PRCHFPDS ;WISC/RWS-FPDS SCREENS FOR FY89 ;12/20/96 2:02 PM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**16,59,79**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; PROC ;Screen for Proc. Method/Bus. codes S Z1=$P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,1),Z0=0 G PROCQ:Y>120!($P(^(0),U,3)'=PRCHDT) ; ;if source code=5 Business Type=4 & code index has "E" (Category E4) then gather info on a po. I $E(PRCH,1,2)="GS" S Z0=$S("B"[$E(Z1)&(Z1[+PRCHN("MB")):1,1:0) G PROCQ ; ;PRC*5.1*79 - added 'B,D' I $E(PRCH,1,4)="V797" S Z0=$S(Z1[+PRCHN("MB")&("BCD"[$E(Z1)):1,1:0) G PROCQ ;PRC*5.1*79 - added 'B' I $E(PRCH,1,3)=".OM" S Z0=$S(Z1[+PRCHN("MB")&("ABDE"[$E(Z1)):1,1:0) G PROCQ I Z1[+PRCHN("MB") S Z0=1 PROCQ I Z0 ;I Z0 sets the truth value. If Z0=1 is set, and based on truth value the entries are displayed from a specified range by Y value from file 420.6. K Z0,Z1 Q ; PREF ;Screen for Pref Prog. Codes ;List possible 'PREF. PROGRAM' choices. ; W !!,"Possible Preference Program Codes: " S I=0 F Y=149:0 S Y=$O(^PRCD(420.6,Y)) Q:Y="B" D I PRCHDISP'="N" D PREF2 I $T W:I "," W $P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,1) S I=I+1 . S PRCHDISP=$P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,5) . Q ; ;Y = field # 1.2 'PREF. PROGRAM' -- the Y is set to jump back to template PRCHAMT89 to proper field 1.2 rather than first field #1.2 ; S Y="@12" W ! K Z,Z1 Q ; PREF2 ;Z2=COMPETITIVE STATUS/BUSINESS, Z1=PREFERENCE PROGRAM CODE, PRCHN("MB")=METHOD OF BUSINESS S Z1=$P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,1),Z0=0 I $P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,3)'=PRCHDT G PREFQ ; ;add new codes for the FPDS report to Austin: #170-#174, PRC*5.1*79. I "^151^154^155^169^170^171^172^173^174^"'[Y G PREFQ S Z2=$P($G(^PRCD(420.6,+$P(^PRC(442,DA(1),9,DA,0),U,4),0)),U,1) ;if source code=5 & method of business=4 & comp stat/bus=Z4 then pref program code must be set to O i.e. none of the above. I Z2["Y1","X1","K"'[Z1 G PREFQ ;new for PRC*5.1*79 I Z2["X",Z1="I" G PREFQ ;if vendor size=1 show all pref. programs, otherwise show only 'O' I +PRCHN("MB")=1 S Z0=1 G PREFQ ;new for PRC*5.1*79 I "234"[+PRCHN("MB"),"O"[$E(Z1) S Z0=1 G PREFQ ; PREFQ I Z0 K Z0,Z1 Q ; BREAK ;Setting BREAKOUT CODE (# 442.16) ;When Source Code=5, then Breakout/Socio.Gr. must be set to OO (161). I PRCHSC=5 D Q . S ^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,0)="^442.16PA^161^1" . S ^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,161,0)=161 . S ^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,"B",161,161)="" . Q I $O(PRCHB(0)) S ^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,0)=PRCHB(0) F I=0:0 S I=$O(PRCHB(I)) Q:'I S ^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,I,0)=I,^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,"B",I,I)="" S I=$P(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,0),"^",2),PRCHN("TC")=$P($G(^PRCD(420.6,+I,0)),"^",1) Q ; COMP ;template PRCHAMT89 calls COMP ;List possible 'COMP. STATUS/BUSINESS' choices. ; W !!,"Possible Competitive Status/Business codes: " S I=0 F Y=120:0 S Y=$O(^PRCD(420.6,Y)) Q:Y>132 D COMP2 I $T W:I "," W $P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,1) S I=I+1 ; ;Y = field # 1.1 'COMP. STATUS/BUSINESS' --the Y is set to jump back to template PRCHAMT89 to proper field 1.1 rather than the first field #1.1 S Y="@11" W ! K Z,Z1 Q COMP2 ; S Z1=$P(^PRCD(420.6,Y,0),U,1),Z0=0 G COMPQ:$P(^(0),U,3)'=PRCHDT!(Y<121)!(Y>132) ; ;if source code=5 business type=4 then add $$ amt in code index Z4 category. I PRCHN("MB")[$E(Z1,2) S Z0=1 ; COMPQ I Z0 K Z0,Z1 Q CHK ; CHECK FOR VARIOUS COMBINATIONS OF 'SOCIOECONOMIC GROUP (FY89)' CODES IN VENDOR FILE. K PRCHTO I $P($G(^PRC(440,DA,1.1,0)),"^",3)="" G ERR ;See NOIS:V13-0802-N1396 F I=0:0 S I=$O(^PRC(440,DA,1.1,I)) Q:'I S PRCHTO(I)="" I $D(PRCHTO(161)) K PRCHTO(161) I $O(PRCHTO(0)) W $C(7),!!,"You CANNOT have a Socioeconomic Group of OO--NONE OF THE OTHER CATEGORIES",!,"in combination with any other Socioeconomic Group",!,"RE-ENTER ALL!!!",! G ERR I $D(PRCHTO(157)),$D(PRCHTO(153))!$D(PRCHTO(163))!$D(PRCHTO(164)) W $C(7),!!,"You CANNOT have the Socioeconomic Group of P--JAVITS-WAGNER-O'DAY",!,"in combination with any LARGE group",!,"RE-ENTER ALL!!!",! G ERR I '$D(PRCHTO(162)),$D(PRCHTO(167)) W $C(7),!!,"Category RV--SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN must also include S--VETERAN-OWNED SM BUSINESS",!,"RE-ENTER ALL!!!" G ERR ; EX K PRCHTO,I Q ; ERR K ^PRC(440,DA,1.1) S Y=10 G EX ; D1 ; DISPLAY BREAKOUT CODES BROUGHT FROM VENDOR FILE IN ROUTINE PREF (CALLED FROM INPUT TEMPLATE PRCHAMT89) S I=0 F J=1:1 S I=$O(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,9,DA,1,I)) Q:'I S X=$G(^PRCD(420.6,+I,0)) W:J=1 !!,"Following Socioeconomic Group Codes brought over from Vendor File:",! W ?5,$P(X,"^",1)_" "_$P(X,"^",2),! Q