DVB4049P ;ALB/ERC - CHANGE IP ADDR FOR HINQ TO VBA CORPORATE ; 9/1/05 1:46pm ;;4.0;HINQ;**49**;03/25/92 ; ;this routine will change the IP address for the HINQ inquiries ;to the address for the AAC interface engine, which will communicate ;with the new VBA corporate database in addition to the C&P and BIRLS ;databases. There will be only one address for all sites. This is ;being done for the HINQ replacement, interim solution. ;this routine will also add three entries into the Anatomical - Loss ;Code file (#395.2) in the POST subroutine ; D ADDR D POST Q ; ADDR ; N DVBADD,DVBFDA,DVBMSG,DVBNEW,DVBOLDAD,DVBSTA,X,X1,X2 K ^XTMP("DVBBACK") S DVBSTA=$O(^DVB(395,0)) I '$D(DVBSTA)!($G(DVBSTA)']"") S DVBMSG="HINQ Parameter file (#395) not set properly." G MSG I '$D(^DVB(395,DVBSTA,0)) S DVBMSG="HINQ Parameter file (#395) not set properly." G MSG ;new AAC server address DVB*4*49 S X1=DT,X2=30 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP("DVBBACK",0)=X_"^"_$$NOW^XLFDT_"^DVB*4*49 - HINQ REPLACEMENT PATCH" S DVBOLDAD=$$GET1^DIQ(395,1,22) I $G(DVBOLDAD)']"" S DVBOLDAD="Not populated." S ^XTMP("DVBBACK","OLDIP")=DVBOLDAD S DVBADD="" S DVBFDA(395,"1,",22)=DVBADD D FILE^DIE("E","DVBFDA") S DVBNEW=$G(^DVB(395,DVBSTA,"HQIP")) I $G(DVBNEW)'=DVBADD S DVBMSG="Address change not successful - update manually." G MSG S DVBMSG="IP address successfully updated to "_DVBADD_"." D MSG S DVBMSG="Previous IP address was "_DVBOLDAD_"." D MSG Q MSG ;add message to the KIDS build D BMES^XPDUTL(.DVBMSG) Q ; ;need to add three entries into file 395.2 (Anat-Loss Code file) ;this is patterned after DVB448PT POST ;entry point for post-install, setting up checkpoints N % S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("DVBLINE","EN^DVB4049P",1) Q ; EN ;begin processing ; N DVBLINE ; D BMES^XPDUTL(" >> *** Updating ANATOMICAL-LOSS CODE file (#395.2)") D MES^XPDUTL(" ") ; ;get value from checkpoints, previous run S DVBLINE=+$$PARCP^XPDUTL("DVBLINE") ; DVBNEW ;add new codes or modify name if code is in use ; F DVBI=DVBLINE:1 S DVBJ=$P($T(NEWCODE+DVBI),";;",2) Q:DVBJ["$EXIT" D .S DVBCODE=+DVBJ,DVBLINE=DVBI .S DVBDESC=$E($P(DVBJ,"^",2),1,30) .; .;add new code .I '$D(^DVB(395.2,"B",DVBCODE)) D G UPDATECH ..K DD,DO ..S DIC="^DVB(395.2,",DIC(0)="L",DIC("DR")="1////"_DVBDESC ..S X=$P(DVBJ,U),DLAYGO=31 ..D FILE^DICN ..D MES^XPDUTL("adding new code - "_X) ..K DLAYGO,DIC,X ..Q .; .;modify name .S DVBIEN=+$O(^DVB(395.2,"B",DVBCODE,0)) .S DVBREC=$G(^DVB(395.2,DVBIEN,0)),DVBOLDSC=$P(DVBREC,U,2) I DVBREC']"" D G UPDATECH ..D MES^XPDUTL(" >>>> error "_DVBCODE_" in B x-reference and not in file 395.2") ..Q .S DVBOLDC=$P(DVBREC,"^") I DVBOLDC=DVBCODE,(DVBOLDSC=DVBDESC) G UPDATECH .I DVBOLDC'=DVBCODE D ..S DA=DVBIEN,DIE="^DVB(395.2,",DR=".01////"_DVBCODE_";1////"_DVBDESC ..D ^DIE ..K DR,DA,DIE .I DVBOLDSC'=DVBDESC D ..S DA=DVBIEN,DIE="^DVB(395.2,",DR="1////"_DVBDESC ..D ^DIE ..K DA,DIE,DR ..D MES^XPDUTL(DVBCODE_": changing description...") ..D MES^XPDUTL(" from: "_DVBOLDSC) ..D MES^XPDUTL(" to: "_DVBDESC) .; UPDATECH .;update checkpoint .S %=$$UPCP^XPDUTL("DVBLINE",DVBLINE) .Q K DVBCODE,DVBI,DVBIEN,DVBJ,DVBNAME,DVBOLDC,DVBOLDN,DVBREC,DVBDESC,DVBOLDSC Q ; NEWCODE ;codes to be added or changed ;;16^Deafness, Total ;;17^Aphonia ;;29^Deafnessand Aphonia ;;$EXIT Q