GMRVXENV ;HIRMFO/RM-ENVIRONMENT CHECK FOR VITALS ;7/18/96 ;;4.0;Vitals/Measurements;;Apr 25, 1997 EN1 ; environment check for the vitals package N GMRV S GMRV=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("REGISTRATION") I GMRV<5.3 W !!,"PIMS (MAS) V5.3 OR GREATER IS REQUIRED - INSTALL ABORTED!" S XPDABORT=2 Q S GMRV=+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("GMRV") I GMRV>0,GMRV<3 W !!,"GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS V3.0 is required",!,"prior to the installation of V4.0 - INSTALL ABORTED!" S XPDABORT=2 Q I GMRV=3,+$$PATCH^XPDUTL("GMRV*3.0*3")=0 W !!,"GMRV*3*3 is required prior to the installation of v4.0 - Install aborted!" S XPDABORT=2 Q ; Q:+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("GMRV")'>0 ;quit if virgin install K GMRVIEN,GMRVERR ; how many V/M entries in Package File (#9.4) D FIND^DIC(9.4,"","","X","GMRV","","C","","","GMRVIEN","GMRVERR") ; quit if FileMan lookup errors out I +$G(GMRVERR("DIERR")) D S GMRVSTOP=1 D KILL Q .K GMRVMSG .S GMRVMSG(1)="Error trying to lookup Vitals/Measurements in the PACKAGE (#9.4) file." .S GMRVMSG(2)="Halting." .D BMES^XPDUTL(.GMRVMSG) .Q ; delete duplicates ; keep GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS entry S GMRVSEQ=0 F S GMRVSEQ=$O(GMRVIEN("DILIST",1,GMRVSEQ)) Q:GMRVSEQ'>0 D . S GMRVNAME=$G(GMRVIEN("DILIST",1,GMRVSEQ)) Q:GMRVNAME="" . I GMRVNAME="GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS" Q . S DA=$G(GMRVIEN("DILIST",2,GMRVSEQ)) . I DA S DIK="^DIC(9.4," D ^DIK . Q KILL ; S:$G(GMRVSTOP) XPDABORT=2 ;don't install transport global/leave in ^XTMP K DA,DIK,GMRVERR,GMRVIEN,GMRVMSG,GMRVNAME,GMRVSEQ,X,Y Q