PRC0B ;WISC/PLT-UTILITY ; 02/03/94 8:36 AM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ; invalid entry ; ;prca = ~1 file number;file root;file record id;field # of multiple for adding ; ~2 subfile number;subfile root (required if subfile);subfile RI;field # of multiple for adding ; ~... ;prcb data ~1=ACEFILMNOQSXZ any combination, ~2=DINUM (option), ~3=SPECIFIED INDEICES ;prcc = select propmt text (optional) ;.x = dir array for lookup specification (optional) and value returned ;.y = value returned from ^dic LOOKUP(X,Y,PRCA,PRCB,PRCC) ;entry look-up N %,%Y,DG,DISYS,DIC,DLAYGO,DUPUT,DTOUT,DA,A,B,C,D,I S:PRCA'?.E1"~" PRCA=PRCA_"~" S A=$L(PRCA,"~")-1 I A>1 F B=1:1:A-1 S C=$P(PRCA,"~",B),DA(A-B)=$P(C,";",3) S:$P(C,";",4)]"" DIC("P")=$$DICP^PRC0B1(+C,$P(C,";",4)) S B=$P(PRCA,"~",A),DIC=$P(B,";",2) S:DIC=""&(A=1) DIC=+B I $D(X)\10 F A=0,"A","B","S","W","DR","P" S:$D(X(A)) DIC(A)=X(A) K X(A) S:$D(PRCC) DIC("A")=PRCC S:'$D(DIC(0)) DIC(0)=$P(PRCB,"~") S:DIC(0)["L" DLAYGO=PRCA S:$P(PRCB,"~",2)?1.N DINUM=$P(PRCB,"~",2) S DA="",D=$P(PRCB,"~",3) I D="" D ^DIC I 1 E D MIX^DIC1 QUIT ; ;prca = ~1 file number;file root (required if prcc["L");file record id ; ~2 subfile number (option);subfile root;subfile RI ; ~... ;prcb = editing fields string DR if not in x-array (optional) ;prcc = string; '^' abort not allowed if ["^", lock/unlock if ["L" ; single lock/unlock if ["LS" ;.x = editing filed string DR array or value returned ; = value returned 0 if deleted, -1 if abort with '^' ; 1 if normal exit, -2 if lock fail EDIT(X,PRCA,PRCB,PRCC) ;edit entry in file N %,%Y,D0,D1,DDH,DISYS,DLAYGO,DQ N DI,DIE,DIC,DIS,DA,DR,PRCLOCK,A,B,C,D,Y S:PRCA'?.E1"~" PRCA=PRCA_"~" S PRCC=$G(PRCC),A=$L(PRCA,"~")-1,PRCLOCK="" I A>1 F B=1:1:A-1 S C=$P(PRCA,"~",B),DA(A-B)=$P(C,";",3) S B=$P(PRCA,"~",A),DIE=$P(B,";",2),DA=$P(B,";",3) S:PRCC["L" PRCLOCK=DIE_$S(PRCC["LS":DA_",",1:"") S:DIE=""&(A=1) DIE=+B S DR=$G(PRCB) S:PRCC["^" DIE("NO^")="" I DR="" S %X="X(",%Y="DR(",DR=X D %XY^%RCR K X K X I PRCLOCK]"" S Y=3 D ICLOCK(PRCLOCK,.Y) I 'Y S X=-2 QUIT D ^DIE,DCLOCK(PRCLOCK):PRCLOCK]"" S X=$S('$D(DA):0,$D(Y)=0:1,1:-1) QUIT ; ;prca = ~1 file number;file root (option);file record id ; ~2 subfile number;subfile root (option);subfile RI ; ~... ;prcb = ~1 field#;field#;... ; ~2 subfield #;subfield #;... ; ~... ;prcc = string of characters I, E. (no N) (required) ;prcd = local array name returned, it cann't be %,X,Y ; PRCA,PRCB,PRCD,PRCD,PRCE,PRCF ; @prcd(file#,record id,field #,"E")=external value ; @prcd(file#,record id,field #,"I")=internal value PIECE(PRCA,PRCB,PRCC,PRCD) ;get piece data N D0,DIC,DR,DA,DIQ,PRCE,PRCF,DI S PRCE=$P(PRCA,"~"),DIC=+PRCE,DA=$P(PRCE,";",3),DR=$P(PRCB,"~") F PRCF=2:1 Q:$P(PRCA,"~",PRCF)="" S PRCE=$P(PRCA,"~",PRCF),DA(+PRCE)=$P(PRCE,";",3),DR(+PRCE)=$P(PRCB,"~",PRCF) S DIQ=PRCD,DIQ(0)=PRCC_"N" D EN^DIQ1 QUIT ; ;prca = (sub)file node root ;prcb = node value NODE(PRCA,PRCB) ;get node N PRCC S @("PRCC=$G("_PRCA_"PRCB))") QUIT PRCC ; ;prc is piece # NP(PRCA,PRCB,PRCC) ;get node and piece N PRCD S @("PRCD=$P($G("_PRCA_"PRCB)),""^"",PRCC)") QUIT PRCD ; ;extrinsic variable for lookup screen active enteries for sd dic ;$$STATUS^PRC0B = fix value of status file 420.1999 STATUS() ;get status fix value via pointer of file 420.1999, naked '^' used for lookup screen N A S A=$P($G(^(0)),U,3) QUIT $S(A:$P($G(^PRCD(420.1999,A,0)),U,4),1:"A") ; ; ; ICLOCK(A,B) ;incremental lock with time (optional) ; a = global root ending with ',' ; .b = time lock seconds and value returned; false if lock fail S A=$E(A,1,$L(A)-1) I $D(B) L +@(A_")"):B S B=$T E QUIT S PRCLOCK(A)=$G(PRCLOCK(A))+1 I '$D(B) S B=99999999 L +@(A_")"):B QUIT ; DCLOCK(A) ;decremental unlock ; a = global root ending with ',' S A=$E(A,1,$L(A)-1) L -@(A_")") S PRCLOCK(A)=$G(PRCLOCK(A))-1 K:PRCLOCK(A)<1 PRCLOCK(A) QUIT ; UNLOCK(A) ;unlock all ^PRC(A) ; a = global root ending with ',' S A=$E(A,1,$L(A)-1) F Q:$G(PRCLOCK(A))<1 L -@(A_")") S PRCLOCK(A)=$G(PRCLOCK(A))-1 K PRCLOCK(A) QUIT ; UNLKALL ;unlock all ^PRC N A S A="" F S A=$O(PRCLOCK(A)) Q:A="" F Q:$G(PRCLOCK(A))<1 L -@(A_")") S PRCLOCK(A)=$G(PRCLOCK(A))-1 K PRCLOCK QUIT ;