FBUCUTL ;ALBISC/TET - UNAUTHORIZED CLAIMS UTILITY ;12/7/2001 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**38**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. CDTC(X1,X2) ;date comparison ;INPUT: X1 = date ; X2 = days to subtract or add ;OUTPUT: date less/plus x days N X D C^%DTC K %H Q $G(X) ; DTC(X1,X2) ;days between two days ;INPUT: X1 = date one ; X2 = date two ;OUTPUT: difference between two days N X,%Y D ^%DTC K %Y Q $G(X) ; VET(X) ;veteran name ;INPUT: internal entry number of veteran ;OUTPUT: veteran name or unknown S X=$G(^DPT(+X,0)) Q $S($P(X,U)]"":$P(X,U),1:"UNKNOWN") ; VEN(X) ;vendor name ;INPUT: internal entry number of vendor ;OUTPUT: vendor name or unknown S X=$G(^FBAAV(+X,0)) Q $S($P(X,U)]"":$P(X,U),1:"UNKNOWN") ; PROG(X) ;fee program name ;INPUT: internal entry number of fee program ;OUTPUT: fee program name or unknown S X=$G(^FBAA(161.8,+X,0)) Q $S($P(X,U)]"":$P(X,U),1:"UNKNOWN") ; PTR(FBGL,FBIEN) ;get .01 value of pointer ;INPUT: FBGL = global root ; FBIEN = internal entry number (DA) of pointed to file ;OUTPUT: zero node, or 'UNKNOWN' N FBVAL,NODE S NODE=FBGL_+FBIEN_",0)" S FBVAL=$G(@(NODE)) Q $S(FBVAL]"":FBVAL,1:"UNKNOWN") ; LOCK(FBGL,FBDA,GO) ;lock entry before editing ;INPUT: FBGL = global root ; FBDA = interal entry number of file ; GO = 1 to continue to try (enter/updates), ; 0 to notify user and quit on failure (edits) ; (optional, if not set will be set to 0) ;OUTPUT: FBLOCK = 1 if successful; 0 if failed ; incremental lock may be issued S FBLOCK=0,GO=$S('$D(GO):0,1:+GO) I $S('$D(FBGL):1,FBGL']"":1,'$D(FBDA):1,'+FBDA:1,1:0) Q S FBGL=FBGL_FBDA_")" L L +@FBGL:2 S FBLOCK=$T I 'FBLOCK G:GO L W:'GO&('$D(ZTQUEUED)) !,"Another user is editing this entry." Q DAYS(X,FB1725) ;number of days associated with a status ;INPUT: X=ien of status in file 162.92 ; FB1725=true if days for 38 U.S.C. 1725 claim should be returned ;OUTPUT: 0 or number of days N FBY S FBY=$G(^FB(162.92,X,0)) Q $S($G(FB1725):+$P(FBY,U,7),1:+$P(FBY,U,3)) ; DISAP(DA1,X) ;disapproval reason for disapproved dispositions ;INPUT: DA1 = DA of top level of record (DA(1)) ; X = ien of disapproval reason, 162.94 ;OUTPUT: none - entry to disapproval multiple if not already there, disapproval reason is active and disposition reason is other than approved. N Y,DA,DIC S DIC(0)="Z",DIC="^FB583("_DA1_",""D""," I $P(^FB583(DA1,0),U,11)>1,$P(^FB(162.94,+X,0),U,2),'$D(^FB583(DA1,"D","B",+X)) S:'$D(^FB583(DA1,"D")) ^FB583(DA1,"D",0)="^162.715PA^^" S DA(1)=DA1 K DD,DO D FILE^DICN Q STATUS(X) ;get status internal entry number ;INPUT: X = order number of status in file 162.92 ;OUTPUT: ien of status in file 162.92 (status file) Q +$O(^FB(162.92,"AO",X,0)) ; ORDER(X) ;get order number of status ;INPUT: X = ien of status in file 162.92, status file ;OUTPUT: order number of status S X=$G(^FB(162.92,+X,0)) Q +$P(X,U,4) ; PAY(X,FBGL) ;determine if any payments have been made ;INPUT: X= ien in file ; FBGL= global root ;OUTPUT: 0 if no payments, 1 if payments S:$E(FBGL,1)="^" FBGL=$P(FBGL,"^",2) S FBGL=X_";"_FBGL Q $S(+$O(^FBAA(162.1,"AO",FBGL,0)):1,+$O(^FBAAC("AM",FBGL,0)):1,+$O(^FBAAI("E",FBGL,0)):1,1:0) ; OVER(KEY) ;determine if ability to override ;INPUT: KEY=security key ;OUTPUT: 0 if not holder of key, 1 if holder of key Q $S($D(^XUSEC(KEY,DUZ)):1,1:0) ; UPOK(X) ;ok to update ;INPUT: X= ien of 162.7 ;OUTPUT: 0 if NOT OK to update, 1 if OK to update Q $S('$$PAY(X,"^FB583("):1,$$OVER("FBAASUPERVISOR"):1,1:0) ; TIME(ED) ;determine if expiration date passed ;INPUT: ED= expiration date ;OUTPUT: 0 if late, 1 if within timeframe Q $S('ED:1,DT>ED:0,1:1) UNTIME(FBX) ;write untimely message - called from input templates ;INPUT: FBX = disapproval reason W !?5,"Claim has been dispositioned to DISAPPROVED" W:+FBX !?8,"with disapproval reason of '",$P($$PTR("^FB(162.94,",FBX),U),"'.",!,*7 Q ; FBZ(X) ;get zero node on 162.7 ;INPUT: X = ien of 162.7, unauthorized claim file ;OUTPUT: zero node of 162.7 I '+X Q 0 S X=+X Q $G(^FB583(X,0)) ; FILE(FBGL,X,FBDI,FBDA1) ;add entry to file or subfile ;INPUT: FBGL = global root ; X = value for .01 field ; FBDI = 1 for dinum entry, 0 or null if not (optional) ; FBDA1 = DA(1) value (optional), if doesn't exist will not set ;OUTPUT: entry is added to designated file ; Y is returned ien^value of .01 field^1 N DA,DIC,DINUM,Y I $S(X']"":1,'$D(FBDI):1,+FBDI&(X'=+X):1,'$D(FBDA):1,1:0) Q "" I $D(FBDA1) S DA(1)=FBDA1 ADD S:+FBDI DINUM=X S DIC(0)="MZ",DIC=FBGL K DD,DO D FILE^DICN G:+Y'>0 ADD K DIC,DINUM Q $G(Y) ; PEND(FBDA) ;check if any info pending for claim ;INPUT: FBDA = ien of unauthorized claim in 162.7 ;OUTPUT: 1 if info pending, otherwise 0 Q $S(+$O(^FBAA(162.8,"ACD",FBDA,0)):1,1:0) PAYST(FBDA,FBUCP) ; unauthorized claim payment status (released+) ;INPUT: FBDA = ien of unauthorized claim in 162.7 ; FBUCP = name of array (optional) ;RESULT: 1 (true) if at least one payment and all have been released ; 0 (false) if no payments or if some have not been released ;OUTPUT: if FBCUP contains the name of an array then that array will ; be populated with payment information in the following format ; array (claim ien) = result ^ number of payments ; array (claim ien, payment file #, payment iens) = batch status N FBGL,FBRET,FBPDA,FBPDA1,FBPDA2,FBPDA3,FBBS,FBC S FBRET=1 S FBC=0 I $G(FBUCP)]"" K FBCUP(FBDA) S FBGL=FBDA_";FB583(" ; pharmacy payments S FBPDA=0 F S FBPDA=$O(^FBAA(162.1,"AO",FBGL,FBPDA)) Q:'FBPDA D .S FBPDA1=0 .F S FBPDA1=$O(^FBAA(162.1,"AO",FBGL,FBPDA,FBPDA1)) Q:'FBPDA1 D ..S FBIENS=FBPDA1_","_FBPDA_"," ..S FBBS=$$GET1^DIQ(162.11,FBIENS,"13:11","I") ..I $G(FBUCP)]"" S @FBUCP@(FBDA,162.11,FBIENS)=FBBS ..I "^S^T^V^R^"'[(U_FBBS_U) S FBRET=0 ..S FBC=FBC+1 ; outpatient and ancillary payments S FBPDA=0 F S FBPDA=$O(^FBAAC("AM",FBGL,FBPDA)) Q:'FBPDA D .S FBPDA1=0 .F S FBPDA1=$O(^FBAAC("AM",FBGL,FBPDA,FBPDA1)) Q:'FBPDA1 D ..S FBPDA2=0 ..F S FBPDA2=$O(^FBAAC("AM",FBGL,FBPDA,FBPDA1,FBPDA2)) Q:'FBPDA2 D ...S FBPDA3=0 ...F S FBPDA3=$O(^FBAAC("AM",FBGL,FBPDA,FBPDA1,FBPDA2,FBPDA3)) Q:'FBPDA3 D ....S FBIENS=FBPDA3_","_FBPDA2_","_FBPDA1_","_FBPDA_"," ....S FBBS=$$GET1^DIQ(162.03,FBIENS,"7:11","I") ....I $G(FBUCP)]"" S @FBUCP@(FBDA,162.03,FBIENS)=FBBS ....I "^S^T^V^R^"'[(U_FBBS_U) S FBRET=0 ....S FBC=FBC+1 ; civil hospital payments S FBPDA=0 F S FBPDA=$O(^FBAAI("E",FBGL,FBPDA)) Q:'FBPDA D .S FBIENS=FBPDA_"," .S FBBS=$$GET1^DIQ(162.5,FBIENS,"20:11","I") .I $G(FBUCP)]"" S @FBUCP@(FBDA,162.5,FBIENS)=FBBS .I "^S^T^V^R^"'[(U_FBBS_U) S FBRET=0 .S FBC=FBC+1 I FBC=0 S FBRET=0 I $G(FBUCP)]"" S @FBUCP@(FBDA)=FBRET_U_FBC Q FBRET