MAGDRPC7 ;WOIFO/EdM - RPC to fetch a Audit Info ; 05/16/2005 07:28 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**11,51**;26-August-2005 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; GET1(OUT,LOCATION,TODAY) ; RPC = MAG DICOM TEXT AUDIT GET ; Get the numbers of text-messages per day per purpose N COUNT,D2,DATE,I,MSG,N,X D:'$D(DT) DT^DICRW K OUT S (OUT(1),N)=1,I=100 S TODAY=+$G(TODAY),DATE=DT D:TODAY I 'TODAY S DATE=0 F S DATE=$O(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5761,DATE)) Q:'DATE D . Q:'$D(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5761,DATE,1,LOCATION)) . ; Retrieve one day's statistics . S MSG="" F S MSG=$O(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5761,DATE,1,LOCATION,1,"B",MSG)) Q:MSG="" D . . S D2=$O(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5761,DATE,1,LOCATION,1,"B",MSG,"")) Q:'D2 . . S X=$G(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5761,DATE,1,LOCATION,1,D2,0)) . . S COUNT=$P(X,"^",2) Q:'COUNT . . S LAST=$P(X,"^",3) . . S I=I+1,N=N+1,OUT(I)=DATE_"^"_COUNT_"^"_MSG_"^"_LAST,MSG(MSG)="" . . Q . Q S I=1,MSG="" F S MSG=$O(MSG(MSG)) Q:MSG="" D . S I=I+1,N=N+1,OUT(I)="^^"_MSG . Q S OUT(1)=N-1 Q ; GET2(OUT,LOCATION,START,STOP) ; RPC = MAG DICOM IMAGE AUDIT GET ; Get the numbers of messages per day per instrument N COUNT,D2,DATE,I,INSTR,N,X D:'$D(DT) DT^DICRW K OUT S (OUT(1),N)=1,I=100 S START=+$G(START)-1,STOP=+$G(STOP) S:START<0 START=0 S:'STOP STOP=9999999 S DATE=START F S DATE=$O(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5762,DATE)) Q:'DATE Q:DATE>STOP D . Q:'$D(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5762,DATE,1,LOCATION)) . ; Retrieve one day's statistics . S INSTR="" F S INSTR=$O(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5762,DATE,1,LOCATION,1,"B",INSTR)) Q:INSTR="" D . . S D2=$O(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5762,DATE,1,LOCATION,1,"B",INSTR,"")) Q:'D2 . . S X=$G(^MAGDAUDT(2006.5762,DATE,1,LOCATION,1,D2,0)) . . S COUNT=$P(X,"^",2) S:$P(X,"^",4)>COUNT COUNT=$P(X,"^",4) . . Q:'COUNT . . S INSTR(INSTR)="" . . S I=I+1,N=N+1,OUT(I)=DATE_"^"_$P(X,"^",2)_"^"_INSTR_"^"_$P(X,"^",3,5) . . Q . Q S I=1,INSTR="" F S INSTR=$O(INSTR(INSTR)) Q:INSTR="" D . S I=I+1,N=N+1,OUT(I)="^^"_INSTR . Q S OUT(1)=N-1 Q ; RANGE(OUT) ; RPC = MAG DICOM AUDIT RANGE ; Get the date-ranges for the various audit files N DF,DL,FM,N K OUT S N=1 F FM=2006.5761,2006.5762 D . S DF=$O(^MAGDAUDT(FM,0)) S:'DF DF="" . S DL=$O(^MAGDAUDT(FM," "),-1) S:'DL DL="" . S N=N+1,OUT(N)=FM_"^"_DF_"^"_DL . Q S N=N+1,OUT(N)="-END-" Q ; PURGE(OUT,FM,DATE) ; RPC = MAG DICOM AUDIT PURGE ; Purge Audit FIle N D0,DAYS,X L +^MAGDAUDT(FM) S DAYS=$P($G(^MAGDAUDT(FM,0)),"^",4),OUT=0 S X=0 F S X=$O(^MAGDAUDT(FM,X)) Q:'X Q:X'