XOBUENV ;; ld/alb - VistaLink Environment Check ; 08/08/2003 08:44 ;;1.5;Foundations;;Sep 09, 2005 ;;Foundations Toolbox Release v1.5 [Build:] ; ; EN ;- entry point ; ;- programmer variables check DO PROG IF $GET(XPDABORT) GOTO ENQ ; ;- operating system check DO OSCHK IF $GET(XPDABORT) GOTO ENQ ; ;- check for presence of obsolete SYSTEM file (#18) DO FILE18 ; ;- passed load check IF '$GET(XPDENV),'$GET(XPDABORT) WRITE !!?1,">>> VistALink environment check completed for KIDS Load a Distribution option.",! ; ;- passed install check IF $GET(XPDENV)=1,'$GET(XPDABORT) WRITE !!?1,">>> VistALink environment check completed for KIDS Install Package option.",! ; ENQ QUIT ; PROG ;- check enviroment for programmer variables ; WRITE !?1,">>> Checking environment...",! IF +$GET(DUZ)'>0!($GET(DUZ(0))'="@") DO . SET XPDABORT=1 . WRITE !," You must first initialize programmer environment by running ^XUP.",! QUIT ; OSCHK ;- check enviroment for operating system (DSM or OpenM) ; NEW XOBOS SET XOBOS=$PIECE($GET(^%ZOSF("OS")),"^") IF XOBOS'["DSM"&(XOBOS'["OpenM") DO . SET XPDABORT=1 . DO PRNTXT("OSMSG") QUIT ; FILE18 ;- check for obsolete Kernel file #18 which is in VistALink's numberspace ; NEW I,LINE,XOBABORT,XOBASK ; ;- file #18 not found IF '$$FILECHK() GOTO FILE18Q ; ;- file found; display user msg DO PRNTXT("INTRO") ; ;- if load, ask if they want file deletion instructions IF 'XPDENV DO GOTO FILE18Q . DO:$$ASKINSTR()>0 TOP,PRNTXT("INSTR1"),PAUSE,PRNTXT("INSTR2"),PAUSE ; ;- if install, ask if user wants to abort install ;- if yes, ask if they want file deletion instructions SET XOBABORT=$$ASKINSTL() IF XOBABORT DO QUIT . IF XOBABORT=1 DO:$$ASKINSTR()>0 TOP,PRNTXT("INSTR1"),PAUSE,PRNTXT("INSTR2"),PAUSE . SET XPDABORT=2 ; ;- if user wants to continue install, ask again to be sure IF XOBABORT=0 DO . SET XOBASK=$$REASK() . IF XOBASK<1 DO .. IF XOBASK=0 DO:$$ASKINSTR()>0 TOP,PRNTXT("INSTR1"),PAUSE,PRNTXT("INSTR2"),PAUSE .. SET XPDABORT=2 FILE18Q QUIT ; ASKINSTL() ;- ask if user wants to abort install ; NEW XOB0,XOBA,XOBARR,XOBB SET XOB0="YAO" SET XOBA=" Do you want to abort the installation now? " SET XOBB="YES" SET XOBARR(1)=" NOTE:" SET XOBARR(2)=" If you choose to abort the installation, please do a global listing" SET XOBARR(3)=" of file ^DIC(18, and ^DD(18, after deleting the file to ensure that" SET XOBARR(4)=" the SYSTEM file (#18) is completely deleted from your system before" SET XOBARR(5)=" reinstalling the VistALink package. If you need additional help" SET XOBARR(6)=" deleting the file, please contact National VistA Support (NVS)." SET XOBARR(7)=" " QUIT $$ANSWER(XOB0,XOBA,XOBB,.XOBARR) ; REASK() ;- ask user again if they want to continue with install (pre-init will ; delete file #18) ; NEW XOB0,XOBA,XOBARR,XOBB SET XOB0="YAO" SET XOBA=" Are you sure you want to continue? " SET XOBB="NO" SET XOBARR(1)=" " SET XOBARR(2)=" NOTE:" SET XOBARR(3)=" Continuing with the installation will delete the SYSTEM file (#18)" SET XOBARR(4)=" using the FileMan Data Dictionary Deletion call (EN^DIU2)." SET XOBARR(5)=" " QUIT $$ANSWER(XOB0,XOBA,XOBB,.XOBARR) ; ASKINSTR() ;- ask if user wants file deletion instructions ; NEW XOB0,XOBA,XOBARR,XOBB SET XOB0="YAO" SET XOBA=" Would you like instructions on how to delete SYSTEM file (#18)? " SET XOBB="YES" SET XOBARR(1)=" " QUIT $$ANSWER(XOB0,XOBA,XOBB,.XOBARR) ; ANSWER(XOB0,XOBA,XOBB,XOBARR) ;wrap FileMan DIR Reader call ; ; Input: ; XOB0 - DIR(0) string ; XOBA - DIR("A") string ; XOBB - DIR("B") string ; XOBARR - DIR("A",x) string ; ; Output: ; Function Value - Internal value returned from ^DIR (0 for No, 1 for ; YES) or -1 if user up-arrows or the read times out. ; NEW DIR,DIRUT,X,Y ; ^DIR variables ; SET DIR(0)=XOB0 SET DIR("A")=$GET(XOBA) IF $DATA(XOBARR)>1 MERGE DIR("A")=XOBARR IF $GET(XOBB)'="" SET DIR("B")=XOBB DO ^DIR KILL DIR QUIT $SELECT($DATA(DIRUT):-1,1:$PIECE(Y,U)) ; FILECHK() ;- Check for file 18 ; NEW XOBA,XOBFIL SET XOBA=0 DO FILE^DID(18,"","NAME","XOBFIL") IF $GET(XOBFIL("NAME"))="SYSTEM",($$VFILE^DILFD(18)) SET XOBA=1 IF $DATA(^DIC(18))!$DATA(^DD(18)) SET XOBA=1 QUIT XOBA ; PRNTXT(TEXT) ;- display user text ; QUIT:$GET(TEXT)="" NEW I,LINE FOR I=1:1 SET LINE=$PIECE($TEXT(@TEXT+I),";;",2) QUIT:LINE="$END" WRITE !,LINE QUIT ; TOP ;- top of screen ; QUIT:$EXTRACT(IOST,1,2)'="C-" IF $Y>1 WRITE @IOF QUIT ; PAUSE ;- enhance readability of text ; QUIT:$EXTRACT(IOST,1,2)'="C-" WRITE ! SET DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press return to continue" DO ^DIR KILL DIR WRITE ! QUIT ; INTRO ;- display message to user explaining file #18 ;; >>>>>>>>>> ATTENTION: File SYSTEM (#18) was found on your system. <<<<<<<<<< ;; ;; SYSTEM file #18 was the precursor to the KERNEL SYSTEMS PARAMETER ;; file and is obsolete. The SYSTEM file uses the same numberspace ;; that VistALink is assigned and must be deleted before VistALink ;; can be installed. You may wish to manually backup and manually ;; delete file #18. ;; ;; If you do not manually delete file #18 and it is still on your system ;; during the installation phase, you will be prompted with a series of ;; questions. The questions will allow you to abort the installation or ;; allow the installation to safely delete the SYSTEM file for you. ;; ;;$END ; INSTR1 ;- user instructions to delete file #18 ;; ;; ;; ******** How to delete the SYSTEM file (#18) ******** ;; ;; ;; 1) From the programmer prompt, go to the FileMan main menu ;; ;; 2) Choose option 6, UTILITY FUNCTIONS ;; ;; 3) Choose option 6, EDIT FILE ;; ;; 4) MODIFY WHAT FILE: // 18 SYSTEM ;; ;; 5) Do you want to use the screen-mode version? YES// YES ;; (recommend using screen-mode because you can exit out without ;; saving your changes if necessary) ;; ;; 6) At the FILE NAME: prompt (which should have the name SYSTEM ;; in it), type @ ;;$END ; INSTR2 ;- user instructions to delete file #18 (continued) ;; ;; ;; 7) It will then ask the following questions: ;; DO YOU WANT JUST TO DELETE THE FILE CONTENTS, ;; & KEEP THE FILE DEFINITION? No// No (No) ;; IS IT OK TO DELETE THE '^DIC(18)' GLOBAL? Yes// Yes (Yes) ;; SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THE ENTIRE FILE? No// Yes (Yes) ;; Deleting the DATA DICTIONARY... ;; Deleting the INPUT TEMPLATES.... ;; Deleting the PRINT TEMPLATES... ;; Deleting the SORT TEMPLATES... ;; Deleting the FORMS... ;; ;; 8) The last step is a global listing to check that file #18 and its DD ;; have been deleted. Here's an example: ;; cor> D ^%G ;; Global ^DIC(18, ;; DIC(18, ;; Global ^DD(18, ;; DD(18, ;; Global ^ ;;$END ; OSMSG ;- Message to user if operating system is not Cache or DSM ;; ;; VistALink has been tested on Cache and DSM. It has not been tested ;; or programmed to be compatible yet on other M implementations, ;; therefore installation will abort. ;; ;;$END ;