PRCOE3 ;WISC/DJM-IFCAP SEGMENTS HE,MI,CO ;6/18/97 16:29 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; HE(VAR1,VAR2) ;PO HEADER INFORMATION SEGMENT ; uses PRCHPC variable to determine if document is a purchase card ; PRCHPC should not exist & should not be used in non-Purchase Card options ; ; VAR1 = string of up to 4 pieces -- (last 3 pieces are optional) ; ('^' piece 1) ==> ien to file 442 ; ('^' piece 2) ==> amendment flag (1 for PHM, 2 for PHA) ; ('^' piece 3) ==> amendment number ; ('^' piece 4) ==> 442 ien of amended order if PO number ; was changed ; ; VAR2 is used to pass error conditions to the calling routine ; N A,A1,AFLG,ANO,B,DA,DD,NM,P,PHN,PM,PNM,PO,POD,PPM,RFQ,SC,MOP,X,Y S PO=$P(VAR1,"^",1) S A=$G(^PRC(442,PO,0)) S A1=$G(^PRC(442,PO,1)) I $G(^PRC(442,PO,12))="" S VAR2="NP12" Q ; exit if no info in node 12 ; S X=$P(A1,U,15) I X="" S VAR2="NPOD" Q ; exit if no PO Date D JD^PRCFDLN ; puts julian date for X in Y S POD=$E(X,1,3)+1700_$E(Y,1,3) ; S X=$P(A,U,10) I X="" S VAR2="NDD" Q ; exit if no delivery date D JD^PRCFDLN ; Puts julian date for X in Y S DD=$E(X,1,3)+1700_$E(Y,1,3) ; S AFLG=$P(VAR1,"^",2) I AFLG="" S AFLG=0 S DA=PO I AFLG=2 S DA=$P(VAR1,"^",4) ; use old PO's ien if PO number was changed ; I 'AFLG S P=$P(A1,U,10) I AFLG D . S ANO=$P(VAR1,"^",3) ; amendment number . S P=$P(^PRC(442,DA,6,ANO,1),"^",1) I P="" S VAR2="NPPM" Q ; exit if no PA/PPM (or Authorized buyer) ; S PHN=$P($G(^VA(200,P,.13)),"^",5) I '$G(PRCHPC) D Q:PHN="" . I PHN="" S VAR2="NPHN" Q ;exit if no commercial phone# for PA/PPM . S PHN=$P(PHN,U) . I PHN="" S VAR2="NPH" Q ; exit (but when would there be an '^'???) ; I 'AFLG S PPM=$E("ES/"_$$DECODE^PRCHES5(DA),1,30) I AFLG S PPM=$E("ES/"_$$DECODE^PRCHES6(DA,ANO),1,30) I PPM="ES/" S VAR2="ESBD" Q ; exit if no name found ; S PO=$P(VAR1,"^",1) S MOP=$P(A,U,2) ; method of processing S MOP=$S(MOP=1:"A",MOP=2:"B",MOP=3:"C",MOP=4:"D",MOP=7:"E",MOP=8:"F",MOP=9:"G",MOP=21:"H",MOP=22:"I",MOP=23:"J",MOP=24:"K",MOP=25:"L",MOP=26:"M",1:"") S:MOP="" MOP="A" ; S SC=$P(A1,U,7) ; source code S:SC>0 SC=$P($G(^PRCD(420.8,SC,0)),U) S RFQ=$P($G(^PRC(442,PO,21)),U,8) S PM=0 S PM=$O(^PRC(442,PO,14,PM)) ; purchase method D:PM>0 . S PM=$P($G(^PRC(442,PO,14,PM,0)),U) Q:PM'>0 . S PM=$P($G(^PRC(442.4,PM,0)),U) . Q ; S B="HE^^"_POD_"^"_SC_"^"_DD_"^^^"_PPM_"^"_PHN_"^"_PM_"^"_MOP_"^^0^^^^"_RFQ_"^1^|" S ^TMP($J,"STRING",1)=B Q ; MI(VAR1,VAR2) ;MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SEGMENT N B,F1,F2,I2,ITEM,M0,M1,M12,M23,PR S M0=$G(^PRC(442,VAR1,0)) S M1=$G(^PRC(442,VAR1,1)) S M12=$G(^PRC(442,VAR1,12)) S M23=$G(^PRC(442,VAR1,23)) S B="MI^^"_$P(M12,U,7)_"^" ; FIELDS 1, 2, 3 I $P(M23,U,11)="P" S F1="" G MI1 S F1=$P(M1,U,7) S:F1="" VAR2="NSC" Q:F1="" S F1=$S(F1=9:"B","2,3,5,8"[F1:"P",1:"D") MI1 S B=B_F1_"^^^" ; FIELDS 4, 5, 6 S PR=$P(M1,U,8) I $P(M0,U,19)=2,PR="" S PR="N/A" S:PR="" VAR2="NOPR" Q:PR="" S B=B_PR_"^^^^|" ; FIELDS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 S ^TMP($J,"STRING",5)=B Q ; CO(VAR1,VAR2,TOTAL) ;COMMENT INFORMATION SEGMENT N B,TOSH S TOSH=$P($G(^PRC(442,VAR1,12)),U,14) Q:TOSH="" S TOSH=$E($P(^PRC(443.4,TOSH,0),U,3),1,59) S B="CO^1^"_TOSH_"^|" S ^TMP($J,"STRING",TOTAL)=B S TOTAL=TOTAL+1 S B=^TMP($J,"STRING",1) S $P(B,U,13)=$P(B,U,13)+1 S ^TMP($J,"STRING",1)=B Q