IVM20E ;ALB/CPM - IVM V2.0 ENVIRONMENT CHECK ROUTINE ; 16-MAY-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;; 21-OCT-94 ; ; This routine contains environmental checks which get executed ; before the initialization is allowed to run. DIFQ is killed ; if a problem is encountered. ; ; D NOW^%DTC S IVMBDT=$H,DT=X,Y=% W !!,"Initialization Started: " D DT^DIQ W !! ; S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS D DUZ,ENV:$D(DIFQ),TYPE:$D(DIFQ) ; I '$D(DIFQ) W !,"IVM V2.0 INITIALIZATION ABORTED..." K IVMBDT Q Q ; ; ; DUZ ; Check to see if a valid user is defined and that DUZ(0)="@" N X S X=$O(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)) I X']""!($G(DUZ(0))'="@") W !!?3,"The variable DUZ must be set to a valid entry in the NEW PERSON file",!?3,"and the variable DUZ(0) must equal ""@"" before you continue!" K DIFQ Q ; ; ENV ; Make sure required packages/patches are installed. N X I $G(^DG(43,1,"VERSION"))<5.3 K DIFQ W !,?3,"PIMS Version 5.3 must be installed first!" I +$G(^DD(350,0,"VR"))<2 K DIFQ W !?3,"Integrated Billing Version 2.0 must be installed first!" S X="IBCOIVM1" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") E K DIFQ W !?3,"Integrated Billing patch IB*2*6 must be installed first!" I '$O(^DIC(4.2,"B","IVM.VA.GOV",0)) W !?3,*7,"Patches XM*DBA*51 and XM*DBA*52 are needed!" K DIFQ I '$D(^ORD(100.99)) W !?3,*7,"You must install ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING before continuing!" K DIFQ I $G(^DD(770,0,"VR"))<1.5 W !?3,*7,"You must be running version 1.5 or higher of the DHCP HL7 package",!?6,"prior to running this installation!" K DIFQ Q ; ; TYPE ; Ask user if this installation is for a test account or live account. S DIR(0)="SM^1:PRODUCTION;0:TEST" S DIR("A")="Enter type of account you are installing in" S DIR("?")="Enter P for production account or T for test account" F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(TEXT+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT" S DIR("?",I)=X D ^DIR I Y=""!(Y["^") W:Y="" !!,*7,"User Timed Out..." K DIFQ S IVMPROD=Y K DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,X,Y Q ; ; TEXT ; Text for help for production/test question ;;If you are currently installing this IVM package in a production ;;account, you must answer P. If you are installing in a test account ;;you must answer T. ;; ;;The answer to this question is extremely important as it determines ;;where income data for patients gets transmitted. Test data must not ;;be transmitted to the IVM Center's production account. Production ;;data, likewise, will not be evaluated properly if it is not sent to ;;the IVM Center's production account. ;; ;;Enter '^' to abort this installation. ;; ;;QUIT