MAGGNTI1 ;WOIFO/GEK - Imaging interface to TIU. RPC Calls etc. ; 04 Apr 2002 2:37 PM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**46,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q NEW(MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTITLE,MAGADCL,MAGMODE,MAGES,MAGESBY,MAGLOC,MAGDATE,MAGCNSLT,MAGTEXT) ;RPC [MAG3 TIU NEW] ; ; RPC call to create a New Note ; and Optionally : ; Electronically Sign, ; Administratively Close ; or Add Text to the Note. ; ; - - - Required - - - ; MAGDFN - Patient DFN ; MAGTITLE - IEN of TIU Document Title in file 8925.1 ; - - - Optional - - - ; Use DUZ for TIUAUTH ; Use NOW for TIURDT ; MAGTEXT - Array of Text to add to the New Note. ; MAGLOC - IEN in Hospital Location File 44 ; MAGES - The encrypted Electronic Signature ; MAGESBY - The DUZ of the Signer (Defaults to DUZ) ; MAGADCL - 1 = Mark this Note as Administratively Closed ; MAGMODE - Mode of Admin Closure: "S" = Scanned Document ; "M" = Manual closure, "E" = Electronically Filed ; MAGDATE - Date of the Note. For New Notes. ; MAGCNSLT - DA of Consult to Link to. ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) S MAGDFN=$G(MAGDFN),MAGTITLE=$G(MAGTITLE),MAGLOC=$G(MAGLOC) S MAGES=$G(MAGES),MAGADCL=$G(MAGADCL) S MAGESBY=$S($G(MAGESBY):MAGESBY,1:DUZ) S MAGMODE=$S($L($G(MAGMODE)):MAGMODE,1:"S") S MAGDATE=$G(MAGDATE),MAGCNSLT=$G(MAGCNSLT) N MAGTIUDA,I,NODE,MAGTY,ISVAL,MAGISC,MTXT,MUPD,MAGX,MAGVSTR,MAGTIUX ; ; MAGMODE is only sent if Admin Closure is wanted. I (MAGMODE="S") S MAGTEXT(.1)=" VistA Imaging - Scanned Document" I (MAGMODE="M") S MAGTEXT(.1)=" VistA Imaging - Manual Closure" I "MSE"'[MAGMODE S MAGRY="0^Invalid Mode of Closure: """_MAGMODE_"""" Q ; ; Here if we have no Text, we'll add at least a line. I $O(MAGTEXT(""))="" S MAGTEXT(.1)=" VistA Imaging - - Scanned Document" ; Reformat Text - "TEXT",i,0)" for TIU Call. S I="",NODE=0 F S I=$O(MAGTEXT(I)) Q:I="" D . S NODE=NODE+1 S MAGTIUX("TEXT",NODE,0)=MAGTEXT(I) . Q ; validate the DFN I '$D(^DPT(+MAGDFN,0)) S MAGRY="0^Invalid data: Patient DFN is invalid" Q ; validate the User I '$D(^VA(200,MAGESBY,0)) S MAGRY="0^Invalid data: Author DUZ is invalid" Q ; validate the TIU TITLE I '$D(^TIU(8925.1,MAGTITLE,0)) S MAGRY="0^Invalid data: Note TITLE is invalid" Q ; validate Esig first, if caller wants to also mark this Note as Signed I +$G(MAGES) I '$$VALES^MAGGNTI2(MAGES) S MAGRY="0^Invalid data: E-sign is invalid" Q ; validate the Date MAGDATE is changed to INternal if it is valid. I +$L(MAGDATE) I '$$VALID^MAGGSIV1(8925,1301,.MAGDATE,.MAGX) S MAGRY="0^"_MAGX Q I '$L(MAGDATE) S MAGDATE=$$NOW^XLFDT ; LINK TO CONSULT ; can user create Notes with This Title I '$$CANENTR^TIULP(MAGTITLE) S MAGRY="0^You need privileges to enter notes of that Title" Q ; D ISCNSLT^TIUCNSLT(.MAGISC,MAGTITLE) I MAGISC D I 'MAGISC S MAGRY=MAGISC Q . ; See if a Consult DA was sent. . IF 'MAGCNSLT S MAGISC="0^A Consult is needed to link to this note title" . Q I ('MAGISC)&(MAGCNSLT) S MAGRY="0^Cannot Link Consult with a Non Consult Title" Q ; ; make a VSTR for TIU Call. S MAGVSTR=MAGLOC_";"_MAGDATE_";E" ; ; Call to NEW^TIUPNAPI wasn't doing what we needed. Now call TIU CREATE RECORD ; MAKE(SUCCESS,DFN,TITLE,VDT,VLOC,VSIT,TIUX,VSTR,SUPPRESS,NOASF) D MAKE^TIUSRVP(.MAGTIUDA,MAGDFN,MAGTITLE,"",MAGLOC,"",.MAGTIUX,MAGVSTR) I 'MAGTIUDA!(MAGTIUDA=-1) S MAGRY="0^Error creating Note"_$G(MAGTIUDA) Q S MAGRY=MAGTIUDA_"^Note was created." S MAGTY=MAGRY ; ; ;Put in the Date that was sent. I '$$VALID^MAGGSIV1(8925,1301,.MAGDATE,.MAGRES) S MAGRY=MAGRY_" "_MAGRES E S MTXT(1301)=MAGDATE ; - Fix in T30, if DUZ isn't MAGESBY, we have Author different than User. I MAGESBY'=DUZ S MTXT("1202")=MAGESBY ; Update and LINK TO CONSULT if needed. I MAGISC S MTXT("1405")=MAGCNSLT_";GMR(123," I $D(MTXT) D I 'MUPD S MAGRY=MUPD Q . D UPDATE^TIUSRVP(.MUPD,MAGTIUDA,.MTXT) . Q ; ; If Admin Close, then We quit. I MAGADCL="1" D Q . D ADMNCLOS^MAGGNTI2(.MAGTY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA,MAGMODE) . S MAGRY=$S('MAGTY:MAGTY,1:MAGRY_" Administrative Closure.") . Q ; ; if caller sent esignature to Sign this Note. I $L(MAGES) D . D SIGN^MAGGNTI3(.MAGTY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA,MAGES,MAGESBY) . S MAGRY=$S('MAGTY:MAGTY,1:MAGRY_" Signed.") . Q Q ; ;(MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTITLE,MAGADCL,MAGMODE,MAGES,MAGESBY,MAGLOC,MAGTEXT) NEWADD(MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA,MAGADCL,MAGMODE,MAGES,MAGESBY,MAGDATE,MAGTEXT) ; RPC [MAG3 TIU CREATE ADDENDUM] ; RPC call to create an Addendum to a Note ; and Optionally : ; Electronically Sign, ; Administratively Close, ; or Add Text to the Addendum ; ; - - - Required - - - ; MAGDFN - Patient DFN ; MAGTIUDA - IEN of TIU NOTE in file 8925 ; - - - Optional - - - ; MAGTEXT - Array of Text to add to the New Note. ; MAGES - The encrypted Electronic Signature ; MAGESBY - The DUZ of the Signer (Defaults to DUZ) ; MAGADCL - 1 = Mark this Note as Administratively Closed ; MAGMODE - Mode of Admin Closure: "S" = Scanned Document "M" = Manual closure "E" = Electronically Filed ; MAGDATE - Date of the Addendum. ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) S MAGDFN=$G(MAGDFN),MAGTIUDA=$G(MAGTIUDA),MAGES=$G(MAGES),MAGADCL=$G(MAGADCL) S MAGESBY=$S($G(MAGESBY):MAGESBY,1:DUZ),MAGMODE=$S($L($G(MAGMODE)):MAGMODE,1:"S") S MAGDATE=$G(MAGDATE) ; I '$$VALDATA^MAGGNTI2(.MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA) Q N MAGXT,I,CT,NEWTIUDA,MAGY,MAGRES,MAGUPD S CT=1,I="" S MAGXT("TEXT",1,0)="VistA Imaging Scanned Document - Addendum." I $D(MAGTEXT) F S I=$O(MAGTEXT(I)) Q:I="" D . S CT=CT+1,MAGXT("TEXT",CT,0)=MAGTEXT(I) . Q ; ; Calling TIU CREATE ADDENDUM RECORD D MAKEADD^TIUSRVP(.MAGRY,MAGTIUDA,.MAGXT) ; MAGRY could be 0^error message ; -1^message ; TIUDA I $P(MAGRY,"^")<0 S $P(MAGRY,"^")=0 Q S NEWTIUDA=+MAGRY S MAGRY=MAGRY_"^Addendum was created." ; ;Put in the Date that was sent. K MAGUPD I '$$VALID^MAGGSIV1(8925,1301,.MAGDATE,.MAGRES) S MAGRY=MAGRY_" "_MAGRES E D . S MAGUPD(1301)=MAGDATE . S MAGUPD(1211)=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,1211,MAGTIUDA,"I") ; - Fix in T30, if DUZ isn't MAGESBY, we have Author different than User. I MAGESBY'=DUZ S MAGUPD("1202")=MAGESBY I $D(MAGUPD) D . D UPDATE^TIUSRVP(.MAGY,NEWTIUDA,.MAGUPD) . I 'MAGY S MAGRY=MAGRY_" TIU Data was Not Correctly Filed." . Q ; ; if caller sent esignature to Sign this Addendum. I $L(MAGES) D Q . D SIGN^MAGGNTI3(.MAGTY,MAGDFN,NEWTIUDA,MAGES,MAGESBY) . S MAGRY=$S('MAGTY:MAGTY,1:MAGRY_" Signed.") . Q ; ; if caller wants to Admin Close this Addendum. I MAGADCL="1" D Q . D ADMNCLOS^MAGGNTI2(.MAGTY,MAGDFN,NEWTIUDA,MAGMODE) . S MAGRY=$S('MAGTY:MAGTY,1:MAGRY_" Administrative Closure.") . Q Q MOD(MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA,MAGADCL,MAGMODE,MAGES,MAGESBY,MAGTEXT) ; RPC [MAG3 TIU MODIFY NOTE] ; After a Note is filed, we call this to Modify the Note. We do this to sign it. ; That way the Signed Date is After the Image Association Date/Time. N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) S MAGDFN=$G(MAGDFN),MAGTIUDA=$G(MAGTIUDA) S MAGADCL=$G(MAGADCL) S MAGMODE=$S($L($G(MAGMODE)):MAGMODE,1:"S") S MAGES=$G(MAGES) S MAGESBY=$S($G(MAGESBY):MAGESBY,1:DUZ) D MOD^MAGGNTI3(.MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA,MAGADCL,MAGMODE,MAGES,MAGESBY) Q ERR ; ERROR TRAP N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S MAGRY="0^ETRAP: "_ERR D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q SIGN(MAGRY,MAGDFN,MAGTIUDA,MAGES,MAGESBY) ;RPC [MAG3 TIU SIGN RECORD] ; RPC Call to 'Sign' a Note. D SIGN^MAGGNTI3(.MAGRY,$G(MAGDFN),$G(MAGTIUDA),$G(MAGES),$G(MAGESBY)) Q