FBFHLU ;OIFO/SAB-FPPS HL UTILITIES ;08/24/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**61**;JULY 18, 2003 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; PAYMETH(FBCKNO) ; payment method extrinsic function ; input ; FBCHNO - check number ; result is string value ; CC, EFT, CHK ; I $G(FBCKNO)="" Q "" ; no check number I $E(FBCKNO,1,2)="CC" Q "CC" ; credit card payment I $L(FBCKNO)<8 Q "EFT" ; electronic funds transfer Q "CHK" ; all other are paper check ; POST(FBAAIN,FBFLAG,FBMSG) ; Post Exception/Warning ; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; FBFLAG - flag (E or W) for (E)xception or (W)arning ; exceptions will prevent transmit of invoice to FPPS ; warnings will not prevent transmit ; FBMSG - text of message ; N FBI ; determine last seq number used for invoice S FBI=$O(^TMP($J,"FB"_FBFLAG,FBAAIN," "),-1) ; post new message S ^TMP($J,"FB"_FBFLAG,FBAAIN,FBI+1)=FBMSG Q ; STANO(FBBATCH) ; station number extrinsic function ; Input ; FBBATCH - ien of entry in FEE BASIS BATCH (#161.7) file ; Returns station number or NULL value ; N FBRET,FBY S FBRET="" I $G(FBBATCH) D . S FBY=$G(^FBAA(161.7,FBBATCH,0)) . S FBRET=$$SUB^FBAAUTL5(+$P(FBY,U,8)_"-"_$P(FBY,U,2)) . Q:FBRET]"" ; have value from IFCAP API . ; else get from Institution file based on fee site parameters . S FBRET=$$GET1^DIQ(161.4,"1,","27:99") Q FBRET ; LAST(FBAAIN) ; function to return last entry in file 163.5 for invoice ; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; result is string with ien of last entry in file or null N FBRET S FBRET="" I $G(FBAAIN) S FBRET=$O(^FBHL(163.5,"B",FBAAIN," "),-1) Q FBRET ; ;FBFHLU