IVM2078P ;ALB/EJG - Patch Post-Install functions IVM*2*78;04/07/2003 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION;**78**;21-OCT-94 ; EN ;ENTRY POINT ; N ADDR,PORT,STATION,TCPDATA,AN,RLLN,SLLN,STOP,VER,DA,FILE,RET,ERROR ; ; Get site's Station # S STATION=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) ; S STOP=0 D CLEANUP ;Cleanup message placed with wrong LL Q:$$SETLL16(STATION,.RLLN,.SLLN) D PROTOCOL(STATION,RLLN,SLLN,.AN) Q ; SETLL16(STATION,RLLN,SLLN) ; ;INPUT STATION = Station # ; RLLN = Receiving Logical Link Name ; SLLN = Sending Logical Link Name ; ;OUTPUT 0 : Success, 1 : Error ; ;PURPOSE Create the Receiving and Sending Logical Link. ; N ADDR,PORT,RECVLL,SENDLL,RET,VISN,M,IENS ; ; Sending Logical Link S SLLN="LLEDBOUT" S PORT=33001 ;e*Gate Port# S ADDR="" ;e*Gate production S RET=$$LL16(SLLN,ADDR,PORT,1) I +RET<0 D ERROR(RET,"Edb Send Link:"_SLLN) Q 1 ; RLL ; Receiving Logical Link S RLLN="LLEDBIN" S ADDR="" S PORT="" ;all stations production S RET=$$LL16(RLLN,ADDR,PORT,0) I +RET<0 D ERROR(RET,"Edb Receive Link:"_RLLN) Q 1 LL16EXIT Q STOP ; ; PROTOCOL(STATION,RLLN,SLLN,AN) ; ;INPUT STATION = Station # ; RLLN = Receiving Logical Link Name ; SLLN = Sending Logical Link Name ; AN = Array containing the Application Names ; ;OUTPUT None ; ;PURPOSE Update the protocols (Subscriber and Event Driver) for the ; Edb/e*Gate TCP/IP interfaces ; N RESULT,SIEN,DUZ,V,N,N1,LNCNT,LINE,PROTRET,NAM,DISABTXT S DISABTXT="" F NAM="EAS EDB ORU-Z06 SERVER","EAS EDB ORU-Z09 SERVER" D . S RESULT=$$EDP(NAM,DISABTXT) . I +RESULT<0 D ERROR(RESULT,"Event Driver:"_NAM) Q ; ERROR(ERRMSG,SUBJ) ; ;INPUT ERRMSG = Error Message text ; SUBJ = Subject of the Message ; ;OUTPUT none ; ;PURPOSE Display an error message to the user. Set the ; variable STOP=1 which will stop the routine ; from continuing to run after an error is found. ; N TXT S STOP=1 S TXT=$P(ERRMSG,"^",2) W !,"====================================================" W !,"= ERROR =" W !,"====================================================" W !,"When creating "_SUBJ W !,"====================================================" W !,"**ERROR MSG: ",TXT Q ; ;Update Functions ; LL16(LLNAME,TCPADDR,TCPPORT,AUTO) ; ;INPUT LLNAME = Logical Link Name (ex. "LLEDBOUT") ; TCPADDR = TCP/IP Address ; TCPPORT = TCP/IP Port # ; AUTO = AUTOSTART ; 0 - DISABLED ; 1 - ENABLED ; ;OUTPUT IEN of entry (#870) Success ; -1^Error Message Error ; ;PURPOSE Update a Logical Link for TCP/IP transmissions. ; N FILE,DATA,RETURN,DEFINED,ERROR,DA,DGENDA S FILE=870 ; If already exists then skip ; S IEN870=$O(^HLCS(870,"B",LLNAME,0)) ;IEN TO UPDATE I 'IEN870 D Q RETURN ;IEN NOT FOUND - RETURN ERROR . S ERROR="IEN OF RECORD TO BE UPDATED NOT SPECIFIED" . S RETURN=-1_"^"_ERROR ; ; set v1.6 field values S DATA(400.01)=TCPADDR ;TCP/IP ADDRESS S DATA(400.02)=TCPPORT ;TCP/IP PORT S DATA(4.5)=AUTO ;AUTOSTART ; S RETURN=$$UPD^DGENDBS(FILE,IEN870,.DATA,.ERROR) S:ERROR'=""!(+RETURN=0) RETURN=-1_"^"_ERROR ; Q RETURN ; EDP(PNAME,DTXT) ; ;INPUT PNAME = Protocol Name ; DTXT = Disable Text ; ;OUTPUT IEN entry (#101) of Event Driver Protocol Success ; -1^Error Message Error ; ;PURPOSE Activate the Event Driver Protocol ; N DATA,FILE,DGENDA,RETURN,ERROR,DA,IEN101 S FILE=101 ; If already exists then skip ; S IEN101=$O(^ORD(101,"B",PNAME,0)) I 'IEN101 D Q RETURN ;IEN NOT FOUND - RETURN ERROR . S ERROR="IEN OF RECORD TO BE UPDATED NOT SPECIFIED" . S RETURN=-1_"^"_ERROR ; S DATA(2)=DTXT ;DISABLE TEXT S RETURN=$$UPD^DGENDBS(FILE,IEN101,.DATA,.ERROR) I ERROR'=""!(+RETURN=0) S RETURN=-1_"^"_ERROR G EDPEXIT ; EDPEXIT Q RETURN ; ;Clean up those message that have been placed into the EDB outbound ; logical link - LLEDBOUT erroneously. Delete them out of LLEDBOUT ; queue and place into general outbound queue. ; CLEANUP N IEN870,VISN,M,IEN,QIEN,SLLN S IEN870=$O(^HLCS(870,"B","LLEDBOUT",0)) I 'IEN870 Q I '$D(^HLMA("AC","O",IEN870)) Q ;Nothing in queue W !,"Requeue Z09 messages" S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^HLMA("AC","O",IEN870,IEN)) Q:'IEN D . W !?2,"Requeued Record# ",IEN . L +^HLMA(IEN):0 Q:'$T . D REQUEUE(IEN) . L -^HLMA(IEN) W !,"Requeue of records completed.",! Q ; ;Requeue the transaction into the IVM Billing Transmission (#301.61) ; file ; REQUEUE(IEN773) N DFN,HLTCP,IEN30161,IEN772,PFLG,REC,SEG,SEQ,SID S IEN772=+$P($G(^HLMA(IEN773,0)),"^") S (PFLG,SEQ)=0 F S SEQ=$O(^HL(772,IEN772,"IN",SEQ)) Q:'SEQ D .I $P(^HL(772,IEN772,"IN",SEQ,0),"^")="PID" D ..S REC=$G(^HL(772,IEN772,"IN",SEQ,0)) ..S DFN=+$P($P(REC,"^",4),"~") ..S PFLG=1 .I PFLG,$P(^HL(772,IEN772,"IN",SEQ,0),"^")="FT1" D ..S REC=$G(^HL(772,IEN772,"IN",SEQ,0)) ..S SID=$P(REC,"^",8) ..S IEN30161=$O(^IVM(301.61,"B",SID,0)) ..S ^IVM(301.61,"ATR",DFN,IEN30161)="" ;Requeue for IVM Billing I 'PFLG Q ;PID Segment not found S HLTCP=1 D STATUS^HLTF0(IEN773,3,,,1) ;Set 773 transaction to COMPLETE Q