FBAAUTL3 ;AISC/DMK-FEE BASIS UTILITY ROUTINE ;5/12/93 13:42 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. HDR() ;this is a supported call to be used by IFCAP to determine ;the System Identifier for the 994 code sheets ;Q $S($P($G(^FBAA(161.4,1,1)),U,10)]"":$P(^(1),U,10),1:"FEN") Q $S($$VER5():"FEN",1:"FEE") ; POV(X) ;determine ien of pov based on austin code ;INPUT: X = pov code ;OUTPUT: ien of active record containing passed pov code or 0 S:X']"" X=0 Q +$O(^FBAA(161.82,"AC",X,0)) ; RCOMP ;entry point to re-compile templates S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=300 S U="^" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Re-compile FB input templates" D ^DIR K DIR G RCOMPQ:'Y S $P(QQ,"=",81)="" W !!?17,"Recompilation of Fee Basis Input Templates",!,QQ S FBMAX=^DD("ROU") F FBX="FB VENDOR UPDATE","FBAA AUTHORIZATION" S Y=$O(^DIE("B",FBX,0)) Q:'Y I $D(^DIE(Y,"ROUOLD")),^("ROUOLD")]"",$D(^(0)) S X=$P(^("ROUOLD"),"^"),DMAX=FBMAX D EN^DIEZ RCOMPQ ;kill off variables and exit re-compile option K DMAX,FBX,Y,X,QQ,FBMAX Q ; UP(X) ;entry point to convert lower case to upper case letters I $G(X)']"" Q 0 Q $TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") ; YN ;called from input transform on Yes - No type fields to allow ;a user to enter: ; 1 = Yes 0 = No stores Y or N ; S X=$E($$UP^FBAAUTL3(X)) S X=$S(X:"Y",X="Y":X,X="N":X,X=0:"N",1:2) I X'=2 W " (",$S(X="Y":"YES",1:"NO"),")" Q W *7,!?4,"NOT A VALID ENTRY!" K X Q ; OUTYN ;called from output transform on fields that are defined as Y/N ; S Y=$S(Y="Y":"YES",Y="N":"NO",1:"") Q ; VER5() ;returns '1' if site is running version 5 of IFCAP ;used to handle record layouts for FMS payments N X ;S X=$G(^DIC(9.4,+$O(^DIC(9.4,"C","PRC",0)),"VERSION")) S X=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("PRC") Q $S(+X>4:1,1:0) ; IDCHK(DFN,AUTH) ;call to check if authorization being paid is ;an ID card. Called during payment process. ;DFN = patients internal entry number ;AUTH= internal entry number of authorization in 161. ;both are required I $S('$G(DFN):1,'$G(AUTH):1,1:0) Q 0 Q $S('$D(^FBAAA(+DFN,1,+AUTH,0)):0,$P(^(0),U,13)=3:1,1:0)