IVMLDEM5 ;ALB/KCL - IVM DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD HELP ; 05-MAY-94 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**10**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; EN ; - Extended help for the IVM demographic upload ; D FULL^VALM1 D CLEAR^VALM1 W !,?15,"***** IVM DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD - EXTENDED HELP *****" W !," " W !,?5,"As part of the Income Verification Match process, patient demographic" W !,?5,"information will be returned to field facilities. During the course" W !,?5,"of verifying a Means Test, HEC contact representatives" W !,?5,"may determine that certain patient demographic and eligibility information" W !,?5,"has changed. HEC may electronically transmit these changes" W !,?5,"to the field facilities in the Demographic Data Transmission message." W !,?5,"These demographic elements are classified as either 'UPLOADABLE' or" W !,?5,"'NON-UPLOADABLE'. The Demographic Upload option will allow field" W !,?5,"facilities to review this data and either load (automatically or manually," W !,?5,"depending upon whether the field is uploadable or non-uploadable) or" W !,?5,"reject the data." W !,?5," " W !,?5,"Uploadable demographic elements will be compared to the patient " W !,?5,"demographic elements that are currently on file in DHCP and displayed" W !,?5,"to the user. The user may review these elements and choose to either" W !,?5,"upload or delete them." D PAUSE^VALM1 W !,?5,"Non-uploadable demographic elements will be compared to the patient" W !,?5,"demographic elements that are currently on file in DHCP and displayed" W !,?5,"to the user. This demographic information is provided to the facility" W !,?5,"for informational purposes only. The user may review these elements," W !,?5,"but will not be given the option to automatically load them into DHCP." ; D PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ; DEMO(X,Y,TYPE) ; - extrinsic function to see if IVM patient has has demographic ;information for uploading or display ; ; Input: X -- as internal entry number of IVM PATIENT (#301.5) file ; Y -- as internal entry number of the (#301.501) sub-file ; TYPE -- as the type of demographic data: ; - 0 for demographic data that is information only ; - 1 for demograpic data that is uploadable ; ; Output: 1 -- if patient has specified type of demographic data ; 0 -- if patient does not have specified type of demographic data ; N IVMSTAT,IVMPTR S IVMCHK=0 F IVMSTAT=0:0 S IVMSTAT=$O(^IVM(301.5,X,"IN",Y,"DEM","B",IVMSTAT)) Q:'IVMSTAT D .S IVMPTR=$P($G(^IVM(301.92,IVMSTAT,0)),"^",3) .I IVMPTR=TYPE S IVMCHK=1 Q K X,Y,TYPE Q $S(IVMCHK=1:1,1:0) ; ; DELETE(IVMDA2,IVMDA1,NAME) ; - delete segment name (.02 field from the #301.501 sub-file) ; from the IVM Patient #301.5 file to remove from ASEG x-ref. ; ; Input: IVMDA2 -- Pointer to the case record in file #301.5 ; IVMDA1 -- Pointer to PID msg in sub-file #301.501 ; NAME -- as patient name from the array ; ^tmp("ivmlst",$j,"idx",ctr,ctr) ; ; Output: None ; ; - delete segment name (.02 field from the #301.501 sub-file) from ; the IVM Patient #301.5 file to remove from ASEG x-ref. ; S DA=IVMDA1,DA(1)=IVMDA2 S DIE="^IVM(301.5,"_DA(1)_",""IN""," S DR=".02////@" D ^DIE ; ; - delete entry from list manager array K ^TMP("IVMDUPL",$J,NAME,IVMDA2,IVMDA1) Q