GMTSPDX ;SLC/JER,SBW - PDX Health Summary Driver ; 08/27/2002 ;;2.7;Health Summary;56;Oct 20, 1995 ; ; External References ; DBIA 298 ^VAT(394.61 ; DBIA 820 ^VAT(394.71 ; DBIA 819 $$ENCDSP^VAQHSH ; DBIA 818 $$NCRYPTON^VAQUTL2 ; DBIA 817 $$TRANENC^VAQUTL3 ; DBIA 3587 ^XMB(3.51 ; DBIA 2056 $$GET1^DIQ (file 3.51) ; DBIA 3588 ^XMBS(3.519 ; DBIA 999 ^DD(142.99 ; DBIA 10035 ^DPT( ; DBIA 10086 ^%ZIS ; DBIA 10089 ^%ZISC ; DBIA 10004 Y^DIQ ; DBIA 1092 DSD^ZISPL ; DBIA 1092 DSDOC^ZISPL ; GET(TRAN,DFN,SEGPTR,ROOT,GMTSLCNT,GMTSDLM,GMTSNDM) ; Get HS for PDX ; ; Data retrieved from HS is return in ROOT parameter ; reference passing. Function returns 2 piece ; variable delimited with "^". ; ; Piece 1 = tot line cnt of data extract to ROOT. ; Piece 2 = contains entry line cnt (GMTSLCNT) + Piece 1 ; ; Note: Currently Data begins with GMTSLCNT + 1 and ; Piece 2 is last node # of ROOT ; ; If TRAN is passed ; The patient pointer of the transaction will be used ; Encryption will be based on the transaction ; ; If DFN is passed ; Encryption will be based on the site parameter ; ; Pointer to transaction takes precedence over DFN ... if ; TRAN>0 the DFN will be based on the transaction ; ; Determin true DFN S TRAN=+$G(TRAN),DFN=+$G(DFN) Q:(('TRAN)&('DFN)) "-1^Did not pass pointer to transaction or patient" I (TRAN) Q:('$D(^VAT(394.61,TRAN))) "-1^Did not pass valid pointer to VAQ - TRANSACTION file" I (TRAN) S DFN=+$P($G(^VAT(394.61,TRAN,0)),"^",3) Q:('DFN) "-1^Transaction did not contain pointer to PATIENT file" Q:('$D(^DPT(DFN))) "-1^Did not pass valid pointer to PATIENT file" ; NEW variables not cleaned up by %ZIS SPOOLER call N C,D0,DA,DI,DIE,DIC,DQ,DR,GMTS,GMTS1,GMTS2,GMTSAGE,GMTSDOB,GMTSDTM N GMTSDUZ,GMTSLO,GMTSLPG,GMTSPNM,GMTSRB,GMTSSN,GMTSSPL,GMTSWARD,GMTSY N SEX,SPLDOC,VADM,VAERR,VAIN,X,Y,ZISIOST,LINES,INCOMP N %,%X,%XX,%Y,%YY,%Z4,%ZDA,%ZS,%ZY,POP,Y,C S GMTSDUZ=$G(DUZ),DUZ=.5 S Y=$P($G(^GMT(142.99,1,0)),U,4),C=$P(^DD(142.99,.04,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ S GMTSSPL=Y I GMTSSPL']"" S GMTSY="-1^No Spool Device allocated" G GETX ; Convert SEGPTR to entry in file 142.1 S X=+$P($G(^VAT(394.71,SEGPTR,0)),"^",4) I ('X) S GMTSY="-1^Unable to convert PDX data segment to Health Summary component" G GETX S SEGPTR=X ; Determin if Component has benn disabled S X=$G(^GMT(142.1,SEGPTR,0)) I (($P(X,"^",6)="T")!($P(X,"^",6)="P")) D G GETX .S GMTSY=$P(X,"^",8) .I (GMTSY'="") S GMTSY="-1^"_GMTSY Q .S GMTSY="-1^Component has been disabled " .S GMTSY=GMTSY_$S($P(X,"^",6)="T":"(temporary)",1:"(permanent)") ; Open SPOOL Device S IOP=GMTSSPL_";HSPDX"_DFN D ^%ZIS I POP S GMTSY="-1^Spool open failed" G GETX ; Write Component D ONECOMP(DFN,SEGPTR,$G(GMTSDLM),$G(GMTSNDM)) S SPLDOC=$G(IO("SPOOL")) D ^%ZISC I +SPLDOC D . N SPLSTAT,SPLPTR,LINES,INCOMP . ; Wait until document is "ready" (Check every 5 seconds) . F Q:$$GET1^DIQ(3.51,(+SPLDOC_","),2,"I")="r" H 5 . S SPLPTR=$$GET1^DIQ(3.51,(+SPLDOC_","),9,"I") . S LINES=$$GET1^DIQ(3.51,(+SPLDOC_","),8,"I") . S INCOMP=+($$GET1^DIQ(3.51,(+SPLDOC_","),10,"I")) . I '+SPLPTR!('+LINES) S GMTSY="-1^No data available" Q . S GMTSY=$$XFER(SPLPTR,ROOT,INCOMP,+$G(GMTSLCNT)) . D DSDOC^ZISPL(SPLDOC),DSD^ZISPL(SPLPTR) . ; Check to see if Encryption is ON . S:(TRAN) X=$$TRANENC^VAQUTL3(TRAN,0) . S:('TRAN) X=$$NCRYPTON^VAQUTL2(0) . S:(X) X=$$ENCDSP^VAQHSH(TRAN,ROOT,X,(GMTSLCNT+1),+GMTSY) E S GMTSY="-1^Spool document not created" GETX ; End Getting HS for PDX S DUZ=+$G(GMTSDUZ) Q $G(GMTSY) ; ONECOMP(DFN,SEGPTR,GMTSDLM,GMTSNDM) ; Print a single HS component to IO N GMTSEG,GMTSEGI,GMTSEGC,GMTSTITL S GMTSTITL="PDX TRANSMISSION" S GMTSEG(1)=1_U_SEGPTR_U_$G(GMTSNDM)_U_$G(GMTSDLM)_U_U_"N"_U_"L"_U_"Y" S (GMTSEGI(SEGPTR),GMTSEGC)=1 D EN^GMTS1 Q ; XFER(SPLDAT,ROOT,INCOMP,GMTSLCNT) ; Transfer text from SPOOL DOC to ROOT N GMTSI,GMTSL,GMTSREC,GMTSPRT,GMTSX S (GMTSI,GMTSL)=0,GMTSPRT=1 F S GMTSI=$O(^XMBS(3.519,SPLDAT,2,GMTSI)) Q:+GMTSI'>0 D Q:$E(GMTSREC,1,7)="*** END" . S GMTSREC=$G(^XMBS(3.519,SPLDAT,2,GMTSI,0)) . ; . ; Don't transfer data until a line with 3 hyphens or . ; ** DECEASED ** is found nor after "*** END" is found . ; . I (GMTSL=0&($E(GMTSREC,1,3)="---")!(GMTSREC["** DECEASED **"))!((GMTSL>0)&($E(GMTSREC,1,7)'="*** END")) D . . I GMTSREC["|TOP|" S GMTSPRT=0 . . S:GMTSPRT GMTSL=GMTSL+1,GMTSLCNT=GMTSLCNT+1,@ROOT@("DISPLAY",GMTSLCNT,0)=GMTSREC . . I GMTSREC["(continued)" S GMTSPRT=1 ; Incomplete Report Indicator I +GMTSL,+($G(INCOMP)) D . S GMTSL=GMTSL+1,@ROOT@("DISPLAY",GMTSL,0)="*** Data is incomplete ***" ; Transfer Failed I '+GMTSL S GMTSL="-1^Text transfer from Spool Document failed" Q $G(GMTSL)_U_$G(GMTSLCNT)