HLCSUTL ;ALB/MTC - CS Utility Routines ;05/31/2000 13:34 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**2,19,58,64,65**;Oct 13, 1995 ; Q ; READ(HLDHANG,HLDBSIZE,HLTRM) ; This function will perform a read on the device and ; return the characters read and the termination character. ; ; INPUT : HLDHANG - TimeOut for read ; HLDBSIZE- Block Size for read ; HLTRM - Passed by reference to return termination char ; OUTPUT: - Ok ; -1^TIMEOUT : fails ; N RESULT,X,Y ; K HLTOUT ;-- do read U IO R X#HLDBSIZE:HLDHANG I '$T S RESULT="-1^TIMEOUT" G READQ X ^%ZOSF("TRMRD") S HLTRM=Y S RESULT=X ; READQ Q RESULT ; NEXTLINE(LL0,LL1,LINE,ARR,QUE) ; This function will return the next line from the ; Logical Link file #870 specified by LL0 and the position in the queue ; specified by QUE at the position LL1. This function will return the ; line in the array specifed by ARR. And the position in the WP ; field where the last part of the segment was found. ; Lastly a will be appended to the end of the segment ; ; INPUT : ; LL0 - IFN of logical link ; LL1 - Position in QUE to begin search for next line ; LINE- Last line position, "" will return first line ; ARR - Array to store next line. The output will be in the ; following format ARR(1), ARR(2) ; QUE - Will specify "IN" or "OUT" queue to pull data from ; ; OUTPUT: ; ARR - As specified above ; RESULT - Position last segment was found or "" if no line ; was found. ; ; N RESULT,HLQUE,X,I S RESULT="",HLQUE=$S(QUE="IN":1,QUE="OUT":2,1:"") ;-- start looking for next line S X=+LINE,I=0 F S X=$O(^HLCS(870,LL0,HLQUE,LL1,1,X)) Q:'X D I $G(^HLCS(870,LL0,HLQUE,LL1,1,X,0))="" S RESULT=X,@ARR@(I)=@ARR@(I)_$C(13) Q . I $D(^HLCS(870,LL0,HLQUE,LL1,1,X,0)),^(0)'="" S I=I+1,@ARR@(I)=$G(^HLCS(870,LL0,HLQUE,LL1,1,X,0)) ; Q RESULT ; FLD(NODE,FLD) ;This function will return the value for the field ;INPUT: NODE=HLNODE from the HLNEXT call, passed by reference ; FLD=field position in segment ; HL("FS") must be defined ;OUTPUT: value for the field in this segment Q:$G(HL("FS"))=""!($G(NODE)="")!('$G(FLD)) "" N I,L,L1,X,Y S NODE(0)=NODE,L=0,Y=1,X="" ;Y=begining piece of each node, L1=number of pieces in each node ;L=last piece in each node, quit when last piece is greater than FLD F I=0:1 Q:'$D(NODE(I)) S L1=$L(NODE(I),HL("FS")),L=L1+Y-1 D Q:Y>FLD . ;if FLD is less than last piece, this node has field you want . S:FLD'>L X=X_$P(NODE(I),HL("FS"),(FLD-Y+1)) . S Y=L K NODE(0) Q X ; CHKSUM(HLTEXT) ; This function will return the checksum for the segment ; contained in the array ARR. If no checksum can be calculated an -1 ; will be returned. ; ; INPUT - HLTEXT the name of the array to be used in the calulation ; of the checksum. The format is ARR(1,N),...ARR(M,N) ; OUTPUT - Decimal checksum %ZOSF("LPC")^Lenght of segment ; N RESULT,LEN,X,X1,X2,X3,Y,I S RESULT="",LEN=0,X1=0 ; F S X1=$O(@HLTEXT@(X1)) Q:'X1 S X=@HLTEXT@(X1),X2=$D(@HLTEXT@(X1)),LEN=LEN+$L(X) D . X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S RESULT=RESULT_$C(Y) . I X2=11 S X3=0 F S X3=$O(@HLTEXT@(X1,X3)) Q:'X3 D .. S X=@HLTEXT@(X1,X3),LEN=LEN+$L(X) X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S RESULT=RESULT_$C(Y) ; S X=RESULT X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S RESULT=Y Q RESULT_"^"_LEN ; CHKSUM2(HLTEXT) ; *** Add in *** This function will return the checksum for the segment ; contained in the array ARR. If no checksum can be calculated an -1 ; will be returned. ; ; INPUT - HLTEXT the name of the array to be used in the calulation ; of the checksum. The format is ARR(1,N),...ARR(M,N) ; OUTPUT - Decimal checksum %ZOSF("LPC")^Lenght of segment ; N RESULT,LEN,X,X1,X2,X3,Y,I S RESULT="",LEN=0,X1=0 ; F S X1=$O(@HLTEXT@(X1)) Q:'X1 S X=@HLTEXT@(X1),X2=$D(@HLTEXT@(X1)),LEN=LEN+$L(X) D . X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S RESULT=RESULT_$C(Y) . I X2=1 S RESULT=RESULT_$C(13),LEN=LEN+1 Q . I X2=11 S X3=0 F S X3=$O(@HLTEXT@(X1,X3)) Q:'X3 D .. S X=@HLTEXT@(X1,X3),LEN=LEN+$L(X) X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S RESULT=RESULT_$C(Y) ..I $O(@HLTEXT@(X1,X3))="" S RESULT=RESULT_$C(13),LEN=LEN+1 ; S X=RESULT X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S RESULT=Y Q RESULT_"^"_LEN ; APPEND(HLTEXT,LL0,LL1) ; This function will append the data contained in ; the HLTEXT array into the IN queue multiple (LL1) of the Logical ; Link (LL0) file 870. ; INPUT : HLTEXT - Array containing text to append ; LL0 - IEN of File 870 ; LL1 - IEN of IN queue multiple ; N HLI,X,X1,X2,X3 S X="" S HLI=$P($G(^HLCS(870,LL0,1,LL1,1,0)),U,3) S:'HLI HLI=0 F S X=$O(@HLTEXT@(X)) Q:'X S HLI=HLI+1,^HLCS(870,LL0,1,LL1,1,HLI,0)=@HLTEXT@(X),X2=$D(@HLTEXT@(X)) D . I X2=11 S ^HLCS(870,LL0,1,LL1,2,HLI,0)="" S X3=0 F S X3=$O(@HLTEXT@(X,X3)) Q:'X3 D .. S HLI=HLI+1,^HLCS(870,LL0,1,LL1,1,HLI,0)=$G(@HLTEXT@(X,X3)) . S HLI=HLI+1,^HLCS(870,LL0,1,LL1,1,HLI,0)="" Q ; ;-- update 0 node S ^HLCS(870,LL0,1,LL1,1,0)="^^"_HLI_"^"_HLI_"^"_DT_"^" Q ; HLNEXT ;-- This routine is used to return the next segment from file 772 ; during processing of an inbound message. The following variables ; are used for the processing. ; HLMTIEN - Entry in 772 where message is ; HLQUIT - Curent ien of "IN" wp field ; HLNODE - Data is returned in HLNODE=Segment and HLNODE(n) if ; segmemt is greater than 245 chars. ; K HLNODE N HLI,HLDONE,HLX S HLNODE="",HLDONE=0 I HLQUIT="" S HLQUIT=0 ;HLMTIEN is undef, no response to process I '$G(HLMTIEN) S HLQUIT=0 Q ;first time, check if new format I '$D(HLDONE1) D Q:HLQUIT . S HLX=$O(^HLMA("B",HLMTIEN,0)) . ;old format, set HLDONE1 so we won't come here again . I 'HLX S HLDONE1=0 Q . ;already got header, reset HLQUIT for text . I HLQUIT S (HLDONE1,HLQUIT)=0 Q . ;new format, get header in 773 . S HLQUIT=$O(^HLMA(HLX,"MSH",HLQUIT)) . ;there is no header . I 'HLQUIT S (HLDONE1,HLQUIT)=0 Q . S HLNODE=$G(^HLMA(HLX,"MSH",HLQUIT,0)),HLI=0 . F S HLQUIT=$O(^HLMA(HLX,"MSH",HLQUIT)) Q:'HLQUIT D Q:HLDONE .. I ^HLMA(HLX,"MSH",HLQUIT,0)="" S HLDONE=1 Q .. S HLI=HLI+1,HLNODE(HLI)=$G(^HLMA(HLX,"MSH",HLQUIT,0)) Q . S HLQUIT=1 Q S HLQUIT=$O(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,"IN",HLQUIT)) I HLQUIT D Q . S HLNODE=$G(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,"IN",HLQUIT,0)),HLI=0 . F S HLQUIT=$O(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,"IN",HLQUIT)) Q:'HLQUIT D Q:HLDONE .. I ^HL(772,HLMTIEN,"IN",HLQUIT,0)="" S HLDONE=1 Q .. S HLI=HLI+1,HLNODE(HLI)=$G(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,"IN",HLQUIT,0)) Q ;no more nodes, kill flag and quit K HLDONE1 Q ; MSGLINE(HLMID) ;return the number of lines in a message, TCP type only ;input: HLMID=message id Q:$G(HLMID)="" 0 N HLCNT,HLIENS,HLIEN ;can't find message S HLIENS=$O(^HLMA("C",HLMID,0)) Q:'HLIENS 0 S HLIEN=+$G(^HLMA(HLIENS,0)) Q:'HLIEN 0 S HLCNT=$P($G(^HLMA(HLIENS,"MSH",0)),U,4)+$P($G(^HL(772,HLIEN,"IN",0)),U,4) Q HLCNT ; MSGSIZE(HLIENS) ;return the number of characters in a message, TCP type only ;input: HLIENS= ien in file 773 Q:'$G(HLIENS) 0 N HLCNT,HLI,HLIEN,HLZ ;HLIEN=ien in file 772, message text. Blank lines are CR, add 1 Q:'$G(^HLMA(HLIENS,0)) 0 S HLIEN=+(^(0)) Q:'HLIEN 0 S (HLCNT,HLI,HLZ)=0 ;get header F S HLI=$O(^HLMA(HLIENS,"MSH",HLI)) Q:'HLI S HLZ=$L($G(^(HLI,0))),HLCNT=HLCNT+$S(HLZ:HLZ,1:1) ;if last line of header wasn't blank, add 1 for CR S:HLZ HLCNT=HLCNT+1 ;get body S HLI=0 F S HLI=$O(^HL(772,HLIEN,"IN",HLI)) Q:'HLI S HLZ=$L($G(^(HLI,0))),HLCNT=HLCNT+$S(HLZ:HLZ,1:1) Q HLCNT ; MSG(HLMID,HLREST) ;return the message text in the reference HLREST ;only for TCP type messages ;input: HLMID=message id, HLREST=closed local or global reference ;to place message text ;output: return 1 for success and 0 if message doesn't exist Q:$G(HLMID)=""!($G(HLREST)="") 0 N HLCNT,HLI,HLIENS,HLIEN,HLZ ;can't find message S HLIENS=$O(^HLMA("C",HLMID,0)) Q:'HLIENS 0 S HLIEN=+$G(^HLMA(HLIENS,0)) Q:'HLIEN 0 ;RESULT must be close reference D I '$D(HLREST) Q 0 . Q:HLREST'["(" . I $E(HLREST,$L(HLREST))=")",$F(HLREST,")")>($F(HLREST,"(")+1) Q . K HLREST S (HLCNT,HLI)=0,HLZ="" ;get header F S HLI=$O(^HLMA(HLIENS,"MSH",HLI)) Q:'HLI S HLCNT=HLCNT+1,(HLZ,@HLREST@(HLCNT))=$G(^(HLI,0)) S:HLZ'="" HLCNT=HLCNT+1,@HLREST@(HLCNT)="" ;get body S HLI=0 F S HLI=$O(^HL(772,HLIEN,"IN",HLI)) Q:'HLI S HLCNT=HLCNT+1,@HLREST@(HLCNT)=$G(^(HLI,0)) Q 1