HLEMSE1 ;ALB/CJM,ALB/BRM - Actions for an individual event; 10/23/00 9:49am ; 2/27/01 1:25pm ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**109**;Oct 13,1995 ; EDIT(EVENT) ; ;Allows the user to edit the notes and review status of an event I '$G(EVENT) S VALMBCK="" Q K DIE,DR,DA S DIE=776.4 S DA=EVENT S DR="1;.06" D ^DIE K DIE,DR D INIT^HLEMSE Q HELP(TYPE) ; ;Displays the full description of the event type D EN^HLEMSH($G(TYPE)) Q ; APPDATA(EVENT) ; ;Displays the application-specific data that was stored with the event D EN^HLEMSA($G(EVENT)) Q