GMVUTL1 ;HOIFO/YH,FT-EXTRACT CLINIC LIST AND MARK VITALS ENTERED IN ERROR ;6/11/03 09:25 ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;**1,3**;Oct 31, 2002 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; #1246 - WIN^DGPMDDCF (supported) ; #10039 - FILE 42 references (supported) ; #10040 - ^SC( references (supported) ; #10060 - FILE 200 fields (supported) ; #10090 - FILE 4 references (supported) ; #10104 - ^XLFSTR calls (supported) ; ; This routine supports the following IAs: ; #4414 - GMV MARK ERROR RPC is called at ERROR (private) ; ERROR(RESULT,GMVDATA) ;GMV MARK ERROR [RPC entry point] ;GMVDATA CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING DATA: ;FILE # 120.5 IEN^DUZ^INCORRECT DATE/TIME^INCORRECT READING^INCORRECT ;PATIENT^INVALID RECORD N GMVFDA,GMVIEN,GMVIENS I '$D(^GMR(120.5,+GMVDATA,0))#2 S RESULT="ERROR: Record Not Found" Q S GMVIENS=(+GMVDATA)_"," S GMVFDA(120.5,GMVIENS,2)=1 S GMVFDA(120.5,GMVIENS,3)=$P(GMVDATA,"^",2) S GMVFDA(120.506,"+1,"_GMVIENS,.01)=$P(GMVDATA,"^",3) D UPDATE^DIE("","GMVFDA","GMVIEN") S RESULT="OK" Q ; ACTLOC(LOC) ; Function: returns TRUE if active hospital location N D0,X I +$G(^SC(LOC,"OOS")) Q 0 ; screen out OOS entry S D0=+$G(^SC(LOC,42)) I D0 D WIN^DGPMDDCF Q 'X ; chk out of svc wards S X=$G(^SC(LOC,"I")) I +X=0 Q 1 ; no inactivate date I DT>$P(X,U)&($P(X,U,2)=""!(DT<$P(X,U,2))) Q 0 ; chk reactivate date Q 1 ; must still be active ; PERSON(X) ;RETURN PERSON'S NAME FROM FILE #200. N GMVNAME Q:'X "" S GMVNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(200,X,.01,"E") Q $S(GMVNAME'="":GMVNAME,1:"") FILLER(L,S,STRING) ; Returns the number of filler characters desired. ; L - larger number ; S - smaller number ; STRING - string of same characters (e.g., spaces) ; Use spaces if STRING is not defined. I $L(STRING)=0 S STRING=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",79) ;line of spaces Q $E(STRING,1,L-S) ; HOSPLOC(GMVWARD) ; Function returns Hospital Location IEN for a ward ; Input: ; GMVWARD - Ward (FILE 42) IEN ; Returns: ; Hospital Location (FILE 44) IEN for the ward ; If GMVWARD'>0 or not found, then returns "" (null) I $G(GMVWARD)'>0 Q "" ;illegal ward ien Q $P($G(^DIC(42,+GMVWARD,44)),"^") ; DIVISION(GMVLOC) ; Function returns Division name for Hospital Location ; (FILE 44) IEN ; Input: ; GMVLOC - Hospital Location (FILE 44) IEN ; Returns: ; Division name (FILE 4) associated with that Hospital Location ; If GMVLOC'>0 or not found, then returns "" (null) I $G(GMVLOC)'>0 Q "" ;illegal hospital location Q $S(GMVLOC>0:$$GET1^DIQ(4,+$$GET1^DIQ(44,+GMVLOC,3,"I"),.01,"I"),1:"") ;