FBAAFS ;WCIOFO/dmk,SAB-OUTPATIENT FEE SCHEDULE ;5/27/2006 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**4,53,71,92,99**;JAN 30, 1995 ; LOOKUP ; Entry point for option to get fee schdule amount ; without having to enter in a payment ; W !! ; ; ask date of service - required S DIR(0)="D^::EX",DIR("A")="Enter date of service" S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT($S($G(FBDATE):FBDATE,1:DT)) D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) G LOOKUPX S FBDATE=+Y I FBDATE<2990901 W !,"Note: Date is prior to VA implementation of RBRVS fee schedule (9/1/99).",! ; D CPTM^FBAALU(FBDATE) I 'FBGOT G LOOKUPX S FBCPT=FBX S FBMODLE=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("FBMODA","E") ; ; ask vendor - optional S DIR(0)="PO^161.2:EM",DIR("A")="Enter Fee Basis Vendor [optional]" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G LOOKUPX S FBVEN=$P(Y,U) ; ; ask zip - required D ASKZIP(FBVEN,FBDATE) I FBZIP="" G LOOKUPX ; ; ask place of service OR facility ;S DIR(0)="SA^0:NON-FACILITY;1:FACILITY",DIR("A")="Place of Service: " ;S DIR("B")="NON-FACILITY" ;D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) G LOOKUPX ;S FBFAC=Y D POS^FBAACO1 I '$G(FBHCFA(30)) G LOOKUPX S FBFAC=$$FAC(FBHCFA(30)) I FBFAC="" W $C(7),!,"Error: Can't determine if facility or non-facility setting" G LOOKUPX ; ; report schedule amount S FBRSLT=$$GET^FBAAFS(FBCPT,FBMODLE,FBDATE,FBZIP,FBFAC) I $P($G(FBRSLT),U)]"" D . W !?5,"Amount to Pay: $ ",$P(FBRSLT,U)," from the " . W:$P(FBRSLT,U,3)]"" $P(FBRSLT,U,3)," " ; year if returned . W:$P(FBRSLT,U,2)]"" $$EXTERNAL^DILFD(162.03,45,"",$P(FBRSLT,U,2)) I $P($G(FBRSLT),U)']"" D . W !?5,"Unable to determine a FEE schedule amount.",! . I $D(FBERR) D DERR ; G LOOKUP ; LOOKUPX ; exit for lookup K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y K FBAACP,FBAAOUT,FBCPT,FBDATE,FBERR,FBFAC,FBGOT,FBMOD,FBMODLE,FBMODS K FBRSLT,FBVEN,FBX,FBZIP Q ; GET(CPT,MODL,DOS,ZIP,FAC,TIME) ; call to calculate Fee Schedule amount ; Input ; CPT - CPT/HCPCS code, external value, required ; MODL - list of optional CPT/HCPCS modifiers, external values ; delimited by commas ; DOS - date of service, fileman format, required ; ZIP - zip code, 5 digit, required ; FAC - facility flag, 0 or 1, required ; indicates if procedure was performed in facility (1) ; or non-facility (0) ; TIME - anesthesia time (minutes), reserved for future use ; Returns string ; dollar amount^schedule used^schedule year (only when RBRVS) ; N FBAMT,FBERR,FBSCH,FBSCHYR ; initialization S (FBAMT,FBSCH,FBSCHYR)="" K FBERR S CPT=$G(CPT) S DOS=$G(DOS) S ZIP=$G(ZIP) S FAC=$G(FAC) S TIME=$G(TIME) ; ; validate input parameters I CPT="" D ERR("Missing CPT") I DOS'?7N D ERR("Invalid Date of Service") ; ; try RBRVS schedule I '$D(FBERR) D . S FBX=$$RBRVS^FBAAFSR(CPT,MODL,DOS,ZIP,FAC,TIME) . S:$P(FBX,U)]"" FBAMT=$P(FBX,U),FBSCH="R",FBSCHYR=$P(FBX,U,2) . K FBERR ; ; if not on RBRVS schedule try 75th percentile schedule I '$D(FBERR),FBAMT']"" D . S FBAMT=$$PRCTL^FBAAFSF(CPT,MODL,DOS) . S:FBAMT]"" FBSCH="F",FBSCHYR="" . K FBERR ; ; return result K FBERR Q $S(FBAMT]"":FBAMT_U_FBSCH_U_FBSCHYR,1:"") ; ERR(MSG) ; add error message to array S FBERR=$G(FBERR)+1 S FBERR(FBERR)=MSG Q ; DERR ; display error messages N FBI F FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(FBERR(FBI)) Q:'FBI W !,FBERR(FBI) Q ; ASKZIP(FBVEN,FBDOS) ;called from payment routines to ask user the ;site of service zip code. ; input ; FBVEN - (optional) internal entry number of vendor (#161.2) ; used to determine a default zip code ; FBDOS - (optional) date of service ; used to determine if GPCIs are available for the zip code ; output ; FBZIP - zip code, 5 digit ; FBAAOUT if user '^' out without answering N DIR,DUOUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,X,Y N FBCY,FBGPCIY0 ASKZIP1 ; S FBZIP="" S DIR(0)="162.03,42" ; set default zip code if vendor available I $G(FBVEN) D . S X=$P($P($G(^FBAAV(FBVEN,0)),U,6),"-") . I X]"" S DIR("B")=X D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S FBAAOUT=1 Q S FBZIP=Y ; ; if date after VA implementation then check for GPCIs I $G(FBDOS)]"",FBDOS>2990900 D I Y D ASKZIP1 . S FBCY=$E(FBDOS,1,3)+1700 . ; if year after most recent RBRVS schedule then use prior year sched . I FBCY>$$LASTCY^FBAAFSR() S FBCY=FBCY-1 . D ZIP^FBAAFSR(FBCY,FBZIP) . S Y=0 I FBGPCIY0="" D . . W $C(7),!,"Warning: ",FBCY," GPCIs are not on file for this zip code." . . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to enter a different zip code" . . S DIR("B")="YES" . . S DIR("?",1)="Geographic Practice Cost Index (GPCI) values are" . . S DIR("?",2)="needed for calculation of the RBRVS physician fee" . . S DIR("?",3)="schedule amount. There are not any GPCI values on" . . S DIR("?",4)="file for the specified year and zip code." . . S DIR("?")="Answer YES to enter a different zip code." . . D ^DIR K DIR Q ; ASKTIME ;called to ask time in minutes if the service provided ;is an anesthesia service (00100-01999) ;return FBTIME equal to # of minutes or zero if '^'/timeout ;return FBAAOUT if user does not answer S FBTIME=0 S DIR(0)="162.03,43" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S FBAAOUT=1 Q S FBTIME=+Y I '$G(FBTIME) D G ASKTIME . W !,$C(7),"Time entry is required!",! Q ; ANES(CPT) ; call to determine if the CPT code has a major category ;of anesthesia. ; CPT = 5 digit CPT code (EXTERNAL) ; returns 1 if CPT is an anesthesia code else return 0. ; S CPT=$G(CPT) Q $S(+CPT>99&(+CPT<2000):1,1:0) ; FAC(POS) ; call to determine if the place of service is a facility ; Input ; POS - place of service, internal, pointer to #353.1 ; Returns 0 or 1 or null ; = 0 if place of service is non-facility setting ; = 1 if place of service is facility setting ; = null value if type of setting could not be determined N CODE,RET S (CODE,RET)="" I $G(POS)]"" S CODE=$$GET1^DIQ(353.1,POS,.01) ; list of codes considered as facility settings S FCODE="^21^22^23^24^26^31^34^41^42^51^52^53^56^61^" ; list of codes considered as non-facility settings S NFCODE="^01^03^04^09^11^12^13^14^15^20^25^32^33^49^50^54^55^57^60^62^65^71^72^81^99^" I FCODE[(U_CODE_U) S RET=1 I NFCODE[(U_CODE_U) S RET=0 Q RET ; ;FBAAFS