PRCH212P ;WISC/CR - CLEAN UP OF EXTRA CROSS REF. IN FILE #442 ; 06/30/99 ;;5.0;IFCAP;**212**;4/21/95 ; ; Quit if entry point is not used. W $C(7),!!,"Illegal entry point.",! Q ; This is a post init routine that will be used with patch PRC*5*212 ; to clean up extra "AB" cross references for field .1 of file #442. ; This cross reference is created when the P.O. DATE field is populated ; during the creation of a purchase order. After patch PRC*5*212 is ; installed, file #442 will be free from extra "AB" cross references. ; This routine should be deleted from th system upon installation of ; patch PRC*5*212. START ; K ^PRC(442,"AB") S DIK="^PRC(442,",DIK(1)=".1^AB" D ENALL^DIK Q