GMTSP13 ; SLC/SBW - HS Component Installation Routine ;12/31/96 ;;2.7;Health Summary;**13**;Oct 20, 1995 HSCOMP ; Install Health Summary component Q:+$$VERSION^XPDUTL("GMTS")<2.7 ;Quit if HS 2.7 not installed N DIC,DLAYGO,DINUM,X,Y S (DIC,DLAYGO)=142.1,DIC(0)="NXL",X="SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION",DINUM=74 S AD=$O(^GMT(142.1,"B",X,0)) I AD=74 W !,X," already exists in Health Summary Component (142.1) File!" Q D ^DIC FILE I +Y'>0 W !!,"Could not install ",X," component",! Q W !,"Adding component to HEALTH SUMMARY COMPONENT (142.1) file." S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,DR="1///^S X=""MAIN""_$C(59)_""GMTSSCD"";3///SCD" S DR=DR_";2///Y;4///Y;9///Spinal Cord Dysfunct" D ^DIE S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,0)="^^7^7^"_DT_"^" S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,1,0)="This component provides patient data from the Spinal Cord Dysfuction" S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,2,0)="package. A patient's registration status, highest level of injury," S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,3,0)="information source for SCD, completeness of injury and extent of paralysis" S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,4,0)="will be displayed. The following data will be displayed with time and maximum" S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,5,0)="occurrence limits applied: date of onset, etiology, onset of SCD caused" S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,6,0)="by trauma, date recorded, motor score, cognitive score, total score and" S ^GMT(142.1,+DA,3.5,7,0)="record type." W !,"Component Installed.",! W !,"Installing new component in AD HOC Health Summary." S INCLUDE=0 D ENPOST^GMTSLOAD K AD,DA,DIE,DR,INCLUDE D PDXINST Q PDXINST ;Set PDX up to use new HS components N ERR,POINT,COMP,DASHES,DOTS,PDXCOMP S COMP="SPINAL CORD DYSFUNCTION" W !,"Adding ",COMP," into PDX Data Segments.",! S X="VAQUTL50" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T D Q . W !!,"Adding this segment requires patch VAQ*1.5*11 (CREATE" . W !,"SEGMENT USING HLTH SUMM COMP) to be installed." . W !,"Install VAQ*1.5*11 and then DO PDXINST^GMTSP13" . W !,"to add the segment to the VAQ - Data Segment file." . Q D INSTALL Q INSTALL ;Install SCD component in Data Segment (#394.71) file ;CONVERT TO PDX SEGMENT NAME S PDXCOMP=$$FIRSTUP^VAQUTL50(COMP) ;GET POINTER TO COMPONENT S POINT=+$O(^GMT(142.1,"B",COMP,0)) I ('POINT) D Q .W !!,$C(7),COMP," not found in HEALTH SUMMARY COMPONENT file." .W !,PDXCOMP," not added to VAQ - DATA SEGMENT file.",$C(7) ;CREATE DATA SEGMENT USING DEFAULT TIME & OCCURRENCE LIMITS S ERR=$$ADDSEG^VAQUTL50(POINT) I (ERR<0) W !,?5,$P(ERR,"^",2),$C(7) Q W !?3,PDXCOMP," added to VAQ - DATA SEGMENT file (#394.71)." W ! Q