IVMLDEM6 ;ALB/KCL/BRM/PHH/CKN - IVM DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD FILE ADDRESS ; 7/12/07 5:31pm ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**10,58,73,79,108,106,105,124**; 21-OCT-94;Build 1 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; ADDR(DFN,IVMDA2,IVMDA1,IVMDA,IVMPPICK) ; - function to check if uploadable field ; is an address field and return a flag ; ; Input: DFN - as patient IEN ; IVMDA2 - pointer to case record in (#301.5) file ; IVMDA1 - pointer to PID msg in (#301.501) sub-file ; IVMDA - pointer to record in (#301.511) sub-file ; IVMPPICK - residence phone number and/or another address ; field selected ; 0 - phone or an address field not selected ; 1 - address field(s) selected ; 2 - phone selected ; 3 - both address field(s) and phone selected ; ; Output: IVMFLAG - 1 if address field ; 0 if not an address field ; ; N IVMFLAG,IVMI,IVMJ,IVMNODE,IVMPTR,Y ; ; - initialize flags S IVMFLAG=0 ; ; - check for required parameters I '$G(DFN)!('$G(IVMDA))!('$G(IVMDA1))!'($G(IVMDA2)) G ADDRQ ; ; - get pointer to (#301.92) file from (#301.511) sub-file S IVMPTR=+$G(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM",IVMDA,0)) G ADDRQ:'IVMPTR ; ASK I '$D(^IVM(301.92,"AD",+IVMPTR)) G ADDRQ I IVMPPICK=2 G ASK1 W ! S DIR("A")="Do you wish to proceed with this action" S DIR("A",1)="You have selected to update an address field." S DIR("A",2)="You will be required to upload the entire address." S DIR("?")="Enter 'YES' to continue or 'NO' to abort." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR S IVMFLAG=1 G ADDRQ:'Y W ! S DIR("A")="Are you sure that you want to update the complete address" S:$$PHARM(+$G(DFN)) DIR("A",1)="*** WARNING: This patient has ACTIVE PRESCRIPTIONS on file." S DIR("A",2)="" I $$ADRDTCK^IVMLDEM9(+$G(DFN),IVMDA2,IVMDA1) S DIR("A",2)="*** WARNING: The address that you are attempting to file is OLDER than",DIR("A",3)=" the address on file.",DIR("A",4)="" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' to update the complete address that was received from" S DIR("?")="HEC. Enter 'NO' to quit." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR S IVMFLAG=1 G ADDRQ:'Y W !,"Filing address fields... " ; ; determine correct address change date/time to use D ADDRDT(DFN,IVMDA2,IVMDA1) ; LOOP ; N DGPRIOR D GETPRIOR^DGADDUTL(DFN,.DGPRIOR) ; ; - loop thru fields in ^IVM(301.92,"AD" x-ref S IVMI=0 F S IVMI=$O(^IVM(301.92,"AD",IVMI)) Q:IVMI']"" D .S IVMJ=0 F S IVMJ=$O(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM","B",IVMI,IVMJ)) Q:IVMJ']"" D ..; ..; - check for data node in (#301.511) sub-file ..S IVMNODE=$G(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM",IVMJ,0)) Q:IVMNODE']"" ..Q:'(+IVMNODE)!($P(IVMNODE,"^",2)']"") ..; ..; - check if residence phone number and not selected to upload ..Q:(IVMPPICK=1&(+IVMNODE=$O(^IVM(301.92,"B","PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]",0)))) ..; - check if not residence phone number and only phone selected to upload ..Q:(IVMPPICK=2&(+IVMNODE'=$O(^IVM(301.92,"B","PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]",0)))) ..; ..; - perform any necessary address field manipulation and ..; load addr field rec'd from IVM into DHCP (#2) file ..D UPLOAD(+DFN,$P($G(^IVM(301.92,+IVMNODE,0)),"^",5),$P(IVMNODE,"^",2)) S IVMFLAG=1 ..; ..; - remove entry from (#301.511) sub-file ..D DELENT^IVMLDEMU(IVMDA2,IVMDA1,IVMJ) ; I IVMFLAG W "completed.",! D .N DGCURR .D GETUPDTS^DGADDUTL(DFN,.DGCURR) .D UPDADDLG^DGADDUTL(DFN,.DGPRIOR,.DGCURR) ; ; - if addr is uploaded and phone # is not - ask user delete phone I IVMFLAG,$P($G(^DPT(+DFN,.13)),"^")]"",(2>IVMPPICK) D PHONE S VALMBCK="R" ; ; ADDRQ ; - return --> 1 if uploadable field is an address field ; --> 0 if uploadable field is not an address field ; I IVMFLAG D RESET^IVMLDEMU Q IVMFLAG ; ; UPLOAD(DFN,IVMFIELD,IVMVALUE) ; - file address fields received from IVM ; ; Input: DFN - as patient IEN ; IVMFIELD - as the field number to be updated ; IVMVALUE - as the value of the field ; ; Output: None ; ; ; - update specified address field in the Patient (#2) file S DIE="^DPT(",DA=DFN,DR=IVMFIELD_"////^S X=IVMVALUE" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR ; ; - delete inaccurate Addr Change Site data if Source is not VAMC ; (trigger x-ref does not fire with 4 slash stuff) I IVMFIELD=.119,IVMVALUE'="VAMC" S FDA(2,+DFN_",",.12)="@" D UPDATE^DIE("E","FDA") ; ; - delete the Bad Address Indicator field I $$BADADR^DGUTL3(DFN) D DELBAI^DGUTL3(DFN) Q ; ; PHONE ; - ask user to delete phone # [Residence] from Patient (#2) file D FULL^VALM1 W ! S DIR("A")="Is it okay to delete the patient's Phone Number [Residence]" W ! S DIR("A",1)="The patient's address has been updated and the phone number" S DIR("A",2)="remains on file." S DIR("A",3)=" " S DIR("A",4)="Patient Name: "_$P($$PT^IVMUFNC4(+DFN),"^")_" ("_$P($$PT^IVMUFNC4(+DFN),"^",3)_")" S DIR("A",5)="Phone Number [Residence]: "_$P($G(^DPT(+DFN,.13)),"^") S DIR("A",6)=" " S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' to delete the patient's Phone Number [Residence] that is" S DIR("?",2)="currently on file. Enter 'NO' to quit without deleting the patient's" S DIR("?")="Phone Number [Residence]." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR S:Y $P(^DPT(DFN,.13),"^")="" W !!,"Patient's Phone Number [Residence] has ",$S(Y:"",1:"not "),"been deleted." Q ; ASK1 ; - phone selected to be uploaded - address fields not selected W ! S DIR("A")="Okay to update the PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] field" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' to update the patient's Phone Number [Residence] that was" S DIR("?",2)="received from HEC. Enter 'NO' to quit." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR S IVMFLAG=1 G ADDRQ:'Y W !,"Updating PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] field... " G LOOP ; AUTOADDR(DFN,IVMPPICK,NOUPDT) ; ; this functionality is copied from above and modified to allow ; an automated upload of patient address information as stipulated ; in the business requirements for Address Indexing to support GMT ; ; Input: DFN - as patient IEN ; IVMPPICK - residence phone number and/or another address ; field selected ; 1 - address field(s) selected ; 3 - both address field(s) and phone selected ; NOUPDT - (optional) this flag is set when the incoming ; address data is older than the existing ; address in the Patient (#2) file ; ; Output: IVMFLAG - 1 if address fields updated ; 0 if address fields not updated ; ; ; N IVMFLAG,IVMI,IVMJ,IVMNODE,IVMPTR,Y,DELFLG ; ; - initialize flags S IVMFLAG=0,DELFLG=1 S:'$G(NOUPDT) NOUPDT=0 ; ; - check for required parameters Q:'$G(DFN) IVMFLAG ; N DGPRIOR D GETPRIOR^DGADDUTL(DFN,.DGPRIOR) ; Set the flag to don't auto-update if there is an active ; Prescription record and the Bad Address Indicator is null I ('NOUPDT),$$PHARM(+DFN),'$$BADADR^DGUTL3(+DFN) S DELFLG=0 I ('NOUPDT),DELFLG D EN^DGCLEAR(DFN) ;Deleting existing address before update ; S IVMDA2=$G(IVM3015) Q:'$G(IVMDA2) IVMFLAG S IVMDA1=$O(^HL(771.3,"B","PID","")) S IVMDA1=$O(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN","B",IVMDA1,""),-1) Q:'IVMDA1 IVMFLAG ; S IVMI=0 F S IVMI=$O(^IVM(301.92,"AD",IVMI)) Q:IVMI']"" D .S IVMJ=0 F S IVMJ=$O(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM","B",IVMI,IVMJ)) Q:IVMJ']"" D ..; ..; - check for data node in (#301.511) sub-file ..S IVMNODE=$G(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM",IVMJ,0)) ..I ('+IVMNODE)!($P(IVMNODE,"^",2)']"") Q ..; ..; - check if residence phone number -> do not auto-upload ..I (IVMPPICK=1&(+IVMNODE=$O(^IVM(301.92,"B","PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]",0)))) D DEMBULL^IVMPREC6 Q ..; ..; don't auto-update if there is an active Prescription record and ..; the Bad Address Indicator is null ..I 'DELFLG D DEMBULL^IVMPREC6 Q ..; ..; - load addr field rec'd from IVM into DHCP (#2) file ..I 'NOUPDT D UPLOAD(+DFN,$P($G(^IVM(301.92,+IVMNODE,0)),"^",5),$P(IVMNODE,"^",2)) S IVMFLAG=1 ..; ..; - remove entry from (#301.511) sub-file ..D DELENT^IVMLDEMU(IVMDA2,IVMDA1,IVMJ) ..; - if no display or uploadable fields left, then delete the PID ..; segment ..I '$$DEMO^IVMLDEM5(IVMDA2,IVMDA1,0),'$$DEMO^IVMLDEM5(IVMDA2,IVMDA1,1) D ...D DELETE^IVMLDEM5(IVMDA2,IVMDA1," ") ; Dummy up name parameter I IVMFLAG D .N DGCURR .D GETUPDTS^DGADDUTL(DFN,.DGCURR) .D UPDADDLG^DGADDUTL(DFN,.DGPRIOR,.DGCURR) Q IVMFLAG ; ADDRDT(DFN,IVMDA2,IVMDA1) ; ; - validate Address Change Dt/Tm before filing ; if incoming address is accepted and the change date is older ; than what's on file, then use today's date for Addr Chg Dt/Tm ; Q:'$$ADRDTCK^IVMLDEM9(DFN,IVMDA2,IVMDA1) N FDA,IEN92,IVMDA,IENS,ERR S IEN92=$O(^IVM(301.92,"C","RF171","")) Q:'IEN92 Q:'$D(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM","B",IEN92)) S IVMDA=$O(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA2,"IN",IVMDA1,"DEM","B",IEN92,"")) Q:'IVMDA S IENS=IVMDA_","_IVMDA1_","_IVMDA2_"," S FDA(301.511,IENS,.02)=$$NOW^XLFDT D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ERR") Q ; PHARM(DFN) ;does this patient have active pharmacy prescriptions? ; ;External reference to $$EN^PSSRXACT supported by IA #4237 ; Q $S('$G(DFN):0,1:$$EN^PSSRXACT(DFN))