GMV12PST ;HIOFO/FT-POST-INSTALLATION FOR GMRV*5*12 ;6/16/05 14:16 ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;**12**;Oct 31, 2002 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; #10141 - ^XPDUTL calls (supported) ; EN ; Driver subroutine D AHDRN,AHDRE Q ; AHDRN ; Create AHDRNEW Index on GMRV Vital Measurement file (#120.5) for use ; by Health Data Repository (HDR) ; Calls HDR API whenever a new entry is made in FILE 120.5 N GMVXR,GMVRES,GMVOUT S GMVXR("ACTIVITY")="" S GMVXR("FILE")=120.5 S GMVXR("NAME")="AHDRNEW" S GMVXR("TYPE")="MU" S GMVXR("USE")="A" S GMVXR("EXECUTION")="F" S GMVXR("SHORT DESCR")="INDEX for HDR" S GMVXR("DESCR",1)="This cross-reference calls a Health Data Repository (HDR) API whenever a" S GMVXR("DESCR",2)="new entry is created." S GMVXR("DESCR",3)=" " S GMVXR("DESCR",4)="No actual cross-reference nodes are set or killed." S GMVXR("DESCR",5)=" " S GMVXR("DESCR",6)="Calls to the VDEFQM routine are covered by Integration Agreement 4253." S GMVXR("DESCR",7)="Calls to the VADPT routine are covered by Integration Agreement 3744." S GMVXR("DESCR",8)="Use of the XDRDVALF variable is covered by Integration Agreement 4690." S GMVXR("SET")="Q:$D(DIU(0))!($$TESTPAT^VADPT($P(^GMR(120.5,DA,0),U,2)))!($G(XDRDVALF)=1) N ERR,GMVFLAG I $T(QUEUE^VDEFQM)]"""" S GMVFLAG=$$QUEUE^VDEFQM(""ORU^R01"",""SUBTYPE=VTLS^IEN=""_DA,.ERR)" S GMVXR("KILL")="Q" S GMVXR("WHOLE KILL")="Q" S GMVXR("SET CONDITION")="I X1(1)="""",X2(1)'="""" S X=1" S GMVXR("VAL",1)=.02 D CREIXN^DDMOD(.GMVXR,"k",.GMVRES,"GMVOUT") I GMVRES="" D .D BMES^XPDUTL("The AHDRNEW Index was not added to FILE 120.5. Please enter a Remedy ticket.") .Q Q ; AHDRE ; Create AHDRERR Index on GMRV Vital Measurement file (#120.5) for use ; by Health Data Repository (HDR) ; Calls HDR API whenever a FILE 120.5 entry is marked as an error N GMVXR,GMVRES,GMVOUT S GMVXR("ACTIVITY")="" S GMVXR("FILE")=120.5 S GMVXR("NAME")="AHDRERR" S GMVXR("TYPE")="MU" S GMVXR("USE")="A" S GMVXR("EXECUTION")="F" S GMVXR("SHORT DESCR")="INDEX for HDR" S GMVXR("DESCR",1)="This cross-reference calls a Health Data Repository (HDR) API whenever a" S GMVXR("DESCR",2)="FILE 120.5 entry is marked as entered-in-error." S GMVXR("DESCR",3)=" " S GMVXR("DESCR",4)="No actual cross-reference nodes are set or killed." S GMVXR("DESCR",5)=" " S GMVXR("DESCR",6)="Calls to the VDEFQM routine are covered by Integration Agreement 4253." S GMVXR("DESCR",7)="Calls to the VADPT routine are covered by Integration Agreement 3744." S GMVXR("DESCR",8)="Use of the XDRDVALF variable is covered by Integration Agreement 4690." S GMVXR("SET")="Q:$D(DIU(0))!($$TESTPAT^VADPT($P(^GMR(120.5,DA,0),U,2)))!($G(XDRDVALF)=1) N ERR,GMVFLAG I $T(QUEUE^VDEFQM)]"""" S GMVFLAG=$$QUEUE^VDEFQM(""ORU^R01"",""SUBTYPE=VTLS^IEN=""_DA,.ERR)" S GMVXR("KILL")="Q" S GMVXR("WHOLE KILL")="Q" S GMVXR("SET CONDITION")="I X1(1)="""",X2(1)]"""" S X=1" S GMVXR("VAL",1)=2 D CREIXN^DDMOD(.GMVXR,"k",.GMVRES,"GMVOUT") I GMVRES="" D .D BMES^XPDUTL("The AHDRERR Index was not added to FILE 120.5. Please enter a Remedy ticket.") .Q Q