FBRVU ;;WOIFO/SS-RVU UTILITIES ;09-OCT-05 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**93**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;/* ;Integration Agreement #4799 ;The API to retrieve Work Relative Value Units (RVU) ;from FeeBasis file #162.97 by CPT code, CPT modifier and a date ; ;Input: ; FBCPT (Required) CPT code, external value ; FBMOD (Optional) CPT modifier. Can be a string of CPT code specific ; modifiers delimited by commas. ; FBDATE (Optional) Exam date/time in FileMan format. If null then today's date ; becomes the assumed date. ; ;Output: ; returns a string RETSTATUS^VALUE^MESSAGE ; where ; ; If the CPT/CPT+CPT modifier was found for the date or date/time specified then: ; RETSTATUS = 1, ; VALUE = (#.03) WORK RELATIVE VALUE UNIT of file #162.97, ; MESSAGE = null. ; ; If the CPT/CPT+CPT modifier was NOT found for the date or date/time specified then: ; RETSTATUS = 0, ; VALUE = null, ; MESSAGE = "CPT/MOD not found" ; ; If the date specified in FBDATE is invalid then: ; RETSTATUS = 0, ; VALUE = null, ; MESSAGE = "Valid date not specified" ; ; If the CPT modifiers listed in FBMOD cannot be used together ; to determine correct RVU value then: ; RETSTATUS = 0, ; VALUE = null, ; MESSAGE = "Wrong CPT modifiers combination" ; ; If the database is not available at the time of the request then: ; RETSTATUS = -1, ; VALUE = null, ; MESSAGE = "Database Unavailable" ; RVU(FBCPT,FBMOD,FBDATE) ; N FBYEAR,FBCPT0,FBCPTY0 I '$D(^FB(162.97,0)) Q "-1^^Database Unavailable" I $$CHKMOD($G(FBMOD)) Q "0^^Wrong CPT modifiers combination" I $G(FBDATE)="" S FBDATE=DT S FBDATE=$G(FBDATE)\1 I FBDATE'?7N Q "0^^Valid date not specified" S FBYEAR=$E(FBDATE,1,3)+1700 D PROC^FBAAFSR(FBCPT,$G(FBMOD),FBYEAR,1) I $G(FBCPT0)="" Q "0^^CPT/MOD not found" Q "1^"_$P($G(FBCPTY0),U,3)_U ; ;check if FBMOD contains any combination of "TC",26 and 53 CHKMOD(FBMODLST) ; N FBM,FBCNT S FBCNT=0,FBMODLST=","_FBMODLST_"," F FBM=",TC,",",26,",",53," S:FBMODLST[FBM FBCNT=FBCNT+1 Q FBCNT>1 ; ;FBRVU