GMRVPCE0 ;HIOFO/RM,FT-Data Event Driver for Vitals ;3/7/05 10:34 ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;**8**;Oct 31, 2002 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; ; VALIDATE(GMRVDAT) ; Given the array GMRVDAT passed in by PCE Device ; Interface (by reference, i.e., D VALIDATE^GMRVPCE0(.ARRAY)), whose ; format is described in the PCE Device Interface documentation, this ; procedure will validate the Vitals data. If the data is invalid, ; the procedure will return GMRVDAT("ERROR") as described in the PCE ; Device Interface documentation. ; Q:$D(GMRVDAT("ERROR")) D PCE^GMRVPCE1(0) Q STORE(GMRVDAT) ; Given vitals data passed in the GMRVDAT array, this ; procedure will store that data in the GMRV Patient Measurements ; (120.5) file. ; Q:$D(GMRVDAT("ERROR")) D PCE^GMRVPCE1(1) Q HELP(GMRVTYP,GMRVARRY) ; This procedure will return help for a particular ; measurement type in an array. ; Input ; Variables: GMRVTYP=Type of measurement (abbreviation ; (req.) from PCE Device Interface Specification). ; GMRVARR=Closed array reference of array to return ; (opt.) help in. If this variable is not specified, ; help is returned in ^TMP($J,"GMRVHELP"). ; Q:'$$VMTYPES(GMRVTYP) I $G(GMRVARRY)="" S GMRVARRY="^TMP($J,""GMRVHELP"")" D HELP^GMRVPCE2(GMRVTYP,GMRVARRY) Q RATECHK(GMRVTYP,GMRVRATE,GMRVUNIT) ; Extrinsic function to validate the ; rate for a particular measurement ; Input ; Variables: GMRVTYP=Type of measurement (abbreviation ; (req.) from PCE Device Interface Specification). ; GMRVRATE=Measurement rate to be validated. ; (req.) ; GMRVUNIT=Unit of measurement for rate, if specified. ; (opt.) ; Function value: 1 if rate is valid. ; 0 if rate is invalid. ; N GMRVFXN S GMRVFXN=0 I $$VMTYPES(GMRVTYP),$G(GMRVRATE)]"" D . I $G(GMRVUNIT)]"" S GMRVRATE=$$UNITRATE^GMRVPCE3(GMRVTYP,GMRVRATE,GMRVUNIT) . I $G(GMRVRATE)]"" S GMRVFXN=$$VALID^GMRVPCE3(GMRVTYP,GMRVRATE) . Q Q GMRVFXN VMTYPES(TYPE) ; This function returns one if TYPE is a valid selection. ; from the PCE Device Interface Specification. Q "^AUD^BP^HT^TMP^WT^FT^FH^HE^PU^RS^TON^VC^VU^PN^"[(U_TYPE_U) ;