MAGGTII ;WOIFO/GEK - RETURN IMAGE INFO ; [ 11/08/2001 17:18 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**8,48,63,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; ; CALL WITH MAGXX=IEN of IMAGE FILE (2005) ; RETURNS MAGFILE='^' delimited string of Image information. ; ; INFO ;Get info for an Image File entry ; We assume that MAGXX exists and is the Image File entry ; We return a '^' delimited string for the Image entry. ; $P(1^2^3) IEN^Image FullPath and name^Abstract FullPath and Name ; $P(4) SHORT DESCRIPTION field and desc of offline JukeBox ; $P(5) PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field ; $P(6) OBJECT TYPE ; $P(7) PROCEDURE field ; $P(8) display date ; $P(9) to return the PARENT DATA FILE image pointer ; $p(10) return the ABSTYPE 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline ; $p(11) is 'A' accessible 'O' offline ; $p(12^13) Dicom Series Number $p(12) and Image Number $p(13) ; $p(14) is count of images in group, 1 if single image. ; VISN15 ; $p(15^16) SiteParameter IEN ^ SiteParameter CODE ; $P(17) is err description of Integrity Check ; $P(18) Image BIGPath and name //Patch 5 ; $P(19^20) Patient DFN ^ Patient Name; // Patch 3.8 ; $P(21) Image Class: Clin,Admin,Clin/Admin,Admin/Clin ; $p(22) Date Time Image Saved(FLD 7) ; $p(23) Document Date (FLD 110) ; N FILETYPE,MAGPREF,MAGJBCP,GRPTYPE,GRPIEN,ABSTYPE,MAGTYPE,MAGJBOL N MAGOFFLN,FULLTYPE,MAGOBJT,MAGQI,X N ABSFILE,FULLFILE,BIGFILE,PATCH,MDFN,FNL,PLC,PLCODE N MAGN0,MAGN2,MAGN40,MAGN100 ; set the Variables for the Global Nodes of the Image Entry S MAGN0=$G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,0)) S MDFN=$P(MAGN0,"^",7) S MAGN2=$G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,2)) S MAGN40=$G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,40)) S MAGN100=$G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,100)) ; Set Name in Variable, Call $$GET 1 time not 2000 I MDFN I '$D(MAGJOB("PTNM",MDFN)) S MAGJOB("PTNM",MDFN)=$$GET1^DIQ(2,MDFN_",",.01) I '$D(MAGJOB("NETPLC")) D NETPLCS^MAGGTU6 ; Object Type S MAGOBJT=$P(MAGN0,"^",6) ; if this is a group, change MAGXX to first image in group to get ; that abstract to use for the group abstract I MAGOBJT=11!(MAGOBJT=16) S GRPTYPE=MAGOBJT D . S X=$O(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,1,0)) . ; next line to account for group of NO images for whatever reason. . ; we change Object Type to XRAY (3) or STILL IMAGE (1) . I 'X S MAGOBJT=$S(MAGOBJT=11:3,MAGOBJT=16:1,1:1) K GRPTYPE Q . S X=^MAG(2005,MAGXX,1,X,0) . ; keep the Real IEN, so we can change back later . S GRPIEN=MAGXX,MAGXX=+X . Q S MAGJBCP=0 ; Don't Queue a copy from JukeBox. ; The call to FINDFILE returns: ; MAGFILE1=LA100066.ABS filename ; if no Network Location pointer or INVALID Pointer ; then MAGFILE1=-1~NO NETWORK LOCATION POINTER ; or -1~INVALID NETWORK LOCATION POINTER ; MAGFILE1(.01)=ONE,PATIENT 111223333 image desc ; MAGJBOL= desc of Offline server ; MAGOFFLN= if JB is offline ; MAGPREF=C:\TEMP\LA\10\00\ path ; MAGTYPE=MAG MAG or WORM ; ; first get Full Path and File Name of the Abstract S FILETYPE="ABSTRACT" K MAGFILE1("ERROR") S MAGPREF="" D FINDFILE^MAGFILEB S MAGFILE1=$TR(MAGFILE1,"^","~") ; MAGFILE1 has '^' in it if errors I $D(MAGFILE1("ERROR")) S MAGFILE1=MAGFILE1("ERROR") S ABSTYPE=$E(MAGTYPE,1) I MAGOFFLN S ABSTYPE="O" ; Here we must test for +MAGFILE1 = -1 which means we don't have ; any entry in the Image File for the Abstract Network Location ; pointer. S MAGPREF=$G(MAGPREF) S ABSFILE=MAGPREF_MAGFILE1 ; ; now lets get the Full Path and file name FULL RES image. S FULLTYPE="A" ; Accessible S FILETYPE="FULL" K MAGFILE1("ERROR") S MAGPREF="" D FINDFILE^MAGFILEB S MAGFILE1=$TR(MAGFILE1,"^","~") ; MAGFILE1 has '^' in it if errors I $D(MAGFILE1("ERROR")) S MAGFILE1=MAGFILE1("ERROR") I MAGOFFLN S FULLTYPE="O" ; Offline ; here we have to do the same test as above. for bad data. S MAGPREF=$G(MAGPREF) S FULLFILE=MAGPREF_MAGFILE1 ; ; now lets get the Full Path and file name for BIG image. S FILETYPE="BIG" K MAGFILE1("ERROR") S MAGPREF="" D FINDFILE^MAGFILEB S MAGFILE1=$TR(MAGFILE1,"^","~") ; MAGFILE1 has '^' in it if errors I $D(MAGFILE1("ERROR")) S MAGFILE1=MAGFILE1("ERROR") S MAGPREF=$G(MAGPREF) S BIGFILE=$S($E(MAGFILE1,1,2)="-1":"",1:MAGPREF_MAGFILE1) ; K MAGFILE1 ; Cleanup ; Site and Site Code are in Entry of first Image in Group ; so we need to set here, before MAGXX is changed back. S X=$G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,0)) S FNL=$S(+$P(X,"^",3):$P(X,"^",3),1:+$P(X,"^",5)) S PLC=$P($G(MAGJOB("NETPLC",FNL)),"^",1) S PLCODE=$P($G(MAGJOB("NETPLC",FNL)),"^",2) I PLC="" S PLC=$G(MAGJOB("PLC")),PLCODE=$G(MAGJOB("PLCODE")) ; Group of 0 need this. ; if we were using first image of a group, reset the Real IEN I $G(GRPIEN) S MAGXX=GRPIEN ; ; we have to change the OBJECT TYPE variable back to real value ; MAGOBJT might have been changed if we had Group of no images. ; but we need to keep it changed, because Delphi window checks this ; entry to determine which window to open. ; i.e. Group window, Single image window, S MAGOBJT=$P(MAGN0,U,6) ; ; now start building the return string ; S PATCH=$P($G(MAGJOB("VERSION")),".",3) ; //'="3.0.8") K MAGFILE S $P(MAGFILE,U,25)="" ; We put extra '^^^' on end of String to stop error in Delphi. ; Pieces 26 BrokerServer and 27 Broker Port are set if this is P59 Client. ; Clients Prior to Patch 59, the String must only be 25 pieces. - Patch 45 snafu ; ; $P(1^2^3) IEN^Image FullPath and name^Abstract FullPath and Name S $P(MAGFILE,U,1,3)=MAGXX_U_FULLFILE_U_ABSFILE ; ; now set $P(4) SHORT DESCRIPTION field and desc of offline JukeBox S $P(MAGFILE,U,4)=$P(MAGN2,U,4)_$G(MAGJBOL) ; ; now set $P(5)PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field S $P(MAGFILE,U,5)=$P(MAGN2,U,5) ; ; now set $P(6) OBJECT TYPE S $P(MAGFILE,U,6)=MAGOBJT ; ; now set $P(7) PROCEDURE field S $P(MAGFILE,U,7)=$P(MAGN0,U,8) ; ; now we're making a DATE to display and will use it for a sort in ; the delphi TStringGrid so we display mm/dd/yyyy ; now set $P(8) display date S X=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(MAGN2,U,5),"5Z") S X=$TR(X,"@"," ") S $P(MAGFILE,U,8)=X ; ; now return the PARENT DATA FILE image pointer S $P(MAGFILE,U,9)=$P(MAGN2,U,8) ; ; now return the ABSTYPE ( this is 'M' or 'W' or 'O' ) ; 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline S $P(MAGFILE,U,10)=ABSTYPE ; ; now return the code to show if full res image is offline 'A' or 'O' ; 'A' accessible 'O' offline S $P(MAGFILE,U,11)=FULLTYPE ; ; 2/1/99 Dicom Series number and Dicom Image Number ; $p(12) and $p(13) ; ; 14 - count of images , if this is a group S X=+$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,1,0)),U,4),$P(MAGFILE,U,14)=$S(X:X,1:1) ; ; $p(15^16 ) are SiteIEN and SiteCode Consolidation - DBI ; We use SiteIEN and SiteCODE from above S $P(MAGFILE,"^",15)=PLC S $P(MAGFILE,"^",16)=PLCODE ; ; $p(17) 8/22/01 GEK Mod for integrity check. I '$G(MAGNOCHK) D CHK^MAGGSQI(.MAGQI,MAGXX) I 'MAGQI(0) D . ; remove the Abstract and Image File Names ; 2/14/03 remove c:\program files... with .\bmp\ . S $P(MAGFILE,U,2,3)="-1~Questionable Data Integrity^.\bmp\imageQA.bmp" . ;this stops Delphi App from changing Abstract BMP to OFFLINE IMAGE . S $P(MAGFILE,U,6)=$S(($P(MAGFILE,U,6)'=11):"99",1:11) . S $P(MAGFILE,U,10)="M" . ;Send the error message . S $P(MAGFILE,U,17)=$P(MAGQI(0),U,2) ; $p(18) is BIGFile Full name and path. S $P(MAGFILE,U,18)=BIGFILE ; DFN S $P(MAGFILE,U,19)=$P(MAGN0,U,7) ; Patient Name S $P(MAGFILE,U,20)=$S(MDFN:MAGJOB("PTNM",MDFN),1:MDFN) S $P(MAGFILE,U,21)=$S(+$P(MAGN40,U,2):$P(^MAG(2005.82,$P(MAGN40,U,2),0),U),1:"") S X=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(MAGN2,U,1),"5Z") ; Date/Time Image Saved #7 S X=$TR(X,"@"," ") S $P(MAGFILE,U,22)=X S X=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(MAGN100,U,6),"5Z") ; DocumentDate #110 S X=$TR(X,"@"," ") S $P(MAGFILE,U,23)=X ; If Patch 59 Client - we can set beyond 25 pieces. I $D(MAGJOB("RPCSERVER"))&$D(MAGJOB("RPCPORT")) D . S $P(MAGFILE,U,26)=MAGJOB("RPCSERVER") . S $P(MAGFILE,U,27)=MAGJOB("RPCPORT") . S $P(MAGFILE,U,28)="" ; "^" at end, stops problems in delphi . Q ; Stop displaying a Group of 1 as a Group, so here we'll change Object type ; to that of the '1ST' image in the group of 1. I $P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,1,0)),U,4)=1 D . S X=$O(^MAG(2005,MAGXX,1,0)) . S X=+^MAG(2005,MAGXX,1,X,0) . S $P(MAGFILE,U,6)=$P(^MAG(2005,X,0),U,6) ; OBJECT TYPE OF 1ST IMAGE IN GROUP . S $P(MAGFILE,U,1)=X . Q Q