GECSVFY ;WISC/RFJ-verify and check code sheet parameters ;18 Nov 93 ;;2.0;GCS;;MAR 14, 1995 N %,GECSFIX S XP="Do you want to check the batch types for errors",XH="Enter 'YES' to start the checker, 'NO' or '^' to exit." W ! I $$YN^GECSUTIL(1)'=1 Q S XP="When a discrepancy is found, do you want me to try and fix it",XH="Enter 'YES' to fix discrepancies, 'NO' to not fix them, '^' to exit." W ! S %=$$YN^GECSUTIL(2) I '% Q S GECSFIX=$S(%=1:1,1:0) D GO^GECSVFY0 Q