GMV5ENV ;HIOFO/FT-GMRV*5*5 ENVIRONMENT CHECK ROUTINE ;11/23/04 11:21 ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;**5**;Oct 31, 2002 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; #10048 - PACKAGE file (9.4) (supported) ; #10141 - ^XPDUTL calls (supported) ; EN ; If FILE 9.4 entry is not "GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS", make it so. ; If more than one entry for package in FILE 9.4 and none are ; "GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS", then stop installation. ; N GMVARRAY,GMVCNT,GMVDA,GMVERR,GMVIEN,GMVLOOP,GMVMSG,GMVNAME,GMVNS,GMVOTHER,GMVYES S (GMVCNT,GMVOTHER(0),GMVYES)=0,GMVNS="GMRV" D FIND^DIC(9.4,"","","X",GMVNS,"","C","","","GMVARRAY","GMVERR") S GMVLOOP=0 F S GMVLOOP=$O(GMVARRAY("DILIST",1,GMVLOOP)) Q:GMVLOOP'>0!(GMVYES>0) D .S GMVNAME=$G(GMVARRAY("DILIST",1,GMVLOOP)) Q:GMVNAME="" .I GMVNAME="GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS" D Q ;found the right entry ..S GMVYES=+$G(GMVARRAY("DILIST",2,GMVLOOP)) ..Q .I GMVNAME'="GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS" D Q ;wrong name ..S GMVCNT=GMVCNT+1 ..S GMVOTHER(0)=GMVCNT ..S GMVOTHER(GMVCNT)=+$G(GMVARRAY("DILIST",2,GMVLOOP)) ..Q .Q Q:GMVYES ;right entry found in FILE 9.4 ; If only one entry in FILE 9.4 and it isn't "GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS", ; then change it. I GMVOTHER(0)=1 D Q .S GMVIEN=+$G(GMVOTHER(1)) .S GMVDA(9.4,GMVIEN_",",.01)="GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS" .D FILE^DIE("","GMVDA","GMVERR") .I $G(GMVERR) D Q ..S GMVMSG="Could not change FILE 9.4 entry #"_GMVIEN_" to 'GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS'. Please log a NOIS." ..D BMES^XPDUTL(GMVMSG) ..S XPDQUIT=2 ;don't install patch, but leave in XTMP global ..Q .Q I GMVOTHER(0)>1 D .D BMES^XPDUTL("None of the FILE 9.4 entries have the correct name for the vitals package. Please log a NOIS.") .S XPDQUIT=2 ;don't install patch, but leave in XTMP global .Q Q