PRCHRPT7 ;WISC/TKW-CONTINUATION OF PRINT SF18 FORM (QUOTATION) ;1/12/94 11:48 AM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EN60 Q:'$D(PRC("SITE")) W !!! S DIC="^PRC(443,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="2237 REFERENCE NUMBER: " S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,3)]"""",$D(^PRCS(410,+Y,0)),+^(0)=PRC(""SITE""),$P(^(0),U,2)=""O"",$D(^(7)),$P(^(7),U,6)]"""",$D(^(4)),$P(^(4),U,5)=""""" D ^DIC K DIC G:Y<0 EXIT^PRCHP18 S PRCHD0=+Y K PRCHDT1,PRCHDT2 W !!,"Enter the date by which the quotations are to be returned to your office." S %DT="AEF",%DT("A")="RETURN BY (Date): " D ^%DT K %DT G:Y=-1 EN60 S PRCHDT1=Y W !!,"Then enter the date by which the delivery must be received." S %DT="AEF",%DT("A")="DELIVER BY (Date): " D ^%DT K %DT G:Y=-1 EN60 S PRCHDT2=Y I PRCHDT2'>PRCHDT1 W $C(7),!!,"** 'Deliver By Date' not greater then 'Return Quotation by Date' **" G EN60 K ^TMP($J) W !!,"Select the Receiving Address to print in the block labeled 'DESTINATION'" N SITE,SUBSITE I $D(^PRC(411,"UP",PRC("SITE"))) D . I $P($G(^PRCS(410,PRCHD0,0)),U,10)]"" S SUBSITE=$P($G(^(0)),U,10) S SITE=$S($D(SUBSITE):SUBSITE,1:PRC("SITE")) S DIC="^PRC(411,"_SITE_",1,",DA(1)=SITE,DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC G:Y=-1 EN60 S ^TMP($J,"D")=Y(0) W !!,"Enter VENDOR(S) to which the request for quotations are to be sent",! D ESEL I '$D(^TMP($J,"V")) G EN60 W !!! K %ZIS,IOP S %ZIS="Q",IOP="Q",%ZIS("B")="" D ^%ZIS I POP K IOP D EXIT^PRCHP18 G EN60 S IOP=ION_";"_IOST_";"_IOM_";"_IOSL,PRCHIOP=IOP K IOP S X=$O(^PRCD(442.3,"C",79,0)) I X,$D(^PRC(443,PRCHD0,0)) L ^PRC(443,PRCHD0,0):DTIME I $T S DIE="^PRC(443,",DA=PRCHD0,DR="1.5///"_X D ^DIE L K DIE,DA,DR I IO=IO(0) D ^%ZIS U IO D ^PRCHP18 D ^%ZISC D EXIT^PRCHP18 G EN60 S ZTDTH=$H,ZTRTN="^PRCHP18",ZTDESC="Print Request for Quotations (SF18)" K ZTSAVE S ZTSAVE("PRCHD0")="",ZTSAVE("U")="",ZTSAVE("PRCHDT1")="",ZTSAVE("PRCHDT2")="",ZTSAVE("PRC(""SITE"")")="",ZTSAVE("^TMP($J,")="",ZTSAVE("D0")="",ZTSAVE("SITE")="" D ^%ZTLOAD,EXIT^PRCHP18 G EN60 ; ESEL S DIC="^PRC(440,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 S ^TMP($J,"V",+Y)="" G ESEL