IVMLDEMU ;ALB/KCL - IVM DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD UTILITIES ; 05-MAY-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; ; UPLOAD(DFN,IVMPTR,IVMFIELD,IVMVALUE) ; - file demographic fields received from IVM ; ; Input: DFN -- as patient IEN ; IVMPTR -- as pointer to the FILE (#1) file. ; IVMFIELD -- as the field number to be updated ; IVMVALUE -- as the value of the field ; ; Output: None ; N DA,DIE,DR,X Q:'$D(DFN)!('$D(IVMPTR))!('$D(IVMFIELD))!('$D(IVMVALUE)) S DIE=$G(^DIC(IVMPTR,0,"GL")) Q:DIE']"" S DA=DFN,DR=IVMFIELD_"////^S X=IVMVALUE" D ^DIE Q ; ; DELENT(IVMSUB2,IVMSUB1,IVMSUB) ; - delete entry - demographic upload data from (#301.5) sub-file ; ; Input: IVMSUB2 -- as DA(2) of (#301.511) sub-file ; IVMSUB1 -- as DA(1) of (#301.511) sub-file ; IVMSUB -- as DA of (#301.511) sub-file ; ; Output: None ; N DA,DIK,X,Y S DA(1)=IVMSUB1,DA(2)=IVMSUB2,DA=IVMSUB S DIK="^IVM(301.5,"_DA(2)_",""IN"","_DA(1)_",""DEM""," D ^DIK Q ; ; RUSURE(IVMFIELD,IVMACT) ; - are you sure about the action? ; ; ; Input: IVMWHERE -- "NON" for a non-uploadable field ; "UP" for a uploadable field ; IVMFIELD -- Free-text name of field to be deleted ; IVMACT -- as action taken 'update' or 'delete' ; ; Output: IVMOUT -- 1 for '^', 2 for time-out, 0 otherwise ; IVMSURE -- 1 for 'YES', 0 for 'NO' ; ; - set screen to full scrolling region D FULL^VALM1 ; S:$G(IVMFIELD)="" IVMFIELD="" ; ; - programmer supplied prompt W ! S DIR("A")="Okay to "_IVMACT_" the "_IVMFIELD_" field",DIR(0)="Y" ; ; - set array of additional help if user enters single '?' I IVMACT="delete" D .S DIR("?",1)="If 'Y'es is entered at this prompt, the entry will be removed from the list." .S DIR("?",2)="If 'N'o is entered at this prompt, the entry will remain on the list." .S DIR("?",3)="Once an entry has been purged from the list, any upload data for that entry " .S DIR("?")="will be deleted." ; ; - set array of additional help if user enters single '?' I IVMACT="update" D .S DIR("?",1)="If 'Y'es is entered at this prompt, the field will be updated and" .S DIR("?",2)="the entry will be removed from the list." .S DIR("?",3)=" " .S DIR("?",4)="If 'N'o is entered at this prompt, the entry will remain on the list." .S DIR("?",5)="" .S DIR("?",6)="An entry will remain on the list untill an 'UF' - Upload Field action or a" .S DIR("?")="'DF' - Delete Field action has been completed." ; ; - set default='YES' S DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR S IVMSURE=$G(Y) S IVMOUT=$S($D(DTOUT):2,$D(DUOUT):1,$D(DIROUT):1,1:0) ; ; - refresh the screen and reset the scrolling region S VALMBCK="R" ; K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y Q ; RESET ; Reset IVMENT4 before returning to routine IVMLDEM4. ; Input: IVMENT4 ; VALMY array ; Output: A re-set value of IVMENT4 N IND,X S X=IVMENT4 F S X=$O(VALMY(X)) Q:'X S IND=$$ADDR(X) Q:'IND S IVMENT4=X Q ; ADDR(X) ; Is the corresponding field an address? ; Input: X -- VALMY subscript which is an array index ; Output: 1 -- Yes ; 0 -- No N PTR,Y S Y=$G(^TMP("IVMUPLOAD",$J,"IDX",X,X)) S PTR=+$O(^IVM(301.92,"B",$P(Y,"^",8),0)) Q $D(^IVM(301.92,"AD",PTR))>0