1 | FBCH780 ;AISC/DMK-7078/AUTHORIZATION CON'T ;8/18/2004
2 | ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**82**;JAN 30, 1995
3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
5 | W !! S DA=FBAA78,DR="0;1",DIC="^FB7078(" D EN^DIQ
6 | ASK S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is this Correct",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DIRUT) FBOUT=1 Q:$G(FBOUT) G EDIT:'Y
7 | S DFN=+$P($G(^FB7078(+FBAA78,0)),"^",3)
8 | W !,?2,"....Posting to 1358",! D WAIT^DICD,POST Q
9 | END W ! Q
10 | EDIT W ! S (DIC,DIE)="^FB7078(",DA=FBAA78,DR="[FBCH EDIT 7078]" D ^DIE
11 | G DISP
12 | HELP W !!,"Select one of the following: ",!,?18,"'00' FOR SURGICAL",!,?18,"'10' FOR MEDICAL",!,?18,"'86' FOR PSYCHIATRY",! Q
13 | POST S PRCS("X")=FBCHOB,PRCS("TYPE")="FB" D EN3^PRCS58 I Y=-1 W !!,*7,"1358 not available for posting!",! Q
14 | S FBCOMM=$S($D(FBNAME):FBNAME_" - "_FBSSN,1:"Estimated amount")
15 | D NOW^%DTC S X=FBCHOB_"^"_%_"^"_FBEST_"^"_""_"^"_FBSEQ_"^"_FBCOMM_"^"_DFN_";"_+FBAA78_";"_$P(FBCHOB,"-",2),PRCS("TYPE")="FB"
16 | D EN2^PRCS58 Q
17 | NULL W !,*7,"Enter the reason for pending disposition or an '^' to exit",! G FBPDIS^FBCH78
18 | NULL1 W !,*7,"This is a required response. Enter an '^' to exit.",! Q
19 | ;
20 | DISCH(X) ;X = Pointer for 7078
21 | ;output = patient's Type of Discharge
22 | N Y
23 | S Y=$O(^FBAAI("E",X_";FB7078(",0))
24 | I 'Y Q Y
25 | S Y=+$P($G(^FBAAI(Y,0)),U,21)
26 | Q $S($P($G(^FBAA(162.6,Y,0)),U)]"":$P(^(0),U),1:"")
27 | ;
28 | PTF ;called to create a non-va ptf record at admission time for an
29 | ;authorized claim. Called from FBCH78.
30 | ;
31 | ; input
32 | ; DFN - ien of patient in file #2
33 | ; FBAA78 - ien of 7078 authorization in file #162.4
34 | ;
35 | N FBDT
36 | ;
37 | ; obtain Authorization From Date from 7078 authorization to use
38 | ; as the admission date on the PTF record
39 | S:$G(FBAA78) FBDT=$P($G(^FB7078(+FBAA78,0)),U,4)
40 | ;
41 | ; call utility to attempt creation of a Non-VA PTF record
43 | Q