PRCPRPCR ;WISC/RFJ-patient distribution costs ;11 Mar 94 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. D ^PRCPUSEL Q:'$G(PRCP("I")) I "PS"'[PRCP("DPTYPE") W !,"THIS REPORT SHOULD ONLY BE PRINTED BY THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY INVENTORY POINTS." Q N DATEEND,DATESTRT,DISTRALL,END,PRCPFITM,PRCPOPCE,PRCPOPCS,PRCPPATE,PRCPPATS,PRCPSUMM,PRCPSURE,PRCPSURS,START,X,Y K X S X(1)="The Patient Distribution Cost Report will print all items distributed to patients for a selected time frame." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(40,79,.X) ; ; select the invpts distributing to the patient K ^TMP($J,"PRCPURS3") I PRCP("DPTYPE")="P" D . K X S X(1)="Besides displaying distributions from the "_PRCP("IN")_" inventory point, select other DISTRIBUTION POINTS to display or ALL" W ! D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(2,40,.X) . D DISTRSEL^PRCPURS3(PRCP("I")) S ^TMP($J,"PRCPURS3","YES",PRCP("I"))="" ; ; summary only ? S PRCPSUMM=$$SUMMARY^PRCPURS0 I PRCPSUMM<0 D Q Q I PRCPSUMM S (PRCPOPCS,PRCPPATS,PRCPSURS)="",(PRCPOPCE,PRCPPATE,PRCPSURE)="z" G GETDATE ; ; select surgical specialty start, end with K X S X(1)="Select the range of surgery specialties to display. For example, start with NEUROSUR, end with NEUROSUR to print the surgery specialty NEUROSURGERY." W ! D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) D RANGE("SURGICAL SPECIALTY") I START="^" D Q Q S PRCPSURS=START,PRCPSURE=END ; ; select patient start, end with K X S X(1)="Select the range of patients to display. For example, start with SMITH, end with SMITH to print patients with last names of SMITH." W ! D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) D RANGE("PATIENT NAME") I START="^" D Q Q S PRCPPATS=START,PRCPPATE=END ; ; select opcode start, end with K X S X(1)="Select the range of principal procedure codes to display. For example, start with 00124, end with 00126 to print procedure codes including and between 00124 and 00126." W ! D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) D RANGE("PRINCIPAL PROCEDURE CODES") I START="^" D Q Q S PRCPOPCS=START,PRCPOPCE=END ; ; print items ? K X S X(1)="You have the option to break out the report by distributed items. If you select this option, the report will probably use a lot of paper to print." W ! D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) S XP="Do you want to list out the items distributed",XH="Enter YES to list out the items distributed to the patient." S PRCPFITM=$$YN^PRCPUYN(2) I 'PRCPFITM D Q Q ; GETDATE ; select date range K X S X(1)="Select the date range for displaying patient distribution costs" W ! D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(2,40,.X) D DATESEL^PRCPURS2("") I '$G(DATESTRT) D Q Q W ! S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS G:POP Q I $D(IO("Q")) D D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q"),ZTSK D Q Q . S ZTDESC="Patient Distribution Cost Report",ZTRTN="DQ^PRCPRPCR" . S ZTSAVE("PRCP*")="",ZTSAVE("D*")="",ZTSAVE("^TMP($J,""PRCPURS3"",")="",ZTSAVE("ZTREQ")="@" W !!,"<*> please wait <*>" DQ ; queue starts here N %,%I,AVERAGE,DA,DATA,DATE,DFN,DISTRNM,DISTRPT,INOUTPAT,ITEMDA,NOW,OPCODE,PAGE,PATNAME,PRCPFLAG,PRCPFTOT,SCREEN,SSN,SURGDATA,SURGEON,SURGSPEC,TOTCOST,VA,VADM,VAERR,X,Y D SORT^PRCPRPC1 D PRINT^PRCPRPC2 Q D ^%ZISC K ^TMP($J,"PRCPURS3"),^TMP($J,"PRCPRPCR"),^TMP($J,"PRCPRPCRT") Q ; ; RANGE(TYPE) ; start with end with for type ; return variables start and end N X K START,END F D Q:$D(START) . W !,"START with ",TYPE,": FIRST// " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S START="^" Q . I X["?" K X S X(1)="Select the starting "_TYPE_". If you select the default FIRST entry, NULL entries will be selected." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) Q . S START=X I START="^" Q F D Q:$D(END) . W !," END with ",TYPE,": LAST// " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S END="^" Q . I X["?" K X S X(1)="Select the ending "_TYPE_". The ending "_TYPE_" should be the same or follow after the starting "_TYPE_"." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) Q . I X="" S X="z" . I START]X K X S X(1)="Ending "_TYPE_" must follow starting "_TYPE_"." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) Q . S END=X I END="^" S START="^" Q