59="" Q "320^BPS Transaction not found in RXILIST" ; S IEN5902=$P(^BPST(IEN59,9),U,1) I IEN5902="" Q "321^VA Insurer not determined" ; ; Set transaction multiple into VAINFO array and get top node of multiple D GETS^DIQ(9002313.59,IEN59_",","902*","I","VAINFO") ; ; Set up BPS array for Patient, Insurer, Site and NCPDP record format data D GETINFO^BPSOSCC(IEN59,IEN5902) ; ; Get medication and prescription data for each medication S IEN59="" F INDEX=1:1 S IEN59=$O(RXILIST(IEN59)) Q:'IEN59 D . S IEN5902=$P(^BPST(IEN59,9),U,1) . D MEDINFO^BPSOSCD(IEN59,IEN5902,INDEX) ; ; Set up BPS("RX",0) S BPS("RX",0)=INDEX-1 I BPS("RX",0)=0 Q "322^No claims in RXILIST" ; ; If certification, get certification overrides S IEN59=$O(RXILIST("")),IEN5902=$P(^BPST(IEN59,9),U,1) S ENTRY=$$GET1^DIQ(9002313.59902,IEN5902_","_IEN59_",",902.23,"I") I ENTRY,$D(^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY)) D SETBPS^BPSOSC2(ENTRY) ; ; Quit with no error Q 0