MAGJEX1 ;WIRMFO/JHC VistARad RPC calls ; 29 Jul 2003 9:56 AM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**16,22,18,65**;Jul 27, 2006;Build 28 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; Entry Points: ; OPENCASE--RPC: Open Exam ; ERR N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S @MAGGRY@(0)="0^4~"_ERR D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q:$Q 1 Q ; OPENCASE(MAGGRY,DATA) ; RPC Call: MAGJ RADCASEIMAGES ; MAGGRY holds $NA reference to ^TMP for rpc return ; all ref's to MAGGRY use subscript indirection ; input in DATA: ; OPEN_FLAG^RADFN^RADTI^RACNI^RARPT^SERDISA^STK/LAY^USETGA ; OPEN_FLAG = 1/0 - 1: OPEN the case for update; else, view-only ; = /2 2: Reserve for Interp ; * P18 ; RADFN^RADTI^RACNI specify case of interest ; SERDISA = 1/0 - Disable Mult Series processing if true * n/a for P18 ; STK/LAY = 1/0 - 1:Open in Stack; 0:Open in Layout * n/a for P18 ; USETGA = 1/0 - 1:Open .TGA file; 0:Open .BIG file ; ; * In P18, the SERDISA position is re-cycled to pass in PS_Indicator_Type values of interest ; K/I/U for Key Image/ Interpretation/ User PS types; used in IMGLOOP^MAGJEX1B ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^MAGJEX1" N RARPT,RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RADIV N DAYCASE,CURCASE,REPLY,CT,MAGS,STARTNOD,LOCKED,DATAOUT,RADATA,RIST,MDL N IMAG,MAGXX,MAGFILE,MAGFILE1,MAGFILE2,MAGFILE3,MAGLST,MAGOBJT,MODALITY N SERDISA,MAGSTRT,MAGEND,SERLBL,SERBRK,SERLIM,NSERIES,ALTPATH,CURPATHS N MIXEDUP,VIEWOK,STKLAY,USETGA,OPENCNT,USELORES,IMGST,REMOTE,DIQUIET N LOGDATA,MODIF,EXCAT,RADATA2,PSIND,RASTCAT,RASTORD,PROCDT,ACQSITE S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW S CT=0,MODALITY="",DATAOUT="",DAYCASE="",MAGLST="MAGJOPENCASE",ALTPATH="" S MIXEDUP=0,VIEWOK=1,OPENCNT=1,PROCDT="",ACQSITE="" K MAGGRY S MAGGRY=$NA(^TMP($J,MAGLST)),STARTNOD=0 K @MAGGRY ; assign MAGGRY value S CURCASE=$P(DATA,U),RARPT=+$P(DATA,U,5),SERDISA=+$P(DATA,U,6) I 'MAGJOB("P32") S PSIND="",X=$P(DATA,U,6) I X]"" F I="K","I","U" I $F(X,I) S PSIND(I)="" S STKLAY=+$P(DATA,U,7),USETGA=+$P(DATA,U,8) S RADFN=$P(DATA,U,2),RADTI=$P(DATA,U,3),RACNI=$P(DATA,U,4) I RADFN,RADTI,RACNI D GETEXAM2^MAGJUTL1(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,"",.X) I 'X S REPLY="4~Request Contains Invalid Case Pointer ("_RADFN_U_RADTI_U_RACNI_U_RARPT_")." G OPENCASZ S RADATA=$G(^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX",1,1)),RADATA2=$G(^(2)) K ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX") S RADIV=$P(RADATA2,U,5),MODIF=$P(RADATA2,U,8),RASTCAT=$P(RADATA2,U,11),RASTORD=$P(RADATA,U,15) S RARPT=+$P(RADATA,U,10),DAYCASE=$P(RADATA,U,12) I 'RARPT!'$D(^RARPT(RARPT,2005)) S REPLY="4~This exam has no report entry for associating images; no images can be accessed." G OPENCASZ D CKINTEG^MAGJRPT(.X,RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RARPT,RADATA) I X]"" S MIXEDUP=1,MIXEDUP("REPLY")=X ; DB corruption S REPLY="4~Attempting to open/display case #"_DAYCASE S IMGST=$$JBFETCH^MAGJUTL2(RARPT,.MAGS,USETGA) ; open only if NOT on JB I +IMGST D G OPENCASZ . I $D(MAGS("OFFLN")) N T,TT S T="",TT="" D .. F S T=$O(MAGS("OFFLN",T)) Q:T="" S TT=TT_$S(TT="":"",1:", ")_T .. S REPLY="2~Case #"_DAYCASE_"--Images for this exam are stored OFF-LINE. To view these images, contact your Imaging Coordinator, and request mounting of the following platters: "_TT . E S REPLY="2~Case #"_DAYCASE_"--"_+IMGST_" Images have been requested from Jukebox; try again later." I '$P(IMGST,U,2) S REPLY="2~No Images exist for Case #"_DAYCASE_"." G OPENCASZ S USELORES=+$P(IMGST,U,3)_U_$P(IMGST,U,2) ; set up series info (*back compat for P32) I (STKLAY&SERDISA)!'MAGJOB("P32") S STKLAY=3 ; disable series in Stacker or post-patch 32 N SERHI S SERHI=$G(MAGS("SER",0)) K SERBRK I SERHI>1,$P($G(^MAG(2006.69,1,0)),U,12) D ; Process for mult. Series . Q:SERDISA ; user disabled from w/s . Q:STKLAY ; Don't do this for Stacker . N SERCT,SERSTR I '$D(SERLIM) S SERLIM=5 ; min size for a series . S SERSTR="",SERCT=0,SERBRK(0)=0 . ; step 1: roll up "small" series at the bottom to next higher ones . F Q:(MAGS("SER",SERHI)'1 D .. S XPTS="",XDFN=0 F IMIX=0:1 S XDFN=$O(MIXEDUP(XDFN)) Q:'XDFN S XPTS=XPTS_$S(IMIX:" and ",1:" ")_$$PNAM(XDFN) .. S XPTS=$S(IMIX=1:" ",1:"s ")_XPTS .. S REPLY=(7-VIEWOK)_"~This exam is registered for "_$$PNAM(RADFN)_"; however, it is linked to images for patient"_XPTS_". This is a serious problem--immediately report it to Radiology management and Imaging support staff!" . E S REPLY=(7-VIEWOK)_"~"_MIXEDUP("REPLY") . I CURCASE S REPLY=REPLY_" The exam is NOT Locked." S CURCASE=0 I CT D . S RIST=$S(+MAGJOB("USER",1):1,1:0),EXCAT="" . S LOGDATA=RADFN_U_+$P(MAGS(1),U,4)_U_+MAGS_U_REMOTE ; for Img Access log . I CURCASE D . . I $G(MAGJOB("CONSOLIDATED")),'$D(MAGJOB("DIVSCRN",RADIV)) D S CURCASE=0 Q . . . S REPLY="5~Exam is for Station #"_$$STATN(RADIV)_"; you are logged on to #"_$$STATN(DUZ(2))_". Exam is NOT Locked." . . S XX=$P(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0),U,3) . . I '$D(^RA(72,"AVC","E",XX)) D S CURCASE=0 Q . . . I 'MAGJOB("P32") D . . . . D LOCKACT^MAGJEX1A(RARPT,DAYCASE,100,.RESULT) ; between reserve and now, exam may have been Taken & Updated . . . . I +RESULT(1)!+RESULT(2) D LOCKACT^MAGJEX1A(RARPT,DAYCASE,101,.RESULT) ; so, cancel any lock/reserve . . . S REPLY="5~For Case #"_DAYCASE_", current Status is "_$P(^RA(72,XX,0),U)_"; Lock or Reserve NOT allowed." . . E S EXCAT="E" . . I RIST,'USELORES D ; lock only for Current Case, Radiologist, & Full Res images . . . ; save data needed to later log Interpreted event . . . D LOCKACT^MAGJEX1A(RARPT,DAYCASE,CURCASE,.RESULT,.REPLY,LOGDATA) . . . S LOCKED=$S(+RESULT:1,+$P(RESULT,U,2):2,1:0) . I EXCAT="" D . . I RASTORD=9 S EXCAT="C" Q ; Complete . . E S EXCAT=RASTCAT . . I EXCAT="D"!(EXCAT="T") S EXCAT="I" ; just display one value meaning Interpreted . I MAGJOB("P32") S DATAOUT=$P(RADATA,U,4)_U_DAYCASE_" ("_EXCAT_")"_U_$P(RADATA,U,9) . E S DATAOUT=$P(RADATA,U,4)_U_DAYCASE_U_$P(RADATA,U,9) . S X=$P(RADATA,U,6),T=$L(X," "),X=$P(X," ",1,T-1)_U_$P(X," ",T) . S DATAOUT=DATAOUT_U_X . S DATAOUT=DATAOUT_U_MODALITY_U_$P(RADATA,U,5)_U_STKLAY_U_LOCKED . I MAGJOB("P32") D . . S DATAOUT=DATAOUT_$S(NSERIES>1:"",1:U) . . S DATAOUT=DATAOUT_"|"_RIST_U_NSERIES_U_ALTPATH_U_OPENCNT . E S DATAOUT=DATAOUT_U_MODIF_U_EXCAT_U_"|"_RIST_U_ALTPATH_U_ACQSITE_U_PROCDT . I USELORES D . . I +USELORES=+$P(USELORES,U,2) S X="All" . . E S X=+USELORES_" of "_+$P(USELORES,U,2) . . I $E(REPLY,1,8)="0~Images" S REPLY="3~" . . E S REPLY=REPLY_" -- " . . S REPLY=REPLY_"Note: "_X_" images for Case #"_DAYCASE_" are REDUCED RESOLUTION images, using parameters set by your site Imaging Manager; to view full-resolution images, disable the Reduced Resolution option setting. Exam NOT Locked." S @MAGGRY@(STARTNOD)=CT_U_REPLY_"|"_RADFN_U_RADTI_U_RACNI_U_RARPT_"|"_DATAOUT ; if mixedup & not have keys to see images, delete image refs ; & send only reply msg I MIXEDUP,('VIEWOK) S CT=0 K @MAGGRY S @MAGGRY@(0)=CT_U_REPLY E S $P(@MAGGRY@(0),U)=CT+STARTNOD I CT,(LOCKED'=2) D LOG^MAGJUTL3("VR-VW",LOGDATA) ; Image access log Q ; PNAM(X) ; return pt name for input DFN I X S X=$G(^DPT(+X,0)) I X]"" S X=$P(X,U) E S X="UNKNOWN" Q X ; STATN(X) ; get station #, else return input value N T I X]"" D GETS^DIQ(4,X,99,"","T") S T=$G(T(4,X_",",99,"E")) I T]"" S X=T Q X ; END Q ; ;