PRCFFU13 ;WISC/SJG-ROUTINE TO PROCESS OBLIGATIONS CONT ;6/13/94 14:34 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Allows FIscal to edit Cost Center and BOCs prior to 1358 obligation 1358 ; 1358 Correction N CCEDIT,BOCEDIT D PROMPT Q:'Y!($D(DIRUT)) S ESIGCHK=$$VERIFY^PRCSC1(OB) I 'ESIGCHK W !!,"This 1358 Miscellaneous Obligation has been tampered with. Please notify IFCAP APPLICATION COORDINATOR." Q S (BOCEDIT,CCEDIT)=0 S OLDCC=$P(TRNODE(3),U,3),OLDBOC=+$P(TRNODE(3),U,6) W !! K MSG S MSG=" editing Cost Center and BOC information..." D EN^DDIOL(MSG) K MSG W ! D OB^PRCS58OB(DA) S:+OLDCC'=+NEWCC CCEDIT=1 S:+OLDBOC'=+NEWBOC BOCEDIT=1 I CCEDIT!(BOCEDIT) D Q .S FISCEDIT=1,ESIGMSG="",ROUTINE=$T(+0) .D RECODE^PRCSC1(OB,.ESIGMSG) .I ESIGMSG<1 D ..S:'$D(ROUTINE) ROUTINE=$T(+0) ..W !!,$$ERROR(ROUTINE,ESIGMSG) ..W:ESIGMSG=0!(ESIGMSG=-3) !,"Notify IFCAP APPLICATION COORDINATOR!",$C(7) ..S DIR(0)="EAO",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue" D ^DIR K DIR ..Q .N X S X=$P($G(TRNODE(4)),U,5) D VER^PRCH58OB(.PRC,.X) I X]"" D ..S PO=POIEN K ^PRC(442,POIEN,22) S NODE=$G(^PRC(442,POIEN,22,0)) I NODE="" D ...S ^PRC(442,POIEN,22,0)="^"_$P(^DD(442,41,0),U,2) ...N DA S DIE=442,DA=POIEN,DR="3///^S X=+NEWBOC" D ^DIE K DIE,DR ...D MSG1,NODE22^PRCFFU5 .Q D MSG6 Q PROMPT ; Prompt for user S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Should the Cost Center or BOC information be edited at this time",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or 'RETURN' if no editing is needed." S DIR("?",1)="Enter '^' to exit the option." S DIR("?",2)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' to edit this information." W ! D ^DIR K DIR Q ; Message processing MSG1 K MSG W !! S MSG=" recalculating FMS accounting lines..." D EN^DDIOL(MSG) K MSG W ! Q ; MSG2 K MSG W !! S MSG(1)="...Cost Center is missing - cannot continue..." MSG21 S MSG(2)=" ",MSG(3)="No further action is being taken on this obligation." D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG W ! Q ; MSG3 K MSG W !! S MSG="BOC "_+SA_" is not valid with Cost Center "_$P(PO(0),U,5)_"." D EN^DDIOL(MSG) K MSG W ! Q ; MSG4 W !! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A",1)="I will now enter BOC "_+SA_" on all line items.",DIR("A")="Is this OK",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR Q ; MSG5 K MSG W !! S MSG=" changing the BOCs on all line items..." D EN^DDIOL(MSG) K MSG W ! Q MSG6 I (CCEDIT=1)!(BOCEDIT=1) Q K MSG W !! S MSG(1)=" ",MSG(2)=" " S:CCEDIT=0 MSG(1)="Cost Center has not changed.",MSG(3)=" " S:BOCEDIT=0 MSG(2)="BOC has not changed.",MSG(4)=" " S MSG(5)="No further editing is being done on this obligation.",MSG(6)=" " S MSG(7)="Returning to the Obligation processing." D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG W ! Q ERROR(ROUTINE,ERROR) ; I ROUTINE'="PRCUESIG" G NEXT I ERROR=-3 Q "NO SIGNATURE BLOCK IN FILE 200." I ERROR=-2 Q "TIME OUT OCCURRED DURING SIGNING PROCESS." I ERROR=-1 Q "USER CANCELLED SIGNING PROCESS." I ERROR=0 Q "INVALID SIGNATURE ENTERED." Q "PROBLEM WITH ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE. ERROR= "_ERROR_" CALLING ROUTINE "_ROUTINE NEXT I ERROR=-4 Q "CAN'T RE-SIGN RECORD." I ERROR=-3 Q "NO VALID USER NUMBER FOR FILING." I ERROR=-2 Q "NO SIGNATURE BLOCK IN FILE 200." I ERROR=-1 Q "A REQUIRED RECORD IS NULL." Q "PROBLEM WITH ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE. ERROR= "_ERROR_" CALLING ROUTINE "_ROUTINE Q