1 | BPSOSUE ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS/FLS - impossible errors ;06/01/2004
2 | ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1**;JUN 2004
3 | Q
4 | ;
5 | ; Deal with impossible errors (errors which should never occur,
6 | ; and which weren't already trapped by M).
7 | ;
8 | IMPOSS(UETYPE,UEOPT,UEMSG,UEMSG2,UELOC,UEROU,UENOLOG) ;EP - deal with impossible errors - called from many places
10 | ; UETYPE = kinds of problems which may have occured
11 | ; ["FM" a Fileman call has returned an error
12 | ; ["L" a LOCK with ample time has failed
13 | ; ["DB" a database error (some missing/incorrect field)
14 | ; ["P" a programming error / some unexpected condition
15 | ; ["DEV" some kind of device or file error
16 | ; UEOPT = options available; first one listed is the default
17 | ; Defaults to "TRI"
18 | ; ["R" retry - retry the operation; log err
19 | ; ["I" ignore - continue as though operation had succeeded; log err
20 | ; ["T" abort - log err and terminate
21 | ; UEMSG = optionally, an additional message to output
22 | ; can be .MSG, and we'll walk the array for you.
23 | ; UEMSG2 = even more message, like UEMSG. In a Fileman call failure,
24 | ; you'd probably send .FDA,.MSG
25 | ; UELOC = location, any number or name unique to the calling routine
26 | ; UEROU = the name of the calling routine
27 | ; UENOLOG = true if you do not want error log entry to be made
28 | ;
29 | ; $$ returns 1 to retry, 0 to ignore
30 | ;
31 | ; Caller may do with these values what he desires.
32 | ;
33 | ; To prevent excessive errors, we won't actually log an error if
34 | ; another one has been logged recently.
35 | ;
36 | ; This routine really isn't as important as it looks. In fact,
37 | ; it will almost never be encountered in practice. Its existence
38 | ; owes mostly to an outrageous ruling made in the name of,
39 | ; but contrary to, the very quality and maintainability that forced
40 | ; errors give you. This in turn led to a significant delay
41 | ; in the release of a product which has been proven to be dependable
42 | ; in practice.
43 | ;
44 | ; Formerly, a zero/zero forced error was found at various places
45 | ; in the code. In 13 months at ANMC, 11 months at Sitka,
46 | ; and several months at Pawhuska, Wewoka, Santa Fe, and Taos, the
47 | ; zero div by zero traps were never encountered, but over $3,000,000
48 | ; in revenues were collected. The ironic thing is,
49 | ; without those extra checking, of things like Fileman return values,
50 | ; sanity checks on input values, etc., the product would have been
51 | ; less reliable, yet it would have sailed through the verifiction
52 | ; phase of the project plan.
53 | ;
54 | ; Forced errors already pervade all of the M language. <UNDEF> is
55 | ; a forced error, for example. And forced errors are an integral part
56 | ; of the design of the very hardware that runs these programs.
57 | ; Follow the anti-forced error policy to its logical end and you
58 | ; go to Intersleaze and say "stop issuing <UNDEF> and instead,
59 | ; prompt the user for the opportunity to continue" and then you go
60 | ; to Intel and say "remove the addressing exception trap from your
61 | ; microcode; our support organization wouldn't be able to cope with
62 | ; the problem report on something like that."
63 | ;
64 | I $G(UEOPT)="" S UEOPT="TRI"
66 | D:'$D(IOF) HOME^%ZIS ; make sure screen vars there
67 | U IO
70 | W !!,IORVON
71 | W "An unexpected problem has been detected; notify programmer!"
72 | I $D(UELOC)!$D(UEROU) D
73 | . W !?5,"The problem occurred "
74 | . I $D(UELOC) W "at location ",UELOC," " W:$X>60 !
75 | . I $D(UEROU) W "in routine ",UEROU
76 | . W ".",!
77 | W !?5,"The likely source" W:UETYPE["," "s"
78 | W " of such a problem " W $S(UETYPE[",":"are",1:"is"),":",!!?5
79 | I UETYPE["FM" D
80 | . W "Fileman has reported an error to the program.",!?5
81 | I UETYPE["L" D
82 | . W "An interlock could not be obtained.",!?5
83 | I UETYPE["DB" D
84 | . W "An inconsistency in the database was detected.",!?5
86 | . W "An error condition trying to open a device or a file.",!?5
87 | I UETYPE["P" D
88 | . W "A condition the program was unprepared to handle",!?5
89 | . W "or perhaps an error in the program logic.",!?5
90 | W !,"A programmer should be notified of this unfortunate event.",!
92 | W IORVOFF,!!
93 | ;
94 | N UECHOICE S UECHOICE=$$CHOICE ; Present the options; get I, R, T
95 | QD ;
96 | D LOGERR ; always log an error (unless too soon after prev. error)
98 | ;LJE;H $R(10)+1 ; could help various things (locks, database conditions)
99 | H 2
100 | Q:$Q $S(UECHOICE="I":0,UECHOICE="R":1) Q
101 | ;
102 | MSG(X) ; display message, directly or in array
103 | I '$D(X) W "X is undefined",! Q
104 | I $D(X)#10 W X,!
105 | I $D(X)>9 D
106 | . N R S R="X" F S R=$Q(@R) Q:R="" W @R,!
107 | W !
108 | Q
109 | ;
110 | CHOICE() ; given UEOPT[letters, UETYPE too
111 | I UEOPT="" S UEOPT="T"
112 | N DIR,X,Y
113 | I $L(UEOPT)=1 S X=UEOPT G CH5
114 | S DIR(0)="SM^",X=""
115 | I UEOPT["I" S X=X_"I:Ignore the problem and try to continue"
116 | I UEOPT["R" S:X]"" X=X_";" S X=X_"R:Retry the operation"
117 | I UEOPT["T" S:X]"" X=X_";" S X=X_"T:Terminate the program"
118 | I UETYPE'="L" S X=X_" (WE RECOMMEND ""T"")"
119 | S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_X
120 | S DIR("B")=$E(UEOPT) D ^DIR
121 | CH5 Q $S(X?1U:X,1:"T")
122 | ;
123 | LOGERR ; log an error
124 | ; ^TMP($J,$T(+0),$J)=DUZ^$H last time we did this
125 | N X S X=$G(^TMP($J,$T(+0),$J))
126 | I $P(X,U)'=DUZ G LOG2
127 | S X=$P(X,U,2) I +$H'=+X G LOG2
128 | S X=$P(X,",",2) I $P($H,",",2)-X>300 G LOG2
129 | I '$G(ZTQUEUED) D
130 | . W !,"No additional error log entry will be made at this time.",!
131 | Q
132 | LOG2 ;
133 | Q:$G(UENOLOG) ; requested: no error log entry
134 | I '$G(ZTQUEUED) D
135 | . W !,"Now recording some error log information to help the programmer...",!
136 | D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") ; trap an error
137 | S ^TMP($J,$T(+0),$J)=DUZ_U_$H
138 | I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D
139 | . W ?10,"..." H 2 W "done.",!
140 | Q
141 | HALT ; halt
142 | D H^XUS
143 | ; at this point, the user is logged off
144 | ; programmer shouldn't reach here, either, if HALT^ZU disinstackifies
145 | Q "" ; <DPARM> error gets you back into programmer mode
146 | TEST ;
147 | N MYEXMSG,I F I=1:1:4 S MYEXMSG(I)="my extra msg line "_I
148 | N X S X=$$IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("P","TIR","Additional Message",.MYEXMSG,"point 1","MYROU")
149 | W !,"returned value = ",X,!
150 | Q