1 | MAGDHW0 ;WOIFO/PMK - Capture Consult/Request data ; 02/07/2007 06:37
2 | ;;3.0;IMAGING;**10,86**;20-February-2007;;Build 1024
3 | ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
4 | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | ;; | Property of the US Government. |
6 | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. |
7 | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user |
8 | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging |
9 | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, |
10 | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. |
11 | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as |
12 | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. |
13 | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated |
14 | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered |
15 | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. |
16 | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+
17 | ;;
18 | Q
19 | ;
20 | INIT ;
21 | ; simulate call to INT^HLFNC2
22 | N I
23 | S HL("CC")="US"
24 | S HL("ECH")="^~\&"
25 | S HL("ETN")=""
26 | S HL("FS")="|"
27 | S HL("MTN")="ORM"
28 | S HL("PID")="D"
29 | S HL("Q")=""
30 | S HL("SAF")=^DD("SITE",1)
31 | S HL("SAN")="MAGD-SCH"
32 | S HL("VER")="2.3.1"
33 | S DEL=HL("FS")
34 | F I=1:1:$L(HL("ECH")) S @("DEL"_(I+1))=$E(HL("ECH"),I)
35 | S U="^"
36 | Q
37 | ;
38 | FINDSEG(ARRAY,SEGMENT,I,X) ; find a specific HL7 segment in an array
39 | ; input -- ARRAY ---- an HL7 array
40 | ; input -- SEGMENT -- three-letter HL7 segment identifier
41 | ; input -- I -------- index of the found segment (or null)
42 | ; output - I -------- index of the found segment (or null)
43 | ; output - X -------- string of fields sans segment identifier
44 | ; return - HIT ------ flag indicating segment found
45 | ;
46 | N HIT
47 | S HIT=0
49 | . S X=$P(ARRAY(I),DEL,2,99999) ; strip off the segment name
50 | . S HIT=1
51 | . Q
52 | Q HIT
53 | ;
54 | SAVESEG(I,X) ; save updated segment
55 | S $P(HL7(I),DEL,2,999)=X
56 | Q
57 | ;
58 | ADDSEG(X) ; add a new segment to the end of the message
59 | S HL7($O(HL7(""),-1)+1)=X
60 | Q
61 | ;
62 | OUTPUT ; output the message to ^MAGDHL7
65 | ; Capture time
66 | S X=$P($G(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,0)),"^",3)
67 | K:X ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"C",X,D0)
69 | S $P(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,0),"^",3)=FMDATETM
70 | S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"C",FMDATETM,D0)=""
71 | ;
72 | S $P(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,0),"^",2)="ORM" ; all are ORM
73 | S I="HL7",J=0 F S I=$Q(@I) Q:I="" D
74 | . S X=@I,Y=$P(X,DEL)
75 | . F K=2:1:$L(X,DEL) D ; copy the lines to the ^MAGDHL7 global
76 | . . S Z=$P(X,DEL,K)
77 | . . I ($L(Y)+$L(Z))>200 D ; keep lines short for the global
78 | . . . ; output one line of a spanned record
79 | . . . S J=J+1,^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,1,J,0)=Y,Y=""
80 | . . . Q
81 | . . S Y=Y_DEL_$P(X,DEL,K)
82 | . . Q
83 | . S J=J+1,^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,1,J,0)=Y
84 | . Q
85 | ; The next line must be last, since WAIT^MAGDHRS1
86 | ; uses this node to determine that the entry is complete.
87 | S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,1,0)="^2006.502^"_J_"^"_J_"^"_FMDATETM
88 | Q
89 | ;